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  • Omgevingswet

    The Omgevingswet 2024 (Environmental Act 2024) overhauls the previous Environmental Act of 2015 of The Netherlands, and integrates provisions on cultural heritage. This act is a major overhaul of the environmental legislation in the Netherlands, aiming to simplify and integrate various regulations related to spatial planning, construction, environment, and water management. It emphasizes sustainability, efficiency, and citizen participation in decision-making processes regarding land use and environmental issues. The Environment Act streamlines procedures for obtaining permits, introduces new instruments for spatial planning and environmental management, and promotes a holistic approach to


    The Erfgoedwet, or Heritage Act, of the Netherlands is legislation aimed at safeguarding and managing cultural heritage within the country. It outlines measures for the protection, preservation, and promotion of various forms of heritage, including monuments, archaeological sites, and museum collections. The act establishes the responsibilities of different governmental bodies, such as the national government, provinces, and municipalities, in preserving and managing heritage. Additionally, it addresses issues related to ownership, funding, and public access to cultural heritage sites and artifacts. The overarching goal of the Heritage Act is to ensure

    Wet inburgering

    While primarily focused on promoting the integration of migrants and refugees into Dutch society, this law acknowledges the role of cultural heritage in identity formation and social inclusion by promoting respect for cultural diversity, particularly in the “integration exams”. The “Wet inburgering 2021” is the Civic Integration Act of 2021 in the Netherlands. This legislation outlines the requirements and processes for newcomers to integrate into Dutch society. The law places a greater emphasis on individual responsibility and participation in integration programs. It introduces changes such as personalized integration pathways, mandatory


    The Archive Act regulates the management and preservation of public records, including those in digital format. It mandates government organizations to establish and maintain archives, ensuring the authenticity, reliability, and accessibility of digital records over time.


    (Copyright Act of The Netherlands) This legislation promotes the re-use of public sector information, including digital cultural heritage held by government institutions. It establishes rules for accessing and using government-held information, facilitating its availability for cultural, educational, and commercial purposes.

    Wet hergebruik van overheidsinformatie

    The Re-use of Public Sector Information Act) is law which extends copyright protection to certain neighboring rights holders, including producers of digital sound recordings and audiovisual materials. It applies to digital cultural heritage materials such as recordings of performances, broadcasts, and other related content.

    Wet op de naburige rechten

    The Neighbouring Rights Act is a law that extends copyright protection to certain neighbouring rights holders, including producers of digital sound recordings and audiovisual materials. It applies to digital cultural heritage materials such as recordings of performances, broadcasts, and other related content. This law is applicable to digital cultural heritage materials such as recordings of performances, broadcasts, and other related content.

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