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  • Plano de Ação de Portugal para a Rede Portuguesa das Reservas da Biosfera (2018-2025)

    This Plan of Action outlines the strategic actions and indicators for the implementation of the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere (MaB) Program in Portugal. It emphasises the importance of open access to information and materials related to MaB, promoting transparency and knowledge sharing. The MaB Program in Portugal includes 11 Biosphere Reserves, with a focus on sustainable development and conservation efforts. The document highlights the adaptation of the Lima Action Plan to the national context, specifically addressing the Portuguese Biosphere Reserves for the period 2018-2025. Key objectives include the total

    Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön asetus kuvataiteen apurahalautakunnasta

    This legislative text outlines the formation and duties of the Art Grant Committee established by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The main objective is to regulate the distribution of grants to visual artists, ensuring fair representation and comprehensive governance. The committee comprises a chairperson, vice-chairperson, and seven other members appointed for three-year terms. Members are chosen from key organisations within the art community, including representatives from the Ministry and the Arts Promotion Centre Finland. This structure guarantees a broad representation of interests and expertise in decision-making processes. Additionally, the

    Loi du 23 septembre 2018 modifiant la loi du 24 février 1984 sur le régime des langues

    This legislation introduces significant changes to the language regime in Luxembourg, specifically recognizing German sign language as an official language. Individuals with hearing impairments now have the right to use sign language when interacting with state administrations, ensuring better accessibility and inclusivity. Moreover, residents with hearing impairments are entitled to free sign language learning sessions, enhancing their communication abilities and promoting linguistic diversity within the community. The law also mandates that students with hearing impairments have the opportunity to receive education in sign language, ensuring their educational needs are met

    Loi du 18 juillet 2018 concernant la protection de la nature et des ressources naturelles

    This legislation focuses on the protection of nature and natural resources, emphasising the preservation of environmental integrity, landscapes, and habitats. It outlines strict regulations for projects impacting protected species or their habitats, requiring authorization and potential mitigation measures. Additionally, it mandates that new constructions align with green zone purposes, allowing only essential developments for specific activities. Furthermore, the law establishes a comprehensive national nature protection plan, guiding conservation efforts and action plans for habitats and species. It emphasises the importance of evaluating impacts before and after work, with compulsory compensatory

    Loi du 17 août 2018 sur l’archivage

    This legislation focuses on the management and preservation of archives in Luxembourg, aiming to safeguard the national archival heritage and promote transparency in democratic processes. It outlines the definition of archives, distinguishing public archives produced by state administrations and services. The law emphasises the importance of access to historical, scientific, cultural, and societal documentation for the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. One key aspect of the legislation is the establishment of guidelines for the collection, preservation, classification, and communication of archives of national interest. It mandates the National Archives to provide

    საქართველოს სივრცის დაგეგმარების, არქიტექტურული და სამშენებლო საქმიანობის კოდექსი # 3213-რს

    The Code of Spatial Planning, Architectural and Construction Activities of Georgia defines the Legal Grounds for Creating Architectural Works. It introduces the Architectural Planning Assignment (APA) as a prerequisite for architectural projects, detailing its issuance process, requirements, and conditions. It emphasizes the significance of adhering to urban planning documents and guidelines. The law addresses the licensing requirements for activities related to architectural works and the approval process for architectural designs. It specifies that architects involved in creating designs do not need licenses. The document numerates the rights and obligations of

    Loi du 20 juillet 2018 relative à la promotion de la langue luxembourgeoise

    This legislation focuses on the promotion and preservation of the Luxembourgish language, emphasising its cultural significance and heritage value. It establishes key institutions like the Permanent Council for the Luxembourgish Language (CPLL) and the Luxembourgish Language Center to oversee language policies and implementation. The law aims to strengthen the importance of the Luxembourgish language, support its use and study, encourage language learning, and promote cultural activities in Luxembourgish. One of the central aspects of the legislation is the creation of a comprehensive language policy that spans various government sectors. This

    Verneplan for skog – vern av 25 skogområder

    This legislation outlines a comprehensive protection plan for 25 significant forest areas in Norway. It aims to balance conservation and economic interests while ensuring sustainable forest management. Through extensive consultations with relevant stakeholders, the plan seeks to preserve key ecological values, including biodiversity, ecological connectivity, and cultural heritage. The legislation details the process of consultation and the measures taken to address concerns from affected parties. It also mandates a rigorous monitoring system to assess the effectiveness of the conservation measures. The purpose of this legislation is to ensure the preservation

    Åndsverkloven – åvl.

    This legislation seeks to protect the rights of creators, granting them ownership of their works. As a result, individuals who create works, such as paintings, literature, and music, receive legal protection, and only they have the right to reproduce, distribute, or perform these works. The law recognizes creators as the rightful owners of any work they produce, and they hold exclusive rights to the use of it for economic gain. This law sends a message that the arts are important and provide socio-economic and cultural value. The law also provides

    Saarländisches Denkmalschutzgesetz vom 13. Juni 2018 (Saarland Monument Protection Act)

    The Saarländisches Denkmalschutzgesetz (SDSchG) was established to protect and preserve the cultural heritage within Saarland. This legislation, which came into effect on August 1, 2018 and was amended in 2021, aims to ensure that monuments of art and history are safeguarded and maintained by the state. The SDSchG outlines specific measures and regulations for the conservation of these cultural assets, emphasising their significance as witnesses to human history and local identity. One of the key aspects of the SDSchG is the categorization and documentation of cultural monuments. These monuments are

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