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  • Loi du 14 juillet 2023 portant création d’un établissement public nommé « Trois C-L – Maison pour la Danse »

    A new public establishment has been established to support and promote the art of dance, both nationally and internationally. This initiative aims to provide a platform for choreographers, artists, and cultural professionals to create, showcase, and preserve the heritage of contemporary dance. The institution is empowered with legal autonomy, financial independence, and artistic freedom to fulfil its mission effectively. The newly created establishment, named “Trois C-L – Maison pour la Danse,” operates under the supervision of the Minister of Culture, focusing on nurturing choreographic talent, engaging diverse audiences, and preserving

    Loi du 14 juillet 2023 portant création d’un établissement public nommé « Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean »

    This legislation is establishing a public institution dedicated to modern and contemporary art in Luxembourg. This law creates the “Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean” under the Ministry of Culture, emphasising its role in collecting, preserving, and researching modern art. The institution aims to provide broad public access to its collection and promote artistic and cultural activities of national and international significance. The newly formed establishment is granted legal autonomy and financial independence to fulfil its mission of showcasing diverse trends in modern and contemporary art. It is mandated to organise

    Loi du 14 juillet 2023 portant création d’un établissement public nommé « Espace culturel des Rotondes »

    This legislation establishes the “Espace culturel des Rotondes,” a public establishment dedicated to cultural activities and artistic expression. The document outlines the resources available to the establishment, including state funding, event revenues, donations, and partnerships. It emphasises the autonomy and administrative freedom of the establishment, under the supervision of the Minister of Culture. The “Espace culturel des Rotondes” is mandated to serve as a hub for creative initiatives, focusing on youth audiences, contemporary arts, and cultural diversity. It aims to foster collaboration, inclusivity, and artistic education through various programs and

    Loi du 14 juillet 2023 portant création d’un établissement public nommé « Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain »

    In response to the growing need for cultural preservation and promotion, a recent legislation has been enacted to establish a public institution dedicated to contemporary art in Luxembourg. This initiative aims to foster artistic creation, experimentation, and cultural exchange on a national and international scale. The newly formed “Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain” is mandated to serve as a hub for artistic innovation and dialogue within the visual arts and contemporary creative landscape. The legislation introduces significant modifications to tax laws and cultural funding mechanisms, signalling a strategic shift

    Arrêté grand-ducal du 17 novembre 2023 portant attribution des compétences ministérielles

    In this legislative update, significant changes have been made to the allocation of ministerial responsibilities in Luxembourg. The Grand-Duke of Luxembourg has designated key officials to oversee various sectors, including the Prime Minister, Vice-Prime Minister, and ministers in charge of areas such as foreign affairs, justice, and culture. These appointments aim to streamline governance and enhance efficiency in decision-making processes across different governmental departments. The reallocation of ministerial roles signifies a strategic shift in the management of national affairs, with a focus on promoting collaboration and specialisation within the government.

    Loi du 23 août 2023 portant modification de la loi modifiée du 18 juillet 2018 concernant la protection de la nature et des ressources naturelles

    This legislation introduces significant amendments to the existing law concerning the protection of nature and natural resources in Luxembourg. It specifically addresses the reconstruction of constructions in green zones under certain conditions, emphasising the importance of preserving heritage sites and national cultural assets. The law outlines strict regulations regarding changes in the dimensions, exterior appearance, and purpose of existing constructions in designated areas. One key aspect of the legislation is the authorization process for modifications to constructions in green zones, ensuring compliance with heritage preservation standards. It also includes provisions

    Règlement grand-ducal du 26 juillet 2023 portant délimitation de la zone d’observation archéologique

    In this legislation, the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg establishes a defined archaeological observation zone in accordance with cultural heritage laws. The document outlines the specific boundaries and regulations governing archaeological activities within this designated area. It emphasises the importance of preserving and studying cultural heritage through systematic observation and documentation. The legislation highlights the role of the Minister of Culture in overseeing the implementation of the regulations within the archaeological observation zone. It underscores the significance of public consultation and input from relevant chambers of commerce and trades in the decision-making

    Loi du 23 août 2023 modifiant la loi modifiée du 31 mai 1999 portant institution d’un fonds pour la protection de l’environnement

    In response to the evolving landscape of environmental protection, a recent legislative update in Luxembourg introduces significant changes to the existing framework governing the environmental fund. The amendments aim to enhance the efficiency and accountability of environmental projects, emphasising the responsible use of state aid and subsidies. One key aspect of the updated law is the requirement for unused state assistance to be returned promptly if not utilised for designated projects within a specified timeframe. Moreover, the revised legislation outlines specific criteria for project eligibility and funding allocation, with a

    Règlement grand-ducal du 21 juin 2023 déterminant les modalités de demande d’une aide financière et portant fixation des indemnités et des jetons de présence revenant aux membres du conseil d’administration et des comités de sélection de Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg

    This legislation outlines the procedures for obtaining financial assistance from the Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg, established under the law of December 16, 2022. It specifies the required information and documents for aid requests, including project details, objectives, partner lists, and supporting materials. Additionally, it sets the indemnities and attendance fees for the council members and selection committees, aiming to regulate financial aspects within the cultural sector. The document emphasises the importance of transparency and accountability by detailing the necessary documentation for aid applications, ensuring a thorough evaluation

    Règlement grand-ducal du 21 juin 2023 déterminant le contenu et les modalités de la formation de base visée à l’article 12, point 1°, de la loi du 25 février 2022 relative au patrimoine culturel

    This legislation outlines the requirements for basic training in cultural heritage preservation, focusing on archaeological research and conservation practices. It establishes the content and structure of the training program, emphasising the importance of understanding legal frameworks, site documentation, and the handling of archaeological artefacts. The document mandates an annual training session conducted by the National Institute of Archaeological Research to educate individuals on prospecting methods, conservation techniques, and relevant laws regarding the use of metal detectors and electronic detection equipment in archaeological contexts. Moreover, the training covers topics such as

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