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  • Loi du 15 mai 2018 relative à l’évaluation des incidences sur l’environnement

    This legislation focuses on the evaluation of environmental impacts, emphasising the protection of natural resources and heritage sites. It outlines detailed procedures for assessing the potential effects of projects on the environment, including considerations for biodiversity, cultural heritage, and landscape preservation. The document highlights the importance of sustainable resource management and the mitigation of negative impacts through proactive measures. One key aspect addressed in the legislation is the requirement for project proponents to provide comprehensive descriptions of their initiatives, including proposed measures to avoid or minimise adverse effects on heritage

    Dog Policy at Historic Scotland Properties

    Exploring the regulations governing dog policies at Historic Scotland properties, this legislation outlines the guidelines and restrictions concerning visitors’ canine companions. The document details the permissibility of dogs at various sites, emphasising the importance of responsible ownership and adherence to specific rules to maintain the heritage integrity of these locations. Visitors are informed that dogs are generally welcome at Historic Scotland properties, with the requirement that they remain on a lead and under supervision at all times. Additionally, a strict no-fouling rule is in place, necessitating owners to clean up

    Loi du 25 avril 2018 relative à la gestion collective des droits d’auteur et des droits voisins et l’octroi de licences multiterritoriales de droits sur des œuvres musicales en vue de leur utilisation en ligne dans le marché intérieur et portant modification de la loi modifiée du 18 avril 2001 sur les droits d’auteur, les droits voisins et les bases de données

    This legislation from Luxembourg focuses on the collective management of copyright and neighbouring rights, as well as the issuance of multi territorial licences for online use of musical works within the internal market. It introduces requirements for collective management organisations to report on their governance structure, financial information, and relationships with other entities. The law mandates that these organisations obtain authorization and approval from the relevant ministry, with strict criteria for eligibility and renewal. One of the key aspects of this legislation is the emphasis on transparency and accountability in

    Protection of Cultural Heritage Latvia

    The document discusses Latvia’s efforts in cultural heritage protection, highlighting the evolution of heritage protection laws and practices since 1940. The overview explores the evolving landscape of cultural heritage protection, highlighting the significance of preserving diverse heritage values. It addresses the need for a shift from bureaucratic control to a more inclusive and participatory approach that engages society in heritage preservation efforts. The text emphasises the importance of modern technologies in enhancing the understanding and documentation of cultural heritage. By moving beyond traditional methods, it advocates for the integration of

    Utvidelse av Dovrefjell-Sunndalsfjella nasjonalpark, oppretting av tilgrensende nytt Hjerkinn landskapsvernområde med biotopvern, samt endring av grensene for Fokstugu landskapsvernområde i Dovre og Lesja kommuner

    This legislation proposes the protection of a significant part of the Dovrefjell-Sunndalsfjella National Park in Norway. The legislation emphasises the need to prioritise the preservation of the natural habitat and the safety and well-being of wildlife, and outlines the proposed area’s ecological and cultural values. The legislation acknowledges the importance of local involvement and partnership in the management of the protected area. It recognizes the area’s significance as a habitat for the last remaining wild European mountain reindeer and the need to secure their future by protecting the area’s ecosystem.

    Gesamte Rechtsvorschrift für Kärntner Kulturförderungsgesetz 2001 (Carinthian Cultural Promotion Act)

    The “K-KFördG 2001, Fassung vom 18.04.2018” outlines the legislative framework for cultural promotion in the Austrian state of Carinthia. The Act establishes the Kärntner Kulturgremium (Cultural Commission of Carinthia), an advisory body to support the government in matters related to cultural policies and strategies. It envisages to integrate cultural heritage protection and safeguard of traditional cultural expressions into cultural policies, in order to ensure their transmission to future generations. Besides protection and safeguard, the Carinthian law aims at incentivising outstanding initiatives and actions for cultural heritage protection and meaningful contributions

    Paysages et patrimoine: les atouts d’un territoire – Centre-Val de Loire

    The Centre-Val de Loire region is renowned for its emblematic landscapes such as the Loire Valley, the Beauce plains, and the Brenne and Sologne wetlands. These landscapes result from a combination of natural phenomena, such as topography, geology, and vegetation, as well as human actions throughout history. They are therefore a crucial element of our living environment: maintaining or even restoring high-quality landscapes is vital for the well-being of communities. Beyond this aspect related to quality of life, landscapes are an integral part of regional heritage, alongside urban centres, historic

    Valuing Volunteers – Our Volunteer Policy

    This policy outlines the principles governing the relationship between volunteers and Historic Environment Scotland (HES), emphasising the significant role volunteers play in understanding, caring for, and promoting Scotland’s historic environment. It highlights the value of volunteering as an inclusive act that promotes equality and diversity within the historic environment. The policy stresses the importance of volunteers in protecting and enhancing the unique properties, collections, and archives under HES’ care through practical involvement. Volunteers are expected to adhere to guidelines on social media usage to safeguard HES’ reputation and avoid conflicts

    V Plan Director de la Cooperación Española

    This document outlines the key objectives and strategies of the V Master Plan, which serves as a comprehensive framework guiding Spain’s cooperation efforts. It focuses on fostering cultural development and promoting institutional strengthening in partner countries, aligning with the principles of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The plan underscores the significance of culture as a driver of development, emphasizing the importance of preserving cultural diversity and heritage while fostering intercultural dialogue. Central to the V Master Plan are four overarching goals, corresponding to key dimensions of the 2030 Agenda:

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