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  • Νόμος 1515/1985 (18/Α/18-2-1985): Ρυθμιστικό σχέδιο και πρόγραμμα προστασίας περιβάλλοντος της ευρύτερης περιοχής της Αθήνας (Law 1515/1985 (18/A/18-2-1985): regulatory plan and environmental protection programme for the wider area of Athens)

    Τhe regulatory plan for the Greater Athens area aims at the planning and design of the Greater Athens area within the framework of the National Spatial Policy, its spatial structure and organization at the regional level, the spatial structure of the transport system, other technical infrastructure and social equipment, as well as land and housing policy, the adoption of measures and the planning for the spatial and new urban structure of the capital, the designation of areas or zones of special interest or special problems, and the adoption of measures

    Νόμος 5037/2023 περί διατάξεων για τις ανανεώσιμες πηγές ενέργειες και την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος (Law 5037/2023 on provisions on renewable energies and environmental protection)

    Law 5037/2023 provides provisions for the Waste, Energy and Water Regulatory Authority, for the use and production of energy from renewable energy sources, provisions for renewable energy sources and environmental protection and incorporates EU Directives 2018/2001 and 2019/944. In particular, the provisions of the first Section (Part A) regulate the issues of the renaming of the Energy Regulatory Authority (ERA) to Waste, Energy and Water Regulatory Authority (WERRA), as well as issues of organisation and operation of the Authority. Additional provisions for strengthening water policy are set out (Part B

    Νόμος 4964/2022 (150/ 30-07-2022): Διατάξεις για την απλοποίηση της περιβαλλοντικής αδειοδότησης, θέσπιση πλαισίου για την ανάπτυξη των Υπεράκτιων Αιολικών Πάρκων, την αντιμετώπιση της ενεργειακής κρίσης, την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος και λοιπές διατάξεις (Law 4964/2022 (150/ 30-07-2022):Provisions for the simplification of environmental licensing, establishing a framework for the development of Offshore Wind Farms, addressing the energy crisis, environmental protection and other provisions)

    Article 64 of law 4964/2022 defines the concept of the carrying capacity of a spatial system. Paragraph 2 of the same article provides legislative authorization to issue a Presidential Decree on the proposal of the Minister of Environment and Energy on the basis of which the methodology for the assessment of the carrying capacity will be determined. Law 4964/2022: Provisions for the simplification of environmental licensing, the establishment of a framework for the development of offshore wind farms, the addressing of the energy crisis, the protection of the environment and

    Nόμος 4936/2022 (105/ 27-05-2022): Εθνικός Κλιματικός Νόμος (Law 4936/2022 (105/27-05-2022): National Climate Law)

    Law 4936/2022 is the National Climate Law in Greece, setting the legal framework on climate action. The document also contains emergency provisions to address the energy crisis and protect the environment. Key measures established in this law include: a) setting a net zero target for 2050, b) measures and policies to strengthen adaptation to climate change at the lowest possible cost, c) intermediate anthropogenic emission mitigation targets for the years 2030 and 2040; d) indicators for monitoring progress towards achieving the relevant objectives, e) procedures for evaluating and readjusting the

    Νόμος 4858/2021 (Α 220/19-11-2021): Για την προστασία των αρχαιοτήτων και εν γένει της πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς (Law 4858/2021 (A 220/19-11-2021): for the protection of antiquities and cultural heritage in general)

    The law 4858/2021 codifies provisions of the existing legislation (Law 3028/2002, Law 3658/2008, Law 4355/2015, Law 4688/2020, etc.). Specifically: determining the time periods for the designation of immovable monuments, – the body responsible for the ownership, administration and management of monuments, archaeological sites and cultural heritage properties in general, – the obligations of owners, tenants or holders of immovable monuments, – the spatial delimitation of archaeological sites, – the procedure for the expropriation or deprivation of the use of immovable property in which monuments are located, – movable monuments (conceptual

    Νόμος 4787/2021:Τροποποίηση του Προεδρικού Διατάγματος 13/1929 & εισαγωγή της ψηφιακής ταυτότητας των κτιρίων (Law 4787/2021:Amendment of Presidential Decree 13/1929 introducing the digital identity of buildings)

    Law 4787/2021 of the Ministry of Environment introduces quick procedures for the demolition of dangerously dilapidated structures and buildings. Decisions are made by special commissions, are irrevocable, impose immediate measures to protect the public and demolitions are carried out within three days at the latest. The law establishes special committees for dangerous buildings, in districts throughout the country, consisting of seven members and composed of civil engineers and architects, civil servants and private individuals, replacing the three-member committees referred to in para. 2 of Article 7 of Presidential Decree 13.04.1929.

    Σχεδιο Βιώσιμης Αστικής Κινητικότητας (Σ.Β.Α.Κ) Δήμου Αθηναίων (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan of the Municipality of Athens)

    The Sustainable Urban Mobility Strategy of Athens introduces strategies for improved mobility based on 10 priorities: Priority 1: Ensuring safe and comfortable walking, with a particular focus on meeting the needs of vulnerable categories of commuters and people with reduced mobility Priority 2: Improving the level of service provided by public transport Priority 3: Improving existing and increasing open and green spaces Priority 4: Improve road safety and protect commuters by any means Priority 6: Managing traffic and reducing speeds in residential areas Priority 7: Encourage the use of bicycles

    Νόμος 4727/2020 (184 / 23-09-2020): Ψηφιακή Διακυβέρνηση – Ηλεκτρονικές Επικοινωνίες και άλλες διατάξεις (Law 4727/2020 (184 / 23-09-2020): digital governance – electronic communications and other provisions)

    The law incorporates the EU Directives for Digital Governance (2016/2102 & 2019/1024) and Electronic Communications (directive 2018/1972) into Greek Law. It contains the general principles of digital governance, e.g. it defines the right of access to information of public sector bodies, the electronic circulation of public documents within the same body, between public bodies and natural or legal persons or legal entities, the requirements for the accessibility of websites and mobile applications etc. Article 76, which defines the scope of digital transparency as well as the data to be posted

    N. 4685/2020: Ειδική Περιβαλλοντική Μελέτη (ΕΠΜ), αναφορικά με τις προστατευόμενες περιοχές «Natura 2000» (ΦΕΚ Α 92/7.5.2020)

    The framework of the “Special Environmental Study (SES)” (Ειδική Περιβαλλοντική Μελέτη – ΕΠΜ) regarding the protected zones of “Natura 2000” is established by law 4685/2020. The SES constitutes a scientific documentation study for the adoption of the relevant Presidential Decree and Management Plan (Σχέδιο Διαχείρισης) of each specific protected site. It designates the boundaries of each protected zone and the permitted land uses in accordance with the protected species and habitats of each site, taking into consideration the anthropogenic activities of the wider area. The Ministry of Environment and Energy

    The Constitution of Greece – Article 24: Protection of Environment

    According to Article 24 of the Constitution of Greece, the protection of the natural and cultural environment constitutes a duty of the State and a right of every person. The State is responsible for protecting natural and cultural environments, adopting preventive measures in the context of the principle of sustainable development. The master plan of the country and the development of towns and residential areas are under the State’s control, aiming to serve settlement functionality and ensure living conditions. The provisions apply to the rehabilitation of existing residential areas, with

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