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  • 2016. évi LXXIV. törvény a településkép védelméről

    A law laying the national framework for the system of individual policy documents of the settlements. It defines the framework for “settlement preservation statutes” and “settlement preservation handbooks”, which serve as the local tools for the protection and regulation of settlements. There is a strong emphasis on the regulation of advertisements. In Hungary the building authorities are the county offices of the state government, while the settlements can control the building activities through so-called settlement preservation appraisals, which follow the local regulation. The local statutes also include the listed buildings

    2023. évi C. törvény a magyar építészetről / A magyar építészetről szóló törvény (Law on Hungarian architecture)

    A new law on the complex field of building, principles, criteria, planning processes. The main sections: I. II. Principles and concepts III. Roles of the state and municipalities in planning and preservation IV. Professional chambers V. Roles of chief architects VI. Boards VII. Participants of the building process VIII. Settlement planning IX. Saveguarding the historic environment X. Monument preservation XI. Saveguarding of historic sites XII. Planning processes and maintenance of structures XIII. Requirements for buildings, planning and construction XIV. Building economical measures XV. Education XVI. Online digital functions, databases Several

    2012. évi XXX. törvény a magyar nemzeti értékekről és a hungarikumokról

    A law on a complex system of local, regional and national values, called Hungarica. The law defines a system of local, regional and national heritage, which includes natural and cultural, tangible and intangible heritage values. Local and regional councils for the values must make lists and propose items to be regarded as a higher level values thus creating a hierarchy of Hungarian values. The national list is entitled Hungarica, the individual items called Hungaricum. Apart from the councils being responsible for the contents of the list and for the acknowledgement

    Budapest 2030. Long-Term Urban Development Concept

    The Budapest 2030 Long-Term Urban Development Concept (adopted by the General Assembly in April 2013) is a comprehensive planning document that envisages the capital city’s long-term development, taking into account its urban characteristics. The Urban Development Concept consists of three main parts. Firstly, it summarises the results of comprehensive reviews and studies made about the capital in recent years categorised according to particular fields, which presents a kind of status report of the City. These provide the framework for the Concept. Secondly, it defines the general principles which must be

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