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  • ՀՀ ՕՐԵՆՔԸ Թանգարանների մասին

    The Law on Museums in the Republic of Armenia establishes a comprehensive legal framework for the regulation and management of museums. This law defines the types and functions of museums, setting standards for their operation to ensure the preservation, study, and public dissemination of cultural heritage. Key aspects of the law include: Definitions and Concepts: The law provides clear definitions for essential terms such as museums, cultural values, museum objects, and museum collections. A museum is characterized as a non-commercial entity or its subdivision dedicated to collecting, preserving, studying, and

    The law of the Republic of Armenia on Museums

    The Law on Museums in the Republic of Armenia establishes a comprehensive legal framework for the regulation and management of museums. This law defines the types and functions of museums, setting standards for their operation to ensure the preservation, study, and public dissemination of cultural heritage. Key aspects of the law include: Definitions and Concepts: The law provides clear definitions for essential terms such as museums, cultural values, museum objects, and museum collections. A museum is characterized as a non-commercial entity or its subdivision dedicated to collecting, preserving, studying, and

    Sanierungs- und Dekarbonisierungsverordnung 2024 (Ordinance of the Vienna State Government on the granting of subsidies under Chapter II of the Vienna Housing Promotion and Residential Building Renovation Act – WWFSG 1989)

    The Ordinance of the Vienna State Government on the granting of subsidies, is a law enforced in the Province of Vienna regulating the granting of subsidies for purposes of thermal-energy renovation of buildings and their envelope, construction, conversion or retrofitting of building technology systems to highly efficient alternative energy systems. The ordinance also regulates the aforementioned activities by dedicating specific attention to “historical or listed buildings, those buildings that are under monument protection or were built in protected areas or have structured facades worthy of preservation;” in the first section

    Kultuuri arengukava 2021-2030

    The Culture Development Plan 2021-2030 is the document that establishes the strategic goals in the field of culture and continues the strategy set out in the Fundamentals of Cultural Policy until 2020. The implementation of the development plan is coordinated by the Ministry of Culture. Cultural heritage is specifically elaborate on as priority 2: Estonian cultural memory is preserved and valued. Objectives of the development plan include: Estonian culture vibrant, evolving and open to the world, and participation in culture is a natural part of everyone’s life, Estonian cultural life

    2001. évi LXIV. törvény a kulturális örökség védelméről / A kulturális örökségről szóló törvény

    The fundamental law on cultural heritage in Hungary that has encompassed the field of built heritage, archaeology, parks and gardens, and protected works of art since 2001. The law is due to undergo basic transformation in 2024, as built heritage will be the subject of the new Law on Hungarian Architecture, created in 2023 whose sections on built heritage are due to take over the function of this law from 1. October 2024. The fields of archaeology, parks and gardens, and protected works of art will continue possibly in a

    Νόμος 1515/1985 (18/Α/18-2-1985): Ρυθμιστικό σχέδιο και πρόγραμμα προστασίας περιβάλλοντος της ευρύτερης περιοχής της Αθήνας

    Τhe regulatory plan for the Greater Athens area aims at the planning and design of the Greater Athens area within the framework of the National Spatial Policy, its spatial structure and organization at the regional level, the spatial structure of the transport system, other technical infrastructure and social equipment, as well as land and housing policy, the adoption of measures and the planning for the spatial and new urban structure of the capital, the designation of areas or zones of special interest or special problems, and the adoption of measures

    Endringer i 8 verneforskrifter på Svalbard

    This legislative document is a crucial update to the existing regulations surrounding the protection and preservation of the natural and cultural heritage of the Svalbard archipelago, located in the Arctic region of Norway. The purpose of this legislation is to regulate and manage tourism activities in Svalbard, which are causing damage to its unique flora, fauna, and historical sites. Among the main themes of the legislation, the need for increased protection of natural and cultural resources is emphasised, with the adoption of preventive measures to reduce the impact of tourism

    Lege Nr. 12 din 01-02-2024 privind Fondul național al culturii

    A new law recently published in Moldova lays out the legal framework for the National Cultural Fund, a government initiative designed to support and promote artistic and cultural endeavours within the country. The law stipulates that the Fund will finance cultural and editorial projects and outlines its main objectives, such as supporting and promoting artistic creation, encouraging mobility and residency for artists and creatives, developing management and technical skills, and creating new products, services, and infrastructure within the cultural sector. One notable feature of the law is that funding for

    Lege pentru modificarea Legii monumentelor de for public nr. 192/2011

    This law focuses on the amendments proposed by the Ministry of Culture in Moldova to the Law on Public Monuments. The primary objective of the proposed modifications is to provide a legal framework that safeguards and preserves public monuments of cultural significance. The document outlines the key elements of the legislation, including the degree of compatibility required for projects intended to harmonize national laws with European Union regulations. The proposed legislation encourages the responsible use of public funds in heritage protection, including the regulation and approval process for new developments.

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