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  • Zakon o zaštiti kulturnih dobara (The Law on Protection of Cultural Heritage)

    The Law sets forth the regulations for identifying, categorising, protecting, and preserving cultural goods, including immovable, movable, and intangible cultural heritage. It emphasizes the significance of cultural goods as essential components of cultural heritage, valuable for their historical, artistic, scientific, archaeological, architectural, and other societal importances. The law outlines the responsibilities of owners and holders, establishing a comprehensive protection regime that includes preventative protection, determination of cultural value, categorization, and registration of cultural goods. It underscores the importance of safeguarding cultural diversity and facilitating access to cultural goods for educational,

    Zakon o zaštiti prirodnog i kulturno-istorijskog područja Kotora (Law on the Protection of the Natural and Cultural-Historical Area of Kotor)

    The Law sets forth measures for conserving and managing the Kotor region, recognised for its natural and cultural significance, including its UNESCO World Heritage status. It outlines the boundaries of the protected area, covering approximately 12,000 hectares of land and sea across several municipalities. The law emphasizes the public interest in preserving the area’s universal value, historical, urban, architectural, and landscape qualities. It establishes a management framework led by a council appointed by the Government of Montenegro, focusing on sustainable development, presentation, and scientific evaluation. The law integrates other relevant

    Zakon o ratifikaciji konvencije o zaštiti podvodne kulturne baštine (The Law on Ratification of the Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage)

    The document is a legislative act by Montenegro, related to the ratification of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage. This law underscores Montenegro’s commitment to preserving underwater cultural heritage within its jurisdiction. It outlines the legal framework for identifying, protecting, and conserving underwater cultural sites, which include shipwrecks, ruins, and artifacts with archaeological, historical, or cultural significance located beneath the water’s surface. The ratification signifies Montenegro’s intention to cooperate internationally in safeguarding submerged heritage for future generations, promoting scientific research, and ensuring responsible public access

    Pravilnik o nacionalnim standardima za digitalizaciju bibliotečke gradje (Rulebook on National Standards for the Digitisation of Library Materials)

    The document outlines the national standards for digitising library materials in Montenegro. It specifies the basic digitization processes, including scanning, digital photography, conversion of microfilmed materials into digital form, metadata assignment, text recognition (OCR), and the creation of XML files for full-text collection searching. The selection criteria for digitization focus on cultural significance, scientific, artistic, and educational value, rarity, regional relevance, and copyright considerations. Technical prerequisites, required equipment, and software for digitisation, processing, and web presentation are detailed. The document emphasizes the importance of maintaining digital material authenticity, ensuring stable

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