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  • Portaria n.º 249/2023, de 2 de agosto: Quota mínima obrigatória de música portuguesa nos programas de radiofónicos

    Article 41 of Portuguese Law 54/2010 of December 24th states that “the musical programming of radio program services must comprise Portuguese music, with a minimum quota varying between 25% and 40%.” Under the terms of article 46, the government is responsible for establishing the quota for broadcasting Portuguese music by decree, for periods of one year. Accordingly, this government order establishes the mandatory minimum quota of 30% Portuguese music in the musical programming of radio broadcasting program services for the period of one year, starting September 1st, 2023. The document

    Portaria n.º 238/2023, de 28 de julho: Sistema de Incentivos «Internacionalização, Modernização e Transição Digital do Livro e dos Autores»

    This Ordinance approves the Regulation of the Incentive System “Internationalisation, Modernisation and Digital Transition of Books and Authors”, related to investment C04-i01, “Cultural Networks and Digital Transition” of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR), attached to this Ordinance and of which it forms an integral part. This system focuses on supporting the digital transformation of cultural networks within the arts, literature, and cultural heritage sectors. Eligible expenses encompass a wide range of activities such as the development of audiobooks, ebooks, and the modernization of bookstores to adapt to the digital

    Règlement grand-ducal du 21 juin 2023 déterminant les modalités de demande d’une aide financière et portant fixation des indemnités et des jetons de présence revenant aux membres du conseil d’administration et des comités de sélection de Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg

    This legislation outlines the procedures for obtaining financial assistance from the Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg, established under the law of December 16, 2022. It specifies the required information and documents for aid requests, including project details, objectives, partner lists, and supporting materials. Additionally, it sets the indemnities and attendance fees for the council members and selection committees, aiming to regulate financial aspects within the cultural sector. The document emphasises the importance of transparency and accountability by detailing the necessary documentation for aid applications, ensuring a thorough evaluation

    Règlement grand-ducal du 21 juin 2023 déterminant le contenu et les modalités de la formation de base visée à l’article 12, point 1°, de la loi du 25 février 2022 relative au patrimoine culturel

    This legislation outlines the requirements for basic training in cultural heritage preservation, focusing on archaeological research and conservation practices. It establishes the content and structure of the training program, emphasising the importance of understanding legal frameworks, site documentation, and the handling of archaeological artefacts. The document mandates an annual training session conducted by the National Institute of Archaeological Research to educate individuals on prospecting methods, conservation techniques, and relevant laws regarding the use of metal detectors and electronic detection equipment in archaeological contexts. Moreover, the training covers topics such as

    Décret modifiant le décret du 28 mars 2019 sur la nouvelle gouvernance culturelle

    This legislation introduces significant changes to the governance of cultural heritage, impacting various aspects of heritage management and preservation. The decree focuses on enhancing the efficiency and transparency of cultural governance practices, aiming to align with modern standards and principles. It addresses key definitions within the cultural sector, clarifying roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders involved in heritage activities. One of the main themes of the legislation is the redefinition of terms related to cultural participation and infrastructure utilisation. By introducing new definitions for “Usager” and “Utilisateur,” the decree aims

    Guvernul Hotărâre Nr. 470 din 05-07-2023 pentru punerea în aplicare a prevederilor Legii nr. 280/2011 privind protejarea patrimoniului cultural național mobil

    This decree covers the legal framework regulating the protection of the national movable cultural heritage of Moldova. It presents the provisions for protecting the national cultural heritage and promoting its appreciation by society. The legal document defines the concept of national cultural heritage, as well as the conditions and criteria under which a specific object or collection can be considered as a part of this heritage. It also specifies the rules and procedures regarding the registration of cultural heritage objects, as well as granting and revoking their legal status. The

    Loi du 15 juin 2023 modifiant la loi modifiée du 15 mai 2018 relative à l’évaluation des incidences sur l’environnement

    This legislation introduces amendments to the Environmental Impact Assessment Law, specifically focusing on the evaluation of environmental impacts related to transport infrastructure projects. The law emphasises the prioritisation of procedures for projects such as the Brussels-Luxembourg-Strasbourg rail link and other central network corridors with significant costs. It sets a maximum processing time of four years for these projects, aiming to streamline decision-making processes and ensure timely approvals. The key aspect of this legislation is the inclusion of a new article 19bis, which outlines the criteria for granting priority to specific

    Règlement grand-ducal du 9 juin 2023 déterminant les modalités des procédures de sélection prévues par la loi du 8 mars 2023 relative à l’intégration d’œuvres artistiques dans les édifices publics, ainsi que les missions, la composition et le fonctionnement de la commission d’aménagement artistique et du comité artistique instaurés par la même loi

    This legislation outlines the procedures and guidelines for integrating artistic works into public buildings in Luxembourg. It establishes the roles and responsibilities of the artistic development committee and the artistic committee in overseeing the selection and implementation of art projects. The document emphasises the importance of promoting and preserving cultural heritage through the integration of artworks in public spaces. By defining the selection criteria and procedures for artist engagement, the legislation aims to ensure the quality and relevance of artistic projects in public buildings. It highlights the significance of engaging

    Fastsettelse av forskrifter om vern av 42 skogområder i fylkene Møre og Romsdal, Vestland, Rogaland, Agder, Vestfold og Telemark, Viken, Innlandet og Nordland

    This legislation is a comprehensive framework for protected area management in Norway. It provides clear guidelines for the establishment and management of protected areas in the country, taking into consideration the need to balance conservation and sustainable use. Its key features include an inclusive process involving stakeholders at all levels, the clear delineation of the boundary of protected areas, and the consideration of socio-economic and cultural impacts of conservation in adjacent areas. The legislation stresses the importance of bringing together the perspectives of different actors, from private landowners to local

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