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  • Zakon o zaštiti prirodnog i kulturno-istorijskog područja Kotora (Law on the Protection of the Natural and Cultural-Historical Area of Kotor)

    The Law sets forth measures for conserving and managing the Kotor region, recognised for its natural and cultural significance, including its UNESCO World Heritage status. It outlines the boundaries of the protected area, covering approximately 12,000 hectares of land and sea across several municipalities. The law emphasizes the public interest in preserving the area’s universal value, historical, urban, architectural, and landscape qualities. It establishes a management framework led by a council appointed by the Government of Montenegro, focusing on sustainable development, presentation, and scientific evaluation. The law integrates other relevant

    Zakon o ratifikaciji konvencije o zaštiti podvodne kulturne baštine (The Law on Ratification of the Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage)

    The document is a legislative act by Montenegro, related to the ratification of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage. This law underscores Montenegro’s commitment to preserving underwater cultural heritage within its jurisdiction. It outlines the legal framework for identifying, protecting, and conserving underwater cultural sites, which include shipwrecks, ruins, and artifacts with archaeological, historical, or cultural significance located beneath the water’s surface. The ratification signifies Montenegro’s intention to cooperate internationally in safeguarding submerged heritage for future generations, promoting scientific research, and ensuring responsible public access

    Pravilnik o nacionalnim standardima za digitalizaciju bibliotečke gradje (Rulebook on National Standards for the Digitisation of Library Materials)

    The document outlines the national standards for digitising library materials in Montenegro. It specifies the basic digitization processes, including scanning, digital photography, conversion of microfilmed materials into digital form, metadata assignment, text recognition (OCR), and the creation of XML files for full-text collection searching. The selection criteria for digitization focus on cultural significance, scientific, artistic, and educational value, rarity, regional relevance, and copyright considerations. Technical prerequisites, required equipment, and software for digitisation, processing, and web presentation are detailed. The document emphasizes the importance of maintaining digital material authenticity, ensuring stable

    Zakon o kulturnom nasledju Republike Srbije (Law on Cultural Heritage)

    The Law outlines the framework for the protection and conservation of cultural heritage within Serbia. It categorizes cultural heritage into material and immaterial assets, establishing the legal basis for their preservation, management, and accessibility. The law emphasizes the importance of identifying, documenting, and evaluating cultural heritage to ensure its protection and to foster public awareness and appreciation. It also details the roles of institutions responsible for cultural heritage and the processes for declaring and protecting cultural assets, including the involvement of public participation in the conservation efforts. This comprehensive legislation

    Zakon o kulturnim dobrima Republike Srbije (Law on Cultural Property)

    The document establishes the legal framework for the protection and utilization of cultural goods in Serbia. It defines cultural goods as objects and creations of material and spiritual culture of general interest, which enjoy special protection under this law. These goods are categorized based on their physical, artistic, cultural, and historical properties into movable and immovable cultural goods, and further classified based on their significance into cultural goods, cultural goods of great importance, and cultural goods of exceptional importance. The law outlines the processes for identifying, protecting, and managing these

    Law on Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment

    The “Law on Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment” meticulously incorporates considerations for cultural-historic heritage within its framework for environmental protection and planning. It mandates the inclusion of cultural-historic heritage assessments in the strategic evaluation process for plans and programs that could influence the environment. This approach ensures that any potential impacts on cultural-historic sites are carefully evaluated, and measures are implemented to minimize negative effects. The law emphasizes a comprehensive assessment process that includes public participation, ensuring that decisions regarding development and environmental management respect and preserve Serbia’s cultural and historical

    Стратегија развоја културе Републике Србије од 2020. до 2029. године (Strategy for the Development of Culture in the Republic of Serbia from 2020 to 2029)

    The document outlines a comprehensive plan to integrate cultural heritage into the broader strategy for cultural development. It emphasizes the preservation of Serbia’s unique cultural space through productive cooperation among individual and collective cultural actors, recognizing cultural diversity as a special asset. The strategy is committed to protecting and promoting Serbian cultural heritage and creativity, both domestically and among the Serbian diaspora. It aims to encourage research and development of the Serbian cultural identity and the identities of the people of Serbia, promoting a culture of memory and awareness of

    Smernice za digitalizaciju kulturnog nasledja u Republici Srbiji (Guidelines for the Digitisation of Cultural Heritage in the Republic of Serbia)

    The document outlines a comprehensive approach for the digital preservation and promotion of cultural heritage. It details procedures and best practices for creating digital versions of cultural assets, including the development of digital catalogs, the long-term preservation of digitized heritage, and ensuring broad and secure access to these digital resources. The guidelines emphasize the importance of using standardized metadata systems, selecting priority items for digitization based on their cultural significance and physical condition, and employing modern technology to facilitate the digitization process. By following these guidelines, Serbian cultural institutions aim

    Program energetske obnove zgrada koje imaju status kulturnog dobra za razdoblje do 2030. godine (Energy Renovation Program for Buildings with the Status of Cultural Property until 2030)

    The document outlines a comprehensive program for the energy renovation of buildings designated as cultural heritage in Croatia by 2030. It aims for a holistic renovation approach, ensuring the protection and preservation of cultural heritage. The program categorizes buildings into individually protected cultural goods and those within protected cultural-historical units, excluding buildings protected as preventive cultural goods or listed goods. Three main approaches are developed: application of individual energy renovation measures, integral energy renovation, and comprehensive renovation, each aiming to achieve a minimum savings of 20% in annual thermal energy

    Nacionalna razvojna strategija Republike Hrvatske do 2030. godine (National development strategy until 2030 Republic of Croatia)

    The National Development Strategy of Croatia until 2030 incorporates the preservation and enhancement of cultural heritage as an integral component of its broader objectives for sustainable development and social cohesion. It emphasizes the significance of cultural heritage in promoting national identity, fostering social inclusion, and contributing to economic development through tourism and the creative industries. The strategy outlines plans to invest in the restoration and conservation of cultural monuments and sites, leveraging them as catalysts for local development and as pivotal elements in the country’s tourism offering. Recognizing the vulnerability

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