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  • Piano attuativo della formazione 2024 (Training implementation plan 2024)

    The ‘Piano Attuativo della Formazione’ (Training implementation plan) is a comprehensive plan for the training and development of the Ministry staff for the year 2024. It focuses on enhancing the skills and competencies of professionals involved in the preservation, management, and promotion of cultural heritage. The document serves as a strategic guide for implementing effective training programs aimed at safeguarding Italy’s rich cultural legacy. The plan emphasises the importance of continuous education and specialised training for heritage professionals. It identifies key areas where skill enhancement is crucial, including digital technologies,

    National Education Strategy 2024 – 2030. Visioning the Future by Transforming Education

    The 2024-2030 Maltese Education Strategy envisages the future of young generations by setting up a person-centred education, whereby the wellbeing of the educator and students are equally valued. Three pillars inform the strategy: Wellbeing; Growth & Empowerment; and Equity & Inclusion. The strategy is likewise designed to achieve Goal 4 of the Sustainable Development Goals (Quality Education). Cultural heritage is included in several educational aspects. First of all, the Ministry foresees to integrate heritage appreciation in primary schools curricula, among other alternative pathways, in order to prevent early leaving from

    Omgevingswet (Environment Act)

    The Omgevingswet 2024 (Environmental Act 2024) overhauls the previous Environmental Act of 2015 of The Netherlands, and integrates provisions on cultural heritage. This act is a major overhaul of the environmental legislation in the Netherlands, aiming to simplify and integrate various regulations related to spatial planning, construction, environment, and water management. It emphasizes sustainability, efficiency, and citizen participation in decision-making processes regarding land use and environmental issues. The Environment Act streamlines procedures for obtaining permits, introduces new instruments for spatial planning and environmental management, and promotes a holistic approach to

    Erfgoedwet (Heritage Act)

    The Erfgoedwet, or Heritage Act, of the Netherlands is legislation aimed at safeguarding and managing cultural heritage within the country. It outlines measures for the protection, preservation, and promotion of various forms of heritage, including monuments, archaeological sites, and museum collections. The act establishes the responsibilities of different governmental bodies, such as the national government, provinces, and municipalities, in preserving and managing heritage. Additionally, it addresses issues related to ownership, funding, and public access to cultural heritage sites and artifacts. The overarching goal of the Heritage Act is to ensure

    Tillaga til þingsályktunar um ferðamálastefnu og aðgerðaáætlun til ársins 2030 (Motion for a Parliamentary Resolution on a tourism policy and action plan until 2030)

    The “Motion for a Parliamentary Resolution on Tourism Policy and Action Plan to 2030” outlines Iceland’s strategy for developing a sustainable and competitive tourism sector. The plan emphasizes balancing economic growth, environmental protection, and social well-being, ensuring tourism benefits the entire country. It includes a detailed action plan with defined, cost-estimated, and time-framed measures, which will be updated every two years. The initiative focuses on enhancing visitor experiences, respecting carrying capacities, and fostering professional, high-quality, and safe tourism services.

    Frumvarp til laga um Náttúruverndar- og minjastofnun (Act on the Icelandic Institute for Nature Conservation and Heritage)

    The Bill for an Act on the Icelandic Institute for Nature Conservation and Heritage establishes a new agency responsible for nature conservation, cultural heritage, and protected areas, including national parks. This agency consolidates functions previously managed by the Environment Agency of Iceland, the Cultural Heritage Agency of Iceland, Vatnajökull National Park, and Þingvellir National Park. The Act promotes efficient regional management and protection, aiming for streamlined administration, enhanced interdisciplinary collaboration, and improved public services starting January 1, 2025.

    Tillaga til þingsályktunar um viðhald fagþekkingar á hefðbundnu og fornu handverki (Motion for a Parliamentary Resolution on the maintenance of professional knowledge of traditional and ancient crafts)

    The motion for a parliamentary resolution seeks to ensure the preservation of professional knowledge of traditional and ancient crafts in Iceland. The resolution instructs the Minister of Education and Children, in collaboration with other relevant ministers, to develop and implement a plan for this purpose by the end of 2024. The explanation highlights the risk of losing valuable craft knowledge due to its reliance on a few individuals, stressing the importance of integrating such knowledge into the education system. The motion also emphasizes Iceland’s responsibility to preserve this intangible cultural

    Pohjois-Lapin Maakuntakaava 2040 (North Lapland Regional Plan 2040)

    The Northern Lapland regional plan covers the Sámi and Lapin municipalities of Sodankylä, Inari, and Utsjoki and provides a long-term perspective for regional development. The regional plan results of a highly collaborative process between municipal representatives, the Sámi Parliament, other regional bodies and stakeholders. Focusing on the region’s land use, urban structure, and overall development, the extensive plan touches upon cultural landscapes, built heritage, and tourism several times. The plan considers the region’s future prosperity while honoring the cultural and environmental significance of the land.

    Lege Nr. 449 din 28-12-2023 pentru modificarea Legii culturii nr. 413/1999 (Law No. 449 of 28-12-2023 amending the Law on Culture no. 413/1999)

    A recent legislation in Moldova seeks to introduce changes to the Law of Culture, which was first enacted in 1999. The new law aims to expand the state’s responsibilities towards young talents and graduates in the cultural sector. It provides for a range of incentives, including financial aid and other employment-related advantages. These benefits are meant to motivate successful graduates to work for a public institution in the cultural domain and thus enable them to pursue their artistic career with greater ease. One of the key provisions of the new

    Plano Estratégico Municipal de Cultura de Setúbal 2030 (Setúbal Municipal Strategic Plan for Culture 2030)

    The Setúbal Municipal Strategic Plan for Culture 2030 is a comprehensive framework designed to enhance cultural diversity, promote accessibility, and foster sustainable development. It aims to address various aspects of cultural and community life, including reducing ecological impact, promoting local culture, and improving communication channels. The plan emphasises the importance of community involvement and engagement in cultural activities, aiming to create a more inclusive and vibrant cultural landscape. Initiatives outlined in the plan focus on multicultural programming, job creation in the cultural sector, and the preservation of heritage sites. Additionally,

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