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  • Estratégia Nacional de Longo Prazo para o Combate à Pobreza Energética 2023-2050 (ELPPE)

    The National Long-Term Strategy for Combating Energy Poverty 2023-2050 (ELPPE) aims to eradicate energy poverty in Portugal by 2050, safeguarding vulnerable consumers and integrating them into energy-efficient services. The strategy aligns with the EU Directive on Energy Efficiency, defining energy poverty as the lack of access to essential energy services. It is guided by the UN Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 7 on renewable and accessible energy, Goal 1 on poverty eradication, and Goal 13 on climate action. The ELPPE outlines four strategic intervention axes: promoting housing energy and environmental

    Decreto-Lei n.º 11/2024, de 8 de janeiro: alteração do estatuto das orquestras regionais

    The decree-law focuses on the establishment of regional orchestras and outlines various provisions related to their functioning. It emphasises the promotion of cultural heritage, educational activities, and training opportunities for music students and professionals. Regional orchestras pursue goals of public interest in the field of the dissemination of classical music in the different communities in which they are located. The objectives of regional orchestras are, among others, to promote people’s access to cultural enjoyment and creation, to collaborate with local institutions and cultural agents to build an integrated and richer


    The Erfgoedwet, or Heritage Act, of the Netherlands is legislation aimed at safeguarding and managing cultural heritage within the country. It outlines measures for the protection, preservation, and promotion of various forms of heritage, including monuments, archaeological sites, and museum collections. The act establishes the responsibilities of different governmental bodies, such as the national government, provinces, and municipalities, in preserving and managing heritage. Additionally, it addresses issues related to ownership, funding, and public access to cultural heritage sites and artifacts. The overarching goal of the Heritage Act is to ensure


    The Omgevingswet 2024 (Environmental Act 2024) overhauls the previous Environmental Act of 2015 of The Netherlands, and integrates provisions on cultural heritage. This act is a major overhaul of the environmental legislation in the Netherlands, aiming to simplify and integrate various regulations related to spatial planning, construction, environment, and water management. It emphasizes sustainability, efficiency, and citizen participation in decision-making processes regarding land use and environmental issues. The Environment Act streamlines procedures for obtaining permits, introduces new instruments for spatial planning and environmental management, and promotes a holistic approach to

    Loi du 14 juillet 2023 portant création d’un établissement public nommé « Espace culturel des Rotondes »

    This legislation establishes the “Espace culturel des Rotondes,” a public establishment dedicated to cultural activities and artistic expression. The document outlines the resources available to the establishment, including state funding, event revenues, donations, and partnerships. It emphasises the autonomy and administrative freedom of the establishment, under the supervision of the Minister of Culture. The “Espace culturel des Rotondes” is mandated to serve as a hub for creative initiatives, focusing on youth audiences, contemporary arts, and cultural diversity. It aims to foster collaboration, inclusivity, and artistic education through various programs and

    Loi du 14 juillet 2023 portant création d’un établissement public nommé « Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean »

    This legislation is establishing a public institution dedicated to modern and contemporary art in Luxembourg. This law creates the “Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean” under the Ministry of Culture, emphasising its role in collecting, preserving, and researching modern art. The institution aims to provide broad public access to its collection and promote artistic and cultural activities of national and international significance. The newly formed establishment is granted legal autonomy and financial independence to fulfil its mission of showcasing diverse trends in modern and contemporary art. It is mandated to organise

    Loi du 14 juillet 2023 portant création d’un établissement public nommé « Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain »

    In response to the growing need for cultural preservation and promotion, a recent legislation has been enacted to establish a public institution dedicated to contemporary art in Luxembourg. This initiative aims to foster artistic creation, experimentation, and cultural exchange on a national and international scale. The newly formed “Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain” is mandated to serve as a hub for artistic innovation and dialogue within the visual arts and contemporary creative landscape. The legislation introduces significant modifications to tax laws and cultural funding mechanisms, signalling a strategic shift

    Loi du 14 juillet 2023 portant création d’un établissement public nommé « Trois C-L – Maison pour la Danse »

    A new public establishment has been established to support and promote the art of dance, both nationally and internationally. This initiative aims to provide a platform for choreographers, artists, and cultural professionals to create, showcase, and preserve the heritage of contemporary dance. The institution is empowered with legal autonomy, financial independence, and artistic freedom to fulfil its mission effectively. The newly created establishment, named “Trois C-L – Maison pour la Danse,” operates under the supervision of the Minister of Culture, focusing on nurturing choreographic talent, engaging diverse audiences, and preserving

    Motion for a Parliamentary Resolution on a tourism policy and action plan until 2030

    The “Motion for a Parliamentary Resolution on Tourism Policy and Action Plan to 2030” outlines Iceland’s strategy for developing a sustainable and competitive tourism sector. The plan emphasizes balancing economic growth, environmental protection, and social well-being, ensuring tourism benefits the entire country. It includes a detailed action plan with defined, cost-estimated, and time-framed measures, which will be updated every two years. The initiative focuses on enhancing visitor experiences, respecting carrying capacities, and fostering professional, high-quality, and safe tourism services.

    Motion for a Parliamentary Resolution on the maintenance of professional knowledge of traditional and ancient crafts

    The motion for a parliamentary resolution seeks to ensure the preservation of professional knowledge of traditional and ancient crafts in Iceland. The resolution instructs the Minister of Education and Children, in collaboration with other relevant ministers, to develop and implement a plan for this purpose by the end of 2024. The explanation highlights the risk of losing valuable craft knowledge due to its reliance on a few individuals, stressing the importance of integrating such knowledge into the education system. The motion also emphasizes Iceland’s responsibility to preserve this intangible cultural

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