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  • 2023 Report on the state of the Digital Decade

    The 2030 Digital Compass: the European way for the Digital Decade is a 2021 Communication of the European Commission aiming to pursue digital policies that advance a human centred, sustainable and more prosperous digital future in Europe. The Communication specifically recognises the need for this approach to be fully integrated in the cultural sector, by noting that digital technologies are vital for citizens to access basic services such as health and culture. The Communication sets concrete targets to measure progress in digitisation efforts by 2030. In September 2023, the European

    Green paper on the Sustainable Management of Cultural Heritage

    This book explores the sustainable management of cultural heritage, focusing on the use of new technologies, the democratization of knowledge, and the challenges and strategies related to the preservation and promotion of Spanish and European heritage. It addresses the need to adapt communication methods to different target audiences, emphasizing the importance of effective dissemination and the accessibility of information, offering the norms and regulations that rule the legal framework in both the Spanish and European case. The report highlights the role of traditional practices and knowledge in contributing to environmental

    Libro Verde para la gestión sostenible del patrimonio cultural

    This book explores the sustainable management of cultural heritage, focusing on the use of new technologies, the democratization of knowledge, and the challenges and strategies related to the preservation and promotion of Spanish and European heritage. It addresses the need to adapt communication methods to different target audiences, emphasizing the importance of effective dissemination and the accessibility of information, offering the norms and regulations that rule the legal framework in both the Spanish and European case. The report highlights the role of traditional practices and knowledge in contributing to environmental

    Enrichments policy for the common European data space for cultural heritage

    This policy supports the conception and development of purposeful enrichment efforts that contribute to the objectives of the common European data space for cultural heritage. Enrichments are data about a cultural heritage object (i.e. metadata) or of the object itself (i.e. its content) that augment, contextualise or rectify the authoritative data made available by cultural heritage institutions. Enrichments of metadata aim to improve it by adding new, or refining or rectifying information about the object, while content enrichments aim to produce alternative representations in various media types of the object.

    Council Regulation (EU) 2022/2577 of 22 December 2022 laying down a framework to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy

    The legislation presented in the following pages of this PDF file concerns the installation of solar energy equipment and co-located energy storage assets in artificial structures, such as buildings and rooftops. Its primary aim is to accelerate the permit-granting process for these installations, ensuring a maximum of 3 months to obtain a permit. One of the most remarkable features of this legislation is that it allows for exemptions from environmental impact assessments, which were mandatory in similar cases before. That is, the installations of solar energy equipment discussed here shall

    EU Action Plan against Trafficking in Cultural Goods

    This report provides a comprehensive action plan for the European Union and its Member States to prevent, detect and respond to the trafficking of cultural goods and related crimes. The illicit trade in cultural artifacts fuels illegal activities that pose a threat to the safety of EU citizens and cause irrevocable damage to our common identity. The report outlines key actions to fight this criminal insecurity, ranging from youth engagement initiatives to strengthening effective cooperation among customs authorities. One of the report’s key objectives is to facilitate the exchange of

    EU Work Plan for Culture 2023–2026

    As part of its efforts to safeguard cultural heritage, the European Union has developed a strategic approach to cultural relations that serves as a framework for promoting international cultural dialogue. The strategy supports the exchange of knowledge and skills among artists, creatives, cultural operators, and other stakeholders, with a special focus on preserving cultural heritage in vulnerable regions. The EU’s strategic approach is also committed to increasing diversity and mutual understanding to strengthen cultural relations between the EU and third countries. The EU Strategic Approach to International Cultural Relations and

    Heritage Conversations: Learning from Heritage Opportunities/threats within Mega-Events in Europe (HOMEE)

    Heritage Opportunities/threats within Mega-Events in Europe (HOMEE) project realised jointly by partners from Italy, Cyprus, Poland and the United Kingdom, was awarded with the European Heritage Awards | Europa Nostra Awards 2022 in the category of Research. Our conversation gives a closer insight into this project, asking the major question: What can we learn from HOMEE? Participants of the discussion: Davide Ponzini Dr Franco Bianchini Dr Joanna Sanetra-Szeliga ‘Heritage Conversations’ is a series of discussions led by the Europa Nostra Heritage Hub team in Kraków. Their goal is to promote

    Implementation of the European agenda for culture and of the EU strategy for international cultural relations

    This publication serves as a comprehensive assessment of the implementation of the European agenda for culture and the EU strategy for international cultural relations. It meticulously evaluates the achievements and shortcomings of EU cultural policies, providing invaluable insights to inform and guide policymakers. Through case studies and practical insights, readers are offered a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities in sustaining and safeguarding Europe’s rich tangible and intangible heritage for generations to come. With a forward-looking perspective, the document not only scrutinises the current landscape but also lays out

    Proposal for a Regulation on nature restoration

    The propose legislation presents an in-depth analysis of a proposal aimed at contributing to the continuous recovery of biodiverse and resilient natural ecosystems across the EU’s land and sea areas. The proposal aims to improve the quality of the environment in line with the principle of sustainable development, laid down in Article 37 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Through the restoration of ecosystems, the document outlines a detailed framework in which Member States will be required to protect, conserve and restore habitats, water bodies, and

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