Policy Monitor

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  • Historic and Archaeological Heritage and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2023

    This legislation regulates the the preservation and promotion of historic heritage, with a particular focus on archaeological and architectural heritage. It outlines the coordination and development of public policy to promote the best practices in preserving Irish Heritage. It also highlights general prohibitions, such as false or misleading statements, obstruction of heritage sites, and knowingly supplying equipment for use in an offense under this act. Moreover, it outlines general powers, inspections, enforcement notices and arrest, search and seizure powers of officers and other relevant bodies in the protection of Heritage

    National Policy on Architecture Resources

    Our architectural heritage speaks to the value of design, quality materials, and practical skills that have been passed down through generations. As we navigate the challenges of climate change and ecological pressures, it is essential that we think innovatively about the ways in which we engage with, reuse, and develop our surroundings. Against this backdrop, the National Policy on Architecture for Ireland has been developed, outlining how the government will coordinate built and natural environment action while delivering on the objectives outlined in Housing for All, the National Development Plan,

    Embracing Ireland’s Outdoors National Outdoor Recreation Strategy 2023-2027

    Providing a comprehensive overview of the topic, this policy is explores the many facets of Irish Heritage, identifying key themes and highlighting areas of special significance. From historic landmarks to natural landscapes, the document provides an in-depth analysis of the various elements that contribute to the richness of Irish Heritage. The resource then delves into the challenges facing Irish Heritage, with a particular focus on conservation and preservation efforts. Through the use of case studies and real-life examples, the document offers valuable insights into best practices and effective strategies for

    Improving Energy Efficiency in Traditional Buildings: Guidance for Specifiers and Installers

    This policy explains how to improve energy efficiency in traditional buildings while preserving their character and unique history in this informative guide. Focusing on good conservation principles, it provides essential guidance for specifiers and installers who want to upgrade the energy efficiency of historic structures without compromising their special interest. A historic building is defined as a building of heritage significance, and it is the responsibility of the current generation to preserve them in good condition for future generations to enjoy. This guide outlines the importance of retaining and preserving

    The Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028

    The Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028 was adopted at a Special Council meeting on the 2nd of November 2022. The plan came into effect on the 14th of December 2022, with a vision for a low carbon, sustainable, and climate-resilient capital city, emphasizing the importance of compact growth and the utilization of available land close to public transport. The plan sets population targets and housing needs, aiming to create socially inclusive housing and sustainable environmental infrastructure while addressing flood risk. The Plan highlights the significance of valuing and safeguarding built

    Town Centre First: a policy approach for Irish towns

    This policy document outlines the Town Centre First policy, a collaborative framework developed by the Irish government to build sustainable and vibrant town centers in support of national economic, cultural, and environmental development. The policy recognizes the importance of town centers as valuable economic, social, and cultural hubs, and highlights a set of characteristics that successful town centers should possess, including attractive public spaces, a range of services and shops, cultural and community spaces, well-maintained building stock, and diverse housing options. The policy also emphasizes the need for sustainable transportation

    Food Vision 2030 A World Leader in Sustainable Food Systems

    As the global community increasingly prioritizes sustainable agriculture, it is crucial that agri-food sectors adopt environmentally responsible practices. The attached policy paper outlines a Strategic Vision for the agri-food sector in Ireland, providing a comprehensive approach to tackling environmental challenges while supporting economic and social sustainability. The policy paper emphasizes the importance of balancing economic growth, environmental protection, and social justice, aiming to create a Climate Smart, Environmentally Sustainable Agri-Food Sector. It envisions a future where primary producers have enhanced well-being, with a viable and resilient food sector that produces

    An Plean Gníomhaíochta Closamhairc – Colún 4 den Chlár Éire Ildánach

    Discover a comprehensive analysis of the Irish audio visual sector, exploring key themes and findings. The report delves into the economic and cultural significance of European heritage, highlighting its impact on society and the economy. It presents a detailed overview of the challenges and opportunities within the European Heritage landscape, offering valuable insights for professionals and enthusiasts in the field. The document outlines the critical role of Irish heritage in shaping cultural identity and fostering social cohesion. It emphasizes the need for strategic investment and regulatory reform to support the

    Audiovisual Action Plan – Creative Ireland

    Discover a comprehensive analysis of the Irish audio visual sector, exploring key themes and findings. The report delves into the economic and cultural significance of European heritage, highlighting its impact on society and the economy. It presents a detailed overview of the challenges and opportunities within the European Heritage landscape, offering valuable insights for professionals and enthusiasts in the field. The document outlines the critical role of Irish heritage in shaping cultural identity and fostering social cohesion. It emphasizes the need for strategic investment and regulatory reform to support the

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