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  • НАРЕДБА № 3 ОТ 10 ЮЛИ 2019 Г. ЗА РЕДА ЗА ИДЕНТИФИЦИРАНЕ, ДЕКЛАРИРАНЕ, ПРЕДОСТАВЯНЕ НА СТАТУТ И ЗА ОПРЕДЕЛЯНЕ НА КАТЕГОРИЯТА НА НЕДВИЖИМИТЕ КУЛТУРНИ ЦЕННОСТИ, ЗА ДОСТЪПА И ПОДЛЕЖАЩИТЕ НА ВПИСВАНЕ ОБСТОЯТЕЛСТВА В НАЦИОНАЛНИЯ ПУБЛИЧЕН РЕГИСТЪР НА НЕДВИЖИМИТЕ КУЛТУРНИ ЦЕННОСТИ (Regulation on the Procedure for Identifying, Declaring, Granting Status and Determining the Category of Immoveable Cultural Assets, for Access and The Circumstances Subject to Entry in the National Public Register of Immovable Cultural Assets)

    The law “On the Procedure for Identifying, Declaring, Granting Status, and Determining the Category of Immovable Cultural Property” outlines the detailed process for recognizing and managing immovable cultural assets in Bulgaria. The law ensures that such properties, which hold historical, cultural, and societal value, are identified, assessed, and protected under specific criteria. The law provides mechanisms for the discovery and recognition of immovable cultural heritage. It details the procedures for identifying properties that may qualify as cultural heritage. These could be historic buildings, archaeological sites, or monuments. The law allows


    Ordinance No. 4 of 21 December 2016 provides a comprehensive framework for the documentation required to carry out conservation and restoration activities on immovable cultural properties in Bulgaria. It specifies the mandatory elements for each project, ensuring thorough planning and historical context are integrated into any restoration effort. This includes a detailed analysis of the site’s historical and architectural significance, photographic documentation, and technical assessments. The ordinance also outlines the necessary steps for project approval by the Ministry of Culture and other relevant authorities. Before starting any conservation work, detailed

    НАРЕДБА № 4 ОТ 12 ЮНИ 2015 Г. ЗА УСЛОВИЯТА И РЕДА ЗА ОСЪЩЕСТВЯВАНЕ НА ДЕЙНОСТИТЕ ПО КОНСЕРВАЦИЯ И РЕСТАВРАЦИЯ НА ДВИЖИМИ КУЛТУРНИ ЦЕННОСТИ (Regulation on the Conditions and Procedures for Conservation and Restoration of Movable Cultural Assets)

    Ordinance No. 4 of 12 June 2015 outlines the terms and conditions for carrying out conservation and restoration activities on movable cultural values in Bulgaria. Issued by the Minister of Culture, the ordinance establishes a clear regulatory framework to ensure that restoration efforts are conducted professionally and ethically, protecting the integrity and significance of cultural artifacts. The ordinance specifies the qualifications and responsibilities of professionals involved in conservation activities, ensuring that only qualified individuals or organizations can undertake such work. This includes stipulations regarding the methods and materials used in

    НАРЕДБА ЗА ОБХВАТА, СТРУКТУРАТА, СЪДЪРЖАНИЕТО И МЕТОДОЛОГИЯТА ЗА ИЗРАБОТВАНЕ НА ПЛАНОВЕТЕ ЗА ОПАЗВАНЕ И УПРАВЛЕНИЕ НА ЕДИНИЧНИТЕ ИЛИ ГРУПОВИТЕ НЕДВИЖИМИ КУЛТУРНИ ЦЕННОСТИ (Regulation on the Scope, Structure, Content and Methodology for the Development of Conservation and Management Plans of Single or Group Immovable Cultural Assets

    The Regulation on the Scope, Structure, Content, and Methodology for the Development of Conservation and Management Plans for single or group immovable cultural values in Bulgaria provides a vital framework for protecting and managing the country’s rich cultural heritage. This regulation sets clear guidelines for creating conservation and management plans, which are essential for preserving the historical and cultural significance of immovable cultural properties, such as monuments, archaeological sites, and historical buildings. One of the key components of the regulation is its detailed scope, which outlines the necessary elements that

    НАРЕДБА № Н-00-0001 ОТ 14 ФЕВРУАРИ 2011 Г. ЗА ИЗВЪРШВАНЕ НА ТЕРЕННИ АРХЕОЛОГИЧЕСКИ ПРОУЧВАНИЯ (Regulation for carrying out Field Archaeological Researches)

    The Ordinance No H-00-0001 of February 14, 2011 by the Bulgarian Ministry of Culture establishes a framework for conducting field archaeological research in Bulgaria. It sets out permit requirements, application procedures, and qualification standards for archaeologists to ensure responsible excavation practices. The ordinance also enforces protective measures for managing archaeological finds and mandates thorough documentation and reporting of discoveries. Regulations restrict work in protected zones, define penalties for violations, and specify conditions for international researchers.

    Закон за културното наследство (Law on Cultural Heritage)

    The Bulgarian Cultural Heritage Act, passed in 2009 and updated in 2023, provides a legal framework for the preservation, protection, and management of the nation’s cultural heritage. This law recognizes both tangible and intangible cultural heritage as essential elements of national identity, history, and values, aiming to ensure their preservation for future generations. The law categorizes cultural heritage into movable and immovable properties. Immovable cultural heritage includes monuments, buildings, and archaeological sites, while movable heritage covers items like art, artifacts, manuscripts, and other objects of cultural significance. The protection also

    НАРЕДБА № Н-7 ОТ 12 ЮНИ 2008 Г. ЗА ИЗВЪРШВАНЕ НА ВОДОЛАЗНА И ДРУГА ПОДВОДНА ДЕЙНОСТ (Regulation on the Performance of Diving and other Underwater Activities)

    The Ordinance on diving and underwater activities, regulates all diving-related activities within Bulgaria’s territorial waters. It sets clear rules for safe and authorised diving, specifying areas where diving is allowed or restricted. The ordinance details the qualifications and certifications required for divers and sets guidelines for professional and recreational underwater activities. This ordinance is designed to ensure the safety of both divers and underwater environments. It includes procedures for managing diving-related incidents and for monitoring underwater heritage sites. Special protocols are outlined for archaeological and scientific diving to protect submerged

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