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  • Förderungsrichtlinie für die Substanzerhaltung denkmalgeschützter Objekte und für Projekte zur Bewahrung und Erschließung des kulturellen Erbes (Guidelines for the conservation of listed buildings and for projects to preserve and develop cultural heritage)

    The “Förderungsrichtlinie für die Substanzerhaltung denkmalgeschützter Objekte und für Projekte zur Bewahrung und Erschließung des kulturellen Erbes” are the guidelines adopted in Styria for the preservation of cultural heritage. The primary goals are securing, restoring, and conserving immovable as well as movable cultural heritage while promoting the dissemination of cultural heritage. In order to incentivize initiatives in the sector, the policy aims to provide financial support for the preservation of cultural heritage. A particular attention is given to the digital: the guidelines mention the significance of digital technologies in preserving

    Bundesgesetz betreffend den Schutz von Denkmalen wegen ihrer geschichtlichen, künstlerischen oder sonstigen kulturellen Bedeutung (Denkmalschutzgesetz – DMSG) (Monuments Protection Act)

    The Denkmalschutzgesetz DMSG (Monuments Protection Act) is the Austrian national law for cultural heritage protection. Into force since 1923, the Act has been amended several times, with the last being in 2024. As the general law for cultural heritage protection, in the DMSG is to be found the national definition of cultural heritage and monument, which emphasises the historic, artistic, and cultural significance, and its scope of application. It establishes the protection regime and measures, and it prohibits destruction or alteration of monuments without proper authorisation. The DMSG regulates as

    Sanierungs- und Dekarbonisierungsverordnung 2024 (Ordinance of the Vienna State Government on the granting of subsidies under Chapter II of the Vienna Housing Promotion and Residential Building Renovation Act – WWFSG 1989)

    The Ordinance of the Vienna State Government on the granting of subsidies, is a law enforced in the Province of Vienna regulating the granting of subsidies for purposes of thermal-energy renovation of buildings and their envelope, construction, conversion or retrofitting of building technology systems to highly efficient alternative energy systems. The ordinance also regulates the aforementioned activities by dedicating specific attention to “historical or listed buildings, those buildings that are under monument protection or were built in protected areas or have structured facades worthy of preservation;” in the first section

    Gesetz vom 5. Mai 2010 über die Förderung der Kultur in Tirol (Tiroler Kulturförderungsgesetz 2010) (Cultural Promotion Act of Tyrol)

    The “Tiroler Kulturförderungsgesetz 2010” is the law governing cultural promotion in Tyrol. The goals are listed on paragraph 1 (Abschnitt 1). They entail the the promotion of projects and activities that are in the interests of the province, the promotion of contemporary art and new cultural and artistic developments, the preservation and development of cultural heritage, the promotion of the population’s general access to cultural events and facilities, the support of the personal development and personal fulfilment of the individual through cultural activities. For all these purposes, the Land of

    Rahmenrichtlinie über die Förderung der Kultur in Tirol (Framework guidelines on the promotion of culture in Tyrol)

    The “Rahmenrichtlinie zur Förderung der Kultur in Tirol” are a technical non-binding document regulating the basic conditions for the granting of fundings for cultural projects in Tirol. They are based on the Tiroler Kulturförderungsgesetz 2010. They establish procedural and administrative duties and rights of the grantees. The source for the fundings is the provincial fund of Tirol. The guidelines establish three principles to be followed: economy, efficiency, and effectiveness. In compliance with the principles, fundings is available for various forms of cultural expression and institutions that contribute to the preservation

    ÖREK-Umsetzungspakt „Raum für Baukultur – Orts- und Stadtkerne stärken sowie Raum für Baukultur eröffnen“ (ÖREK implementation pact “Space for building culture – strengthening town and city centres and opening up space for building culture”)

    The “ÖROK-Empfehlung Nr. 58: Raum für Baukultur” (Recommendation No. 58 by the Austrian Conference on Spatial Planning, ÖROK) addresses the enhancement and preservation of cultural heritage through the lens of building culture (Baukultur). It emphasises the need for cohesive policies and recommendations to enhance the societal significance of building culture and its heritage, and focuses on revitalization of urban and town centres. ÖROK is tasked with creating recommendations that increase the societal importance of building culture and its heritage. This includes strengthening the cores of towns and cities as proactive

    UPDATE Kulturstrategie Vorarlberg 2023 (Update Cultural Strategy of Vorarlberg 2023)

    The “Update Kulturstrategie Vorarlberg 2023” is a comprehensive guide outlining the cultural policy and strategic direction for Vorarlberg in the coming years. The document serves as a roadmap for cultural development, reflecting the diverse fields and action plans that shape the region’s cultural landscape. Key themes include collaboration, innovation, and transcending boundaries, with a strong focus on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the evolving socio-economic conditions of artists. This update is built upon insights from the 2022 Kulturenquete, which evaluated the existing cultural strategy and identified areas for

    Strategie für Kunst und Kultur des Landes Niederösterreich – Neufassung 2021 (Strategy for Culture and Art in the Province of Lower Austria – New version 2021)

    The “Strategie für Kunst und Kultur des Landes Niederösterreich” is a revised strategy adopted in 2021 for culture and art in Lower Austria. The strategy acknowledges art and culture as foundational elements of regional identity. It underscores the necessity of preserving this heritage for future generations while fostering contemporary cultural expressions and initiatives. Key to the strategy is the participatory approach, involving stakeholders from various cultural sectors in its development. This includes artists, cultural managers, and the public, ensuring a broad-based and inclusive policy. The document outlines several guidelines and

    Erneuerbaren-Ausbau-Gesetzespaket – EAG-Paket (733 d.B.)

    The “Erneuerbaren-Ausbau-Gesetz (EAG)” is a comprehensive federal law designed to promote the expansion of renewable energy sources in Austria. This legislation outlines the regulatory framework for increasing the generation of electricity, gas, and hydrogen from renewable resources, aiming to meet Austria’s climate goals and align with European Union directives. The EAG emphasises key themes such as sustainability, efficiency, and market integration. It sets ambitious targets for the generation of renewable energy, with the objective of covering Austria’s entire electricity consumption with renewables by 2030. The law provides detailed guidelines for

    SDG-Aktionsplan 2019+ Nachhaltigkeit forcieren – Zukunft gestalten (SDG Action Plan 2019+ Driving Sustainability – Shaping the future)

    The “SDG Aktionsplan 2019” outlines a comprehensive strategy for achieving sustainable development and it addresses cultural heritage as an integral component of it, as it emphasises the significance of preserving and promoting cultural heritage in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). On top of aligning with SDG 11 on cities and human settlements and target 11.4 on strengthening efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage, the strategy presents cultural heritage as a critical factor in fostering cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue. The document

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