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  • Program of cultural cooperation between the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth of Georgia and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Estonia for the years 2022-2025

    Program of cultural cooperation between the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth of Georgia and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Estonia for the years 2022-2025 is aimed at developing bilateral cooperation and cultural exchange between Georgia and Estonia. The program covers various fields, including music, literature, cinema, design, and architecture. The document features specific articles that outline exchange protocols and procedures between the two countries to achieve the program’s objectives. Article 7 highlights bilateral cooperation in the field of conservation and restoration of historical and cultural monuments.

    Gruusia Kultuuri-, Spordi- ja Noorsooministeeriumi ja Eesti Vabariigi Kultuuriministeeriumi kultuurikoostöö programm aastateks 2022-2025

    Program of cultural cooperation between the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth of Georgia and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Estonia for the years 2022-2025 is aimed at developing bilateral cooperation and cultural exchange between Georgia and Estonia. The program covers various fields, including music, literature, cinema, design, and architecture. The document features specific articles that outline exchange protocols and procedures between the two countries to achieve the program’s objectives. Article 7 highlights bilateral cooperation in the field of conservation and restoration of historical and cultural monuments.

    Ordinance of the Government of Georgia #517 on the adoption of the Development Strategy of Georgia – Vision 2030

    The attached European Heritage document outlines the Development Strategy of Georgia – Vision 2030. The aim of this national multi-sectoral strategy is to promote sustainable, long-term economic growth that is inclusive of all communities in Georgia. The document covers a wide range of topics, including the development of small and medium-sized businesses, efficient management of the mining sector, ensuring sustainability in the energy sector, promoting the use of renewable energy sources, supporting the growth of the tourism industry, and improving municipal infrastructure. One of the key objectives of the Development

    საქართველოს მთავრობის დადგენილება #517 ხედვა 2030 საქართველოს განვითარების სტრატეგიის დამტკიცების შესახებ

    The attached European Heritage document outlines the Development Strategy of Georgia – Vision 2030. The aim of this national multi-sectoral strategy is to promote sustainable, long-term economic growth that is inclusive of all communities in Georgia. The document covers a wide range of topics, including the development of small and medium-sized businesses, efficient management of the mining sector, ensuring sustainability in the energy sector, promoting the use of renewable energy sources, supporting the growth of the tourism industry, and improving municipal infrastructure. One of the key objectives of the Development

    Resilient Tbilisi. A Strategy for 2030

    A comprehensive strategy for the preservation and valorisation of cultural and natural heritage in Georgia, Tbilisi, with a focus on fostering socioeconomic development. It outlines the goals and actions to be taken to contribute to the targets set by the EU-Georgia Association Agenda. The strategy aims to enhance Tbilisi’s attractiveness as a tourism destination while ensuring benefits for all residents and preserving the city’s unique built heritage. It also promotes the implementation of the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions. The document

    საქართველოს სივრცის დაგეგმარების, არქიტექტურული და სამშენებლო საქმიანობის კოდექსი # 3213-რს

    The Code of Spatial Planning, Architectural and Construction Activities of Georgia defines the Legal Grounds for Creating Architectural Works. It introduces the Architectural Planning Assignment (APA) as a prerequisite for architectural projects, detailing its issuance process, requirements, and conditions. It emphasizes the significance of adhering to urban planning documents and guidelines. The law addresses the licensing requirements for activities related to architectural works and the approval process for architectural designs. It specifies that architects involved in creating designs do not need licenses. The document numerates the rights and obligations of

    გარემოსდაცვითი შეფასების კოდექსი # 890-IIს

    The Environmental Assessment Code is a comprehensive overview of the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) procedures and regulations in Georgia. It outlines the process for submitting screening and scoping applications to the Agency, as well as the public review of EIA reports. The involvement of the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia in the decision-making process is also detailed. The document emphasizes the importance of integrating environmental issues, particularly the promotion of sustainable development, within the strategic document. It addresses general

    კულტურის სტრატეგია 2025

    The Culture Strategy 2025 outlines the objectives and tasks required to promote cultural diversity, freedom of expression, and the development of cultural infrastructure in Georgia. The document aims to preserve and maintain Georgian language and cultural heritage in the diaspora while ensuring engagement with Georgian culture and promotion overseas. The strategy emphasizes the importance of cultural diversity and its protection for the country’s development and democratization, as well as the role artistic professionals with different cultural backgrounds play in achieving this goal. It provides guidance and support for the preservation

    Culture Strategy 2025

    The Culture Strategy 2025 outlines the objectives and tasks required to promote cultural diversity, freedom of expression, and the development of cultural infrastructure in Georgia. The document aims to preserve and maintain Georgian language and cultural heritage in the diaspora while ensuring engagement with Georgian culture and promotion overseas. The strategy emphasizes the importance of cultural diversity and its protection for the country’s development and democratization, as well as the role artistic professionals with different cultural backgrounds play in achieving this goal. It provides guidance and support for the preservation

    Resolution of the Government of Georgia #411 On the implementation of a special regime for the regulation of urban development in the cultural heritage protection zones of Mtskheta

    The government of Georgia’s Resolution No. 411 is focused on the introduction of a special regime for the regulation of urban development in the cultural heritage protection zones of Mtskheta Municipality. Its purpose is to preserve and protect the special public importance of the world heritage monuments of Mtskheta municipality, to harmonize urban processes with historical-cultural values and to promote development compatible with the historically formed cultural landscape. The resolution emphasizes that, until the approval of the complete urban planning documentation of Mtskheta Municipality in accordance with the law, a

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