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  • Loi du 23 août 2023 portant modification de la loi modifiée du 18 juillet 2018 concernant la protection de la nature et des ressources naturelles

    This legislation introduces significant amendments to the existing law concerning the protection of nature and natural resources in Luxembourg. It specifically addresses the reconstruction of constructions in green zones under certain conditions, emphasising the importance of preserving heritage sites and national cultural assets. The law outlines strict regulations regarding changes in the dimensions, exterior appearance, and purpose of existing constructions in designated areas. One key aspect of the legislation is the authorization process for modifications to constructions in green zones, ensuring compliance with heritage preservation standards. It also includes provisions

    Green paper on the Sustainable Management of Cultural Heritage

    This book explores the sustainable management of cultural heritage, focusing on the use of new technologies, the democratization of knowledge, and the challenges and strategies related to the preservation and promotion of Spanish and European heritage. It addresses the need to adapt communication methods to different target audiences, emphasizing the importance of effective dissemination and the accessibility of information, offering the norms and regulations that rule the legal framework in both the Spanish and European case. The report highlights the role of traditional practices and knowledge in contributing to environmental

    Libro Verde para la gestión sostenible del patrimonio cultural

    This book explores the sustainable management of cultural heritage, focusing on the use of new technologies, the democratization of knowledge, and the challenges and strategies related to the preservation and promotion of Spanish and European heritage. It addresses the need to adapt communication methods to different target audiences, emphasizing the importance of effective dissemination and the accessibility of information, offering the norms and regulations that rule the legal framework in both the Spanish and European case. The report highlights the role of traditional practices and knowledge in contributing to environmental

    Règlement grand-ducal du 26 juillet 2023 portant délimitation de la zone d’observation archéologique

    In this legislation, the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg establishes a defined archaeological observation zone in accordance with cultural heritage laws. The document outlines the specific boundaries and regulations governing archaeological activities within this designated area. It emphasises the importance of preserving and studying cultural heritage through systematic observation and documentation. The legislation highlights the role of the Minister of Culture in overseeing the implementation of the regulations within the archaeological observation zone. It underscores the significance of public consultation and input from relevant chambers of commerce and trades in the decision-making

    Décret relatif à la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel

    This legislation focuses on safeguarding intangible cultural heritage within the French-speaking region and Brussels-Capital bilingual area. It emphasises the importance of evaluating the short and long-term impacts of actions on heritage viability. Communities and individuals involved must demonstrate expertise in intangible cultural heritage and have links to heritage communities. The document outlines criteria for recognition as emblematic heritage elements and the establishment of a safeguarding list. Furthermore, the legislation highlights the dynamic and living nature of intangible cultural heritage, emphasising the need for continuous respect and authenticity. It stresses the

    Enrichments policy for the common European data space for cultural heritage

    This policy supports the conception and development of purposeful enrichment efforts that contribute to the objectives of the common European data space for cultural heritage. Enrichments are data about a cultural heritage object (i.e. metadata) or of the object itself (i.e. its content) that augment, contextualise or rectify the authoritative data made available by cultural heritage institutions. Enrichments of metadata aim to improve it by adding new, or refining or rectifying information about the object, while content enrichments aim to produce alternative representations in various media types of the object.

    Loi du 23 août 2023 modifiant la loi modifiée du 31 mai 1999 portant institution d’un fonds pour la protection de l’environnement

    In response to the evolving landscape of environmental protection, a recent legislative update in Luxembourg introduces significant changes to the existing framework governing the environmental fund. The amendments aim to enhance the efficiency and accountability of environmental projects, emphasising the responsible use of state aid and subsidies. One key aspect of the updated law is the requirement for unused state assistance to be returned promptly if not utilised for designated projects within a specified timeframe. Moreover, the revised legislation outlines specific criteria for project eligibility and funding allocation, with a

    Decreto-Lei n.º 79/2023, de 4 de setembro: Criação da Museus e Monumentos de Portugal, E. P. E.

    This decree-law creates the Museums and Monuments of Portugal (Museus e Monumentos de Portugal, Entidade Pública Empresarial [E. P. E.]) and approves its Statutes. Museus e Monumentos de Portugal, E. P. E., replaces the Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage in terms of its mission, remit, assets and human resources in the following areas: – Management of national museums, monuments and palaces; – Implementation of the national museological policy; and – Protection, conservation and restoration, research, valorisation and communication of national collections and movable cultural heritage. It is a legal person governed

    Decreto-Lei n.º 78/2023, de 4 de setembro: Criação do Património Cultural, I. P.

    This Decree-Law creates the Cultural Heritage, I. P., which succeeds in the attributions, rights, obligations and contractual position to the Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage (DGPC). Cultural Heritage, I. P., is an organism that is under oversight and guardianship of the governing area of culture and has jurisdiction throughout the national territory. The institute’s core responsibilities include inventorying, classifying, conserving, restoring, and promoting cultural heritage assets. It plays a crucial role in managing interventions in classified properties and collaborating with regional development commissions to ensure the protection and valorisation of cultural

    Gozo Regional Development Strategy 2023-2033

    The Gozo Regional Development Strategy (RDS) is based on Gozo Regional Development Act XVIII of 2019 CAP 600, whereby culture and heritage are mentioned among the social factors to be assessed in preparing the Regional Impact Study. The Strategy published emphasises the importance of preserving Gozo’s identity through protection and promotion of its cultural heritage, as it acknowledges the deep relationship between culture, traditions, built heritage and identity. The action envisaged aims at re-valuing the Gozitan identity, characterised by cultural expressions visible in heritage sites, museums, local theatres, and traditional

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