НАРЕДБА № 3 ОТ 10 ЮЛИ 2019 Г. ЗА РЕДА ЗА ИДЕНТИФИЦИРАНЕ, ДЕКЛАРИРАНЕ, ПРЕДОСТАВЯНЕ НА СТАТУТ И ЗА ОПРЕДЕЛЯНЕ НА КАТЕГОРИЯТА НА НЕДВИЖИМИТЕ КУЛТУРНИ ЦЕННОСТИ, ЗА ДОСТЪПА И ПОДЛЕЖАЩИТЕ НА ВПИСВАНЕ ОБСТОЯТЕЛСТВА В НАЦИОНАЛНИЯ ПУБЛИЧЕН РЕГИСТЪР НА НЕДВИЖИМИТЕ КУЛТУРНИ ЦЕННОСТИ (Regulation on the Procedure for Identifying, Declaring, Granting Status and Determining the Category of Immoveable Cultural Assets, for Access and The Circumstances Subject to Entry in the National Public Register of Immovable Cultural Assets)
The law “On the Procedure for Identifying, Declaring, Granting Status, and Determining the Category of Immovable Cultural Property” outlines the detailed process for recognizing and managing immovable cultural assets in Bulgaria. The law ensures that such properties, which hold historical, cultural, and societal value, are identified, assessed, and protected under specific criteria. The law provides mechanisms for the discovery and recognition of immovable cultural heritage. It details the procedures for identifying properties that may qualify as cultural heritage. These could be historic buildings, archaeological sites, or monuments. The law allows