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  • Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (National Recovery and Resilience Plan)

    The “Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR)” document outlines Italy’s comprehensive plan to leverage the European Union’s Recovery and Resilience Facility funds to foster economic recovery and growth post-COVID-19. The document sets the stage for a transformative series of reforms and investments aimed at enhancing Italy’s economic, social, and environmental sustainability. Central to the plan are six primary missions: digitalization, innovation, competitiveness, and culture; green revolution and ecological transition; infrastructure for sustainable mobility; education and research; inclusion and cohesion; and health. The PNRR aims to tackle long-standing structural issues

    Décret portant sur la gestion et la préservation des archives publiques en Communauté française

    This legislation focuses on the management and preservation of public archives in the French Community, aiming to safeguard valuable historical and cultural information for future generations. It defines key terms such as archives, management practices, and public access guidelines, emphasising the importance of maintaining the integrity, authenticity, and accessibility of archival materials. The document sets out specific responsibilities for producers of archives to ensure proper organisation, preservation, and transfer of records with enduring value. One of the central themes of this legislation is the promotion of transparency and democratic access

    Plano Estratégico para o Desenvolvimento Cultural de Tavira

    The Strategic Plan for the Cultural Development of Tavira outlines a comprehensive strategy for the cultural development of Tavira, focusing on preserving the city’s rich cultural heritage and promoting contemporary art. The document emphasises the importance of cultural values, strategic objectives, and an action plan to drive cultural growth in Tavira. It includes a detailed analysis of strategic municipal documents related to education, social issues, youth, tourism, economic development, and urban planning to inform the cultural development strategy. The preliminary version of the document highlights the significance of collaboration with

    Kulturpolitische Leitlinien (2023)

    The guidelines provide a framework for enhancing the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage. They aim to foster collaboration among stakeholders while addressing the challenges posed by contemporary crises, including climate change. Central to the guidelines is the commitment to ecological sustainability in cultural production and monument protection. The emphasis on harmonising energy transitions with the preservation of cultural landscapes highlights the need for innovative approaches that respect both heritage and environmental concerns. By supporting cultural institutions in developing expertise in sustainability, the guidelines encourage a proactive stance towards ecological

    Portaria n.º 388/2023, de 23 de novembro: Estatutos do Património Cultural, I. P.

    This ordinance approves and publishes the statutes of Património Cultural, I.P. (Cultural Heritage, Public Institute), which came into force on 1st of January, 2024. This new Public institution is created by the Decree Law no. 78/2023 and succeeds the Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage. The Statutes establish that the core structure of Património Cultural, I.P. is made up of the following organisational units: the Department of Cultural Assets; the Department of Projects and Works; the Department of Planning and Management; the Department of Digital Transition; and the Department of the Safeguard

    Arrêté grand-ducal du 17 novembre 2023 portant attribution des compétences ministérielles

    In this legislative update, significant changes have been made to the allocation of ministerial responsibilities in Luxembourg. The Grand-Duke of Luxembourg has designated key officials to oversee various sectors, including the Prime Minister, Vice-Prime Minister, and ministers in charge of areas such as foreign affairs, justice, and culture. These appointments aim to streamline governance and enhance efficiency in decision-making processes across different governmental departments. The reallocation of ministerial roles signifies a strategic shift in the management of national affairs, with a focus on promoting collaboration and specialisation within the government.

    Fastsettelse av forskrift om vern av Østmarka nasjonalpark, og fastsettelse av forskrift om vern av Østmarka friluftslivsområde

    This legislation discusses the establishment and protection of the Østmarka National Park and Østmarka Recreation Area. It outlines the natural, cultural and historical values of the area and justifies why those values are worth conserving through the establishment of these protected areas. It also details the methods used to conduct research regarding the impact of the proposed protected areas on society and how the findings will be used to manage the park in the future. The document discusses the balance between preservation and recreation for the benefit of local residents

    Rahmenrichtlinie über die Förderung der Kultur in Tirol (Framework guidelines on the promotion of culture in Tyrol)

    The “Rahmenrichtlinie zur Förderung der Kultur in Tirol” are a technical non-binding document regulating the basic conditions for the granting of fundings for cultural projects in Tirol. They are based on the Tiroler Kulturförderungsgesetz 2010. They establish procedural and administrative duties and rights of the grantees. The source for the fundings is the provincial fund of Tirol. The guidelines establish three principles to be followed: economy, efficiency, and effectiveness. In compliance with the principles, fundings is available for various forms of cultural expression and institutions that contribute to the preservation

    Historic and Archaeological Heritage and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2023

    This legislation regulates the the preservation and promotion of historic heritage, with a particular focus on archaeological and architectural heritage. It outlines the coordination and development of public policy to promote the best practices in preserving Irish Heritage. It also highlights general prohibitions, such as false or misleading statements, obstruction of heritage sites, and knowingly supplying equipment for use in an offense under this act. Moreover, it outlines general powers, inspections, enforcement notices and arrest, search and seizure powers of officers and other relevant bodies in the protection of Heritage

    2023 Report on the state of the Digital Decade

    The 2030 Digital Compass: the European way for the Digital Decade is a 2021 Communication of the European Commission aiming to pursue digital policies that advance a human centred, sustainable and more prosperous digital future in Europe. The Communication specifically recognises the need for this approach to be fully integrated in the cultural sector, by noting that digital technologies are vital for citizens to access basic services such as health and culture. The Communication sets concrete targets to measure progress in digitisation efforts by 2030. In September 2023, the European

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