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  • Türk Arkeoloji ve Kültürel Miras Vakfi Kanunu

    (Turkish Archeology and Cultural Heritage Foundation Law) The purpose of this law is to establish the Turkish Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Foundation, focusing on scientific research in Turkish and Islamic archaeology and related fields worldwide. It aims to promote research, publication, and archiving, facilitate international collaborations, and conduct archaeological activities abroad. The foundation encourages inclusive scientific studies in various cultural and art fields, fosters international cooperation, and provides support and scholarships to researchers. Additionally, it emphasises the importance of standardizing documentation methods, promoting preventive archaeology, and providing technical and scientific

    Mekânsal Planlar Yapım Yönetmeliği

    The Spatial Planning Construction Regulation aims to preserve and enhance physical, natural, historical, and cultural values, ensuring a balance between conservation and use. It establishes principles for creating and implementing spatial plans, guiding decisions on land use and development for sustainable development at national, regional, and city levels. The regulation covers all types and scales of spatial plans, including revisions and additions. It is based on the 1985 Zoning Law and the Presidential Decree on Presidential Organisation. It pertains to Pillar 1 (inclusive cultural heritage: ensuring participation and access for

    Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Anayasası

    The constitution ensures freedom of conscience and religion, affirming the right to worship without compulsion. It mandates inclusive religious and moral education under state oversight, with compulsory courses in schools. Furthermore, it emphasises the protection of diverse historical, cultural, and natural heritage, with the state providing support and incentives for preservation. Additionally, it underscores the state’s duty to safeguard artistic endeavours and artists, promoting inclusivity and appreciation for various forms of expression. The constitution also outlines plans for balanced economic and cultural development, aiming to preserve heritage while fostering inclusivity

    Yıpranan Tarihi Ve Kültürel Taşınmaz Varlıkların Yenilenerek Korunması ve Yaşatılarak Kullanılması Hakkında

    (Law on the Renewal, Protection and Use of Destroyed Historical and Cultural Immovable Assets) This law aims to revitalize and restore areas designated as cultural heritage sites by conservation boards, allowing for the creation of residential, commercial, cultural, tourism, and social facilities in line with regional development. It emphasises the importance of preserving and utilizing historical and cultural assets while mitigating natural disaster risks. The law governs the identification, technical standards, project creation, implementation, organization, management, monitoring, participation, and usage of renewal areas.

    Kültür ve Tabiat Varlıklarını Koruma Kanunu

    The Cultural and Natural Assets Protection Law defines the general provisions regarding the preservation of cultural and natural assets. The purpose of the law is to identify definitions of movable and immovable cultural and natural assets that require protection, regulate relevant procedures, and establish principles and practices in this field. The text includes definitions of terms such as cultural assets, natural assets, conservation areas, and protection-oriented zoning plan. Additionally, explanations are provided for terms like management area, management plan, evaluation, and archaeological site. The text also mentions institutions and abbreviations

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