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  • Lege Nr. 12 din 01-02-2024 privind Fondul național al culturii (Law No. 12 of 01-02-2024 on the National Fund for Culture)

    A new law recently published in Moldova lays out the legal framework for the National Cultural Fund, a government initiative designed to support and promote artistic and cultural endeavours within the country. The law stipulates that the Fund will finance cultural and editorial projects and outlines its main objectives, such as supporting and promoting artistic creation, encouraging mobility and residency for artists and creatives, developing management and technical skills, and creating new products, services, and infrastructure within the cultural sector. One notable feature of the law is that funding for

    Lege pentru modificarea Legii monumentelor de for public nr. 192/2011 (Law for the modification of the Law on public forum monuments no. 192/2011)

    This law focuses on the amendments proposed by the Ministry of Culture in Moldova to the Law on Public Monuments. The primary objective of the proposed modifications is to provide a legal framework that safeguards and preserves public monuments of cultural significance. The document outlines the key elements of the legislation, including the degree of compatibility required for projects intended to harmonize national laws with European Union regulations. The proposed legislation encourages the responsible use of public funds in heritage protection, including the regulation and approval process for new developments.

    Ligji Nr. 08/L-245 Pёr Artin Dhe Kulturën (Law No. 08/L-245 on Art and Culture)

    The law delineates the overarching principles and guidelines governing cultural policies within the Republic of Kosovo. It delineates the framework for the execution and production of cultural activities, alongside conditions for their implementation through artistic consumption. Furthermore, it regulates the rights, obligations, and responsibilities within the territory of Kosovo. This includes provisions for the preservation, development, and promotion of historical heritage, particularly entrusted to institutions such as the Kosovo Opera, National Ballet, and “Shota” National Song and Dance Ensemble. Additionally, it addresses the establishment, organisation, financing, management, and operation of

    Decreto-Lei n.º 11/2024, de 8 de janeiro: alteração do estatuto das orquestras regionais (Decree-Law no. 11/2024 of 8 January: amending the statute for regional orchestras)

    The decree-law focuses on the establishment of regional orchestras and outlines various provisions related to their functioning. It emphasises the promotion of cultural heritage, educational activities, and training opportunities for music students and professionals. Regional orchestras pursue goals of public interest in the field of the dissemination of classical music in the different communities in which they are located. The objectives of regional orchestras are, among others, to promote people’s access to cultural enjoyment and creation, to collaborate with local institutions and cultural agents to build an integrated and richer

    Estratégia Nacional de Longo Prazo para o Combate à Pobreza Energética 2023-2050, ELPPE (National Long-Term Strategy to Combat Energy Poverty 2023-2050)

    The National Long-Term Strategy for Combating Energy Poverty 2023-2050 (ELPPE) aims to eradicate energy poverty in Portugal by 2050, safeguarding vulnerable consumers and integrating them into energy-efficient services. The strategy aligns with the EU Directive on Energy Efficiency, defining energy poverty as the lack of access to essential energy services. It is guided by the UN Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 7 on renewable and accessible energy, Goal 1 on poverty eradication, and Goal 13 on climate action. The ELPPE outlines four strategic intervention axes: promoting housing energy and environmental

    Piano attuativo della formazione 2024 (Training implementation plan 2024)

    The ‘Piano Attuativo della Formazione’ (Training implementation plan) is a comprehensive plan for the training and development of the Ministry staff for the year 2024. It focuses on enhancing the skills and competencies of professionals involved in the preservation, management, and promotion of cultural heritage. The document serves as a strategic guide for implementing effective training programs aimed at safeguarding Italy’s rich cultural legacy. The plan emphasises the importance of continuous education and specialised training for heritage professionals. It identifies key areas where skill enhancement is crucial, including digital technologies,

    National Education Strategy 2024 – 2030. Visioning the Future by Transforming Education

    The 2024-2030 Maltese Education Strategy envisages the future of young generations by setting up a person-centred education, whereby the wellbeing of the educator and students are equally valued. Three pillars inform the strategy: Wellbeing; Growth & Empowerment; and Equity & Inclusion. The strategy is likewise designed to achieve Goal 4 of the Sustainable Development Goals (Quality Education). Cultural heritage is included in several educational aspects. First of all, the Ministry foresees to integrate heritage appreciation in primary schools curricula, among other alternative pathways, in order to prevent early leaving from

    Omgevingswet (Environment Act)

    The Omgevingswet 2024 (Environmental Act 2024) overhauls the previous Environmental Act of 2015 of The Netherlands, and integrates provisions on cultural heritage. This act is a major overhaul of the environmental legislation in the Netherlands, aiming to simplify and integrate various regulations related to spatial planning, construction, environment, and water management. It emphasizes sustainability, efficiency, and citizen participation in decision-making processes regarding land use and environmental issues. The Environment Act streamlines procedures for obtaining permits, introduces new instruments for spatial planning and environmental management, and promotes a holistic approach to

    Erfgoedwet (Heritage Act)

    The Erfgoedwet, or Heritage Act, of the Netherlands is legislation aimed at safeguarding and managing cultural heritage within the country. It outlines measures for the protection, preservation, and promotion of various forms of heritage, including monuments, archaeological sites, and museum collections. The act establishes the responsibilities of different governmental bodies, such as the national government, provinces, and municipalities, in preserving and managing heritage. Additionally, it addresses issues related to ownership, funding, and public access to cultural heritage sites and artifacts. The overarching goal of the Heritage Act is to ensure

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