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  • Kazenski zakonik (Criminal Code) (Relevant Articles 218 & 219)( 2008)

    Criminal Code: Articles 218 and 219 of the Slovenian Criminal Code also address the protection of cultural heritage, particularly concerning offenses related to the illegal destruction, damage, or theft of cultural property. These provisions complement the Cultural Heritage Protection Act by establishing criminal penalties for actions that harm cultural heritage​

    Zakon o varstvu kulturne dediščine (Cultural Heritage Protection Act) (ZVKD-1)(2008)

    This law establishes the framework for the protection, preservation, and management of cultural heritage in Slovenia. It defines cultural heritage as both tangible and intangible assets passed down from previous generations that reflect the values, identities, and traditions of the Slovenian people and other communities within the country. Key Points of the Act: Purpose and Scope: The Act aims to ensure the comprehensive preservation of cultural heritage, including both movable and immovable heritage. It covers archaeological finds, cultural landscapes, monuments, and intangible cultural heritage. Public Interest: The protection of cultural

    Zakon o varstvu dokumentarnega in arhivskega gradiva ter arhivih (Act on the Protection of Documentary and Archival Materials and Archives) (ZVDAGA) (2006)

    This legislation outlines the framework for the preservation, protection, and management of both public and private archival materials in Slovenia. It emphasizes the significance of documentary and archival materials as cultural monuments and sets the standards for their long-term storage, accessibility, and use. Key Points of the Act: Purpose and Scope: The Act is designed to protect documentary and archival materials, including their legal validity and evidentiary value. It applies to both public and private archival materials and mandates their protection as cultural heritage. Definitions: The Act provides detailed definitions

    Uredba o nepremični kulturni dediščini (Decree on Immovable Cultural Heritage) (ZDen)

    1. Legal Framework Pravni režimi varstva dediščine: The legal regime for heritage protection is established through registration in the Register kulturne dediščine (Cultural Heritage Register). However, registration alone does not confer a protection regime. Specific protection is defined through other procedures, such as designation as a cultural monument or inclusion in spatial plans. The Cultural Heritage Protection Act (Zakon o varstvu kulturne dediščine, ZVKD-1) is the principal law regulating these activities. 2. Cultural Monuments Cultural Monuments: Monuments of national significance are declared by the government, while local monuments are designated

    Zakon o denacionalizaciji (Law on Denationalisation) (ZDen)(1991)

    The relevance of the “Zakon o denacionalizaciji” (Law on Denationalisation) to cultural heritage lies primarily in its provisions related to the restitution of cultural property. The law explicitly addresses the return of movable and immovable cultural heritage items that were confiscated or nationalized during the post-war period. Key Points on Cultural Heritage: Restitution of Cultural Property: The law mandates the return of movable property that has cultural, historical, or artistic value to its original owners or their heirs, provided it was confiscated under nationalization laws. This includes objects that are

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