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  • Kulturpolitische Leitlinien (2023)

    The guidelines provide a framework for enhancing the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage. They aim to foster collaboration among stakeholders while addressing the challenges posed by contemporary crises, including climate change. Central to the guidelines is the commitment to ecological sustainability in cultural production and monument protection. The emphasis on harmonising energy transitions with the preservation of cultural landscapes highlights the need for innovative approaches that respect both heritage and environmental concerns. By supporting cultural institutions in developing expertise in sustainability, the guidelines encourage a proactive stance towards ecological

    Förderrichtlinie zur Digitalisierung von Objekten des kulturellen Erbes

    The Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion outlines a funding programme aimed at the digitisation of Berlin’s cultural heritage. This initiative focuses on enhancing public access to cultural assets across various institutions such as archives, libraries, museums, and memorials. By supporting digitisation projects, the programme aims to ensure that Berlin’s rich cultural heritage is available to a wider audience, including through platforms like the German Digital Library. Eligible cultural institutions are encouraged to present coherent digitisation projects that align with the programme’s goals. These projects should detail the digitisation

    Masterplan Kultur Hessen

    This master plan for regional culture policy provides a comprehensive framework for enhancing the preservation, digitalisation, and participatory management of Hessian cultural heritage. It emphasises the critical need to safeguard both tangible and intangible cultural assets, including historic buildings, monuments, and traditional practices, amid the challenges posed by climate change. By advocating for sustainable conservation strategies and innovative preservation techniques, the guidelines aim to ensure that the rich historical heritage is maintained for present and future inhabitants and visitors in Hesse. The plan focuses on digitalisation as part of an

    Schilder- und Lichtreklameherstellermeisterverordnung vom 22. August 2022 (BGBl. I S. 1439) (Ordinance on the Master Craftsman Examination in Parts I and II in the Sign and Illuminated Advertising Manufacturers Trade)

    The Schiffsicherheitsbeleuchtungsmeisterverordnung (SchiLichtMstrV) is a specialised regulation in Germany governing the qualifications and responsibilities of ship lighting safety masters. This legislation aims to enhance maritime safety by ensuring that personnel responsible for ship lighting systems are adequately trained and certified. The primary objective of the SchiLichtMstrV is to establish a standardised framework for the certification of ship lighting safety masters. These professionals play a crucial role in maintaining and operating the lighting systems on ships, which are essential for safe navigation and the prevention of accidents at sea. By setting

    Nordrhein-westfälisches Denkmalschutzgesetz (DSchG NRW)(North Rhine-Westphalia Monument Protection Act)

    The Nordrhein-westfälisches Denkmalschutzgesetz (North Rhine-Westphalia Monument Protection Act) serves as a comprehensive framework for the preservation and protection of cultural heritage in the region. This legislation aims to safeguard historical buildings, sites, and objects by outlining strict guidelines and procedures for their maintenance, alteration, and restoration. A key feature of the Act is the establishment of the Landesdenkmalrat (State Monument Council), which advises the highest monument authority on matters concerning cultural heritage. The council comprises representatives from various sectors, including religious institutions, scientific and cultural organisations, and state ministries, ensuring

    Zweite Windenergie-auf-See-Verordnung vom 18. Januar 2022 (BGBl. I S. 58)(Second Offshore Wind Energy Ordinance)

    The Second Offshore Wind Energy Ordinance (2. WindSeeV) establishes the regulatory framework for the development and management of offshore wind energy projects in Germany. This legislation aims to promote renewable energy production while ensuring environmental protection and sustainable use of maritime space. By setting clear guidelines and standards, the ordinance facilitates the efficient and coordinated development of offshore wind farms. The primary purpose of the 2. WindSeeV is to streamline the planning, approval, and operational processes for offshore wind projects. It outlines the requirements for site designation, project approval, and

    Landeskulturbericht Nordrhein-Westfalen 2022

    This report provides a comprehensive overview of the significant cultural advancements and initiatives undertaken in North Rhine-Westphalia. It highlights the region’s commitment to strengthening the cultural sector by increasing financial support and implementing innovative policies. The report showcases the development of a robust framework for cultural activities, focusing on diversity, digitalisation, and accessibility across urban and rural areas. Key initiatives include the Cultural Strengthening Initiative, which saw the state’s cultural budget grow by 50% in five years, stabilising existing structures while creating new opportunities for artistic expression. The introduction of

    Raumordnungsplan für die deutsche ausschließliche Wirtschaftszone in der Nordsee und in der Ostsee (Anlage zur Verordnung über die Raumordnung in der deutschen ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszone in der Nordsee und in der Ostsee) vom 19. August 2021 (BGBl. I S. 3886 ) – Spatial Development Plan for the German Exclusive Economic Zone in the North Sea and in the Baltic Sea (Annex to the Ordinance on Spatial Planning in the German Exclusive Economic Zone in the North Sea and in the Baltic Sea)

    The AWZROVAnl, or Ordinance on the Application of the Federal Spatial Planning Act to the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), is a legislative framework in Germany designed to regulate spatial planning within the country’s EEZ. This ordinance aims to ensure sustainable development and utilisation of maritime space, balancing economic, ecological, and social interests. The primary purpose of the AWZROVAnl is to establish a structured approach to spatial planning in the EEZ, considering various maritime activities such as shipping, fishing, energy production, and environmental protection. By providing clear guidelines and criteria, the

    Kulturentwicklungsplan der Landeshauptstadt Dresden

    At the end of 2020, City Council approved a new Cultural Development Plan (CDP) for the state capital Dresden. The result is a planning document of over a hundred pages, describing visions, goals, and specific projects for Dresden’s culture over a period of approximately ten years. The city’s memory is formed by both material and ideal cultural assets. The discursive examination of this memory is a focal point for Dresden’s urban society. Monument protection and conservation play an important role in preserving built heritage and making it usable for future

    Deutsche Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie (German Sustainable Development Strategy)

    The German Sustainable Development Strategy (GSDS) 2021 is a comprehensive framework aimed at promoting sustainable development across all sectors of German society. This strategic document outlines Germany’s commitment to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, emphasising the importance of integrating sustainability into economic, environmental, and social policies. A primary theme of the GSDS 2021 is the necessity of balancing economic growth with environmental protection and social equity. The strategy sets forth specific targets and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, enhance resource efficiency, and promote renewable

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