L.R. 15 novembre 2019, n.24. Approvazione del Piano Annuale degli interventi in materia di Servizi culturali regionali, Annualità 2024 (Regional Law Nov. 15, 2019, No. 24. Approval of the Annual Plan of Interventions in the field of Regional Cultural Services, Year 2024)
The “Legge Regionale 15 novembre 2019, n. 24” outlines the approval of the Annual Plan of Interventions for Regional Cultural Services, specifically for the year 2024. This law is part of the Lazio Region’s broader effort to support and develop cultural activities across the region. It aims to coordinate and allocate resources effectively for cultural services, including initiatives related to heritage preservation, the promotion of cultural heritage, and the enhancement of cultural education and public engagement. The approved Annual Plan provides a strategic framework for the distribution of funding to