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  • National Education Strategy 2024 – 2030. Visioning the Future by Transforming Education

    The 2024-2030 Maltese Education Strategy envisages the future of young generations by setting up a person-centred education, whereby the wellbeing of the educator and students are equally valued. Three pillars inform the strategy: Wellbeing; Growth & Empowerment; and Equity & Inclusion. The strategy is likewise designed to achieve Goal 4 of the Sustainable Development Goals (Quality Education). Cultural heritage is included in several educational aspects. First of all, the Ministry foresees to integrate heritage appreciation in primary schools curricula, among other alternative pathways, in order to prevent early leaving from

    Gozo Regional Development Strategy 2023-2033

    The Gozo Regional Development Strategy (RDS) is based on Gozo Regional Development Act XVIII of 2019 CAP 600, whereby culture and heritage are mentioned among the social factors to be assessed in preparing the Regional Impact Study. The Strategy published emphasises the importance of preserving Gozo’s identity through protection and promotion of its cultural heritage, as it acknowledges the deep relationship between culture, traditions, built heritage and identity. The action envisaged aims at re-valuing the Gozitan identity, characterised by cultural expressions visible in heritage sites, museums, local theatres, and traditional

    Freedom to Live – Malta’s 2021-2030 National Strategy on the Rights of Disabled Persons

    The Freedom to Live publication is a comprehensive strategy to foster inclusivity for disabled people, adopted based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, published and entered into force in Malta on August 17, 2021. In the national strategy, cultural heritage is extensively addressed. Objective 5, “Participation in Culture, Leisure, Recreation, and Sports”, aims at making venues accessible to everyone, so as to ensure that cultural products, outdoor public spaces, and events are inclusive. The wording “cultural venues” is considered to involve: cinemas, museums,

    Cultural Heritage Act (ACT No. XLI of 2021 – Chapter 445)

    The 2021 Cultural Heritage Act builds on Act VI 2002 and establishes a comprehensive framework for the legal protection of cultural heritage in Malta and the Islands. It provides the definitions for technical terms, i.e. “cultural heritage” and “cultural property”, and it defines the scope of application of the act: namely, movable and immovable objects of artistic, historical, archaeological, ethnographic, palaeontological and geological importance. The Act establishes the competent bodies, defines specific roles and distributes powers among relevant authorities, mainly the National Council for Cultural Heritage, the Superintendence of Cultural

    Malta Tourism Strategy 2021-2030

    The Maltese tourism strategy for 2021-2030 is a comprehensive strategy applicable in Malta and in Gozo. It largely addresses the role of cultural heritage, considering tangible as well as intangible heritage. The goal is to generate a fruitful relationship between tourism and cultural heritage, whereby tourism supports cultural preservation, instead of undermining it. This objective is possible if the strategy succeeds in creating “sustainable tourism”. To this end, the government aims at promoting a high diversity of cultural traditions and heritage, in order to diversify attractions and touristic offers and

    Malta’s 2030 National Energy and Climate Plan

    The Republic of Malta adopted its first National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action. Malta’s NECP covers the Energy Union’s five dimensions: decarbonisation, energy efficiency, energy security, internal energy market, and research, innovation and competitiveness. The NECP addresses cultural heritage in several ways. A key principle of the strategy is “Energy Efficiency first” in energy planning and investments. However, the plan provides for an assessment of other relevant

    Memorandum of Understanding between the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malta for Cooperation in the Fields of Protection, Preservation, Promotion and Management Art

    The MoU establishes a cooperation between the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH) and the former Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malta (MFA), that is the current Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade. The parties identified the following areas of cooperation: a) Conferences, seminars and workshops; b) Skills development; c) Development of standards and guidelines; d) Sharing best practices on preservation and conservation, results from examination of the role of conservation in community revitalisation and the development of key tools; e) Meetings; f) Educational initiatives;

    Memorandum of Understanding for co-operation in the field of Cultural Heritage between Malta and the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

    The MoU published by the Ministry For Foreign And European Affairs And Trade establishes a cooperation between Heritage Malta, the national government entity entrusted with the care, management and conservation of Cultural Heritage, now under the Ministry for the National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government, and the Antiquities Authority of the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. Although on the national level there have been institutional reforms, the MoU is still in force. The objective of the MoU is to foster and develop the relationship between the two authorities

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