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  • Strategia pentru cultură și patrimoniu național 2016-2022 (Strategy for Culture and National Heritage 2016-2022)

    This comprehensive text outlines the cultural policies and trends in Europe, with a specific focus on Romania’s cultural strategy for the years 2016-2022. It provides valuable insights for professionals and enthusiasts in the field of European Heritage. The report delves into the financial aspects of the cultural sector at the local level, highlighting the challenges in estimating the exact budget allocation due to its assimilation within a broader budgetary chapter. It emphasizes the need for strategic management and the preservation of cultural and natural heritage, addressing the impact of modernization

    HOTĂRÂRE nr. 886 din 20 august 2008 pentru aprobarea Normelor de clasare a bunurilor culturale mobile (DECISION no. 886 of 20 August 2008 for the approval of the Norms for the classification of movable cultural goods)

    This is a short document referencing and setting into force NORME din 20 august 2008 de clasare a bunurilor culturale mobile. This is a document providing an overview of the procedures and criteria that goes in the listing of movable cultural assets. It starts by providing a typology of the assets that fall under this category, followed by a list of general criteria (e.g. age, state of conservation) and specific criteria (the historical and documentary value, memorial value, authenticity, author, workshop or school and the formal quality – he criterion

    LEGE nr. 26 din 29 februarie 2008 privind protejarea patrimoniului cultural imaterial (LAW no. 26 of 29 February 2008 on the protection of the intangible cultural heritage)

    This law focuses on intangible cultural heritage. It starts with a first chapter on general considerations (including definitions of the operational terms), followed by a second chapter on traditional cultural expressions, which are considered to be spoken works (e.g. fairytales), non-spoken works (e.g. dancing), syncretic works (e.g. songs with instrumentation), arts and crafts, as well as recipes and guidelines for preparing foods, construction materials or textiles. The third chapter outlines the protection measures for this type of heritage, followed by a chapter on the institutions and bodies with responsibilities on

    LEGE nr. 26 din 29 februarie 2008 privind protejarea patrimoniului cultural (Law no. 26 of February 29, 2008 on the protection of intangible cultural heritage) imaterial

    This law focuses on intangible cultural heritage. It starts with a first chapter on general considerations (including definitions of the operational terms), followed by a second chapter on traditional cultural expressions, which are considered to be spoken works (e.g. fairytales), non-spoken works (e.g. dancing), syncretic works (e.g. songs with instrumentation), arts and crafts, as well as recipes and guidelines for preparing foods, construction materials or textiles. The third chapter outlines the protection measures for this type of heritage, followed by a chapter on the institutions and bodies with responsibilities on

    LEGE nr. 6 din 9 ianuarie 2008 privind regimul juridic al patrimoniului tehnic şi industrial (LAW no. 6 of 9 January 2008 on the legal regime of the technical and industrial heritage)

    The law concerns the protection of technical and industrial heritage. It starts by providing a typology (which includes, among others, constructions or industrial landscapes, as well as audio or video recordings linked to this topic). It then provides a list of institutions responsible for listing this type of heritage, as well as their general responsibilities. The law has three chapters and its length is significantly shorter compared to the laws that treat cultural heritage more broadly, such as LEGE nr. 422 din 18 iulie 2001 privind protejarea monumentelor istorice.

    LEGE nr. 422 din 18 iulie 2001 privind protejarea monumentelor istorice (Law no. 422 of July 18, 2001 on the protection of historical monuments)

    The law focuses on historical monuments. The first section provides general considerations, while the second section is divided into several thematic chapters: details on historical monuments; classifications and inventory systems; interventions on historical monuments. The third section outlines the institutions and specialized bodies with responsibilities towards the protection of historical monuments, while the fourth section approaches the rights and obligations of historical monument owners, as well as the attributions of local public authorities. The fifth section of the law focuses on financing mechanisms for the protection of historical monuments, while

    LEGE nr. 182 din 25 octombrie 2000 privind protejarea patrimoniului național cultural mobil (Law no. 182 of October 25, 2000 on the protection of national mobile cultural heritage)

    This law deals with the protection of movable heritage in Romania. The legislative act is divided into several sections – Chapter 1 deals with general considerations, Chapter II approaches the research, classification and inventory systems for these items, Chapter III mentions how movable heritage items should be kept, stored and secured, Chapter IV tackles matters of conservation and restauration, while Chapter V deals with the circulation of said items. Chapter VI provides guidelines for chance archaeological findings, Chapter VII focuses on financing activities aiming at the protection of movable heritage

    Lege nr. 182 din 25 octombrie 2000 privind protejarea patrimoniului național cultural mobil (Law No. 182 of October 25, 2000 on the protection of national movable cultural heritage)

    This law deals with the protection of movable heritage in Romania. The legislative act is divided into several sections – Chapter 1 deals with general considerations, Chapter II approaches the research, classification and inventory systems for these items, Chapter III mentions how movable heritage items should be kept, stored and secured, Chapter IV tackles matters of conservation and restauration, while Chapter V deals with the circulation of said items. Chapter VI provides guidelines for chance archaeological findings, Chapter VII focuses on financing activities aiming at the protection of movable heritage

    ORDONANȚA nr. 43 din 30 ianuarie 2000 privind protecția patrimoniului arheologic și declararea unor situri arheologice ca zone de interes național (ORDINANCE no. 43 of 30 January 2000 on the protection of the archaeological heritage and the declaration of some archaeological sites as areas of national interest)

    This is a very comprehensive ordinance that tackles archaeological heritage and archaeological sites and which approaches legal, administrative, financial-fiscal and technical measures designed to ensure the prospecting, identification, uncovering, inventorying, conservation and restoration, guarding, maintenance and enhancement of archaeological assets, as well as the land on which they are located, with a view to their research or, where appropriate, their classification as movable cultural assets or historical monuments. The documents comprises a typology of elements that can fall under this category, definitions (such as for archaeological research or discovery), as

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