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  • Kulturpolitisches Konzept

    The “Cultural Policy Concept” is the Westphalia-Lippe Regional Association’s (Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe, or LWL) response to the major challenges of the coming years. This initiative aims to contribute to the sustainable cultural development of Westphalia-Lippe in both national and international contexts. The concept considers not only the LWL museums but also all LWL cultural institutions, including cultural services and scientific commissions. The concept also takes an internal perspective, addressing new challenges for employees, particularly those arising from the digital transformation. It also considers employee needs, such as the desire for mobile

    Bremisches Gesetz zur Pflege und zum Schutz der Kulturdenkmäler, (Bremisches Denkmalschutzgesetz – BremDSchG) – Bremen Law on the Care and Protection of Cultural Monuments (Bremen Monument Protection Act)

    The “Bremisches Gesetz zur Pflege und zum Schutz der Kulturdenkmäler” (Bremisches Denkmalschutzgesetz) is the basic law for the preservation and protection of cultural monuments in the state of Bremen. This law establishes the framework for identifying, documenting, and maintaining cultural heritage sites to ensure their preservation for future generations. The primary objective of this legislation is to safeguard Bremen’s cultural heritage by setting forth criteria for the designation of cultural monuments. It outlines the responsibilities of various stakeholders, including public authorities, property owners, and citizens, in the protection and care

    Metodický pokyn pro vedení „Seznamu nemateriálních statků tradiční lidové kultury České republiky“

    Although called “methodological instructions”, the document provides binding rules for maintaining the List of Intangible Elements of Traditional Folk Culture in the Czech Republic. This list complies with the requirement of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, which in Articles 11 and 12 requires the States Parties to inventory intangible cultural heritage in their territories. By the Ministry of Culture, intangible cultural heritage (ICH) is understood and safeguarded in a narrowed sense as traditional folk culture (TFC). The document defines all actors that can nominate

    Verneplan for skog – vern av 40 skogområder

    This document outlines a plan for the protection of 40 forest areas in Norway. The plan is based on extensive research and consultation with various stakeholders, including landowners, local and regional organisations, and government agencies. The proposal considers national and international targets for preserving Norwegian nature and evaluates the potential impacts of failing to implement protective measures. The document provides an overview of the evaluation process for the proposed plan, including extensive consultation with affected parties for feedback and support. It outlines the plan’s potential economic and administrative consequences and

    Verneplan for skog – vern av 22 områder

    This legislation proposes a plan for the conservation of 22 forest areas in Norway, with the aim of preserving their natural and cultural heritage. The document provides detailed guidelines for the management of these areas, ensuring that forest operations within their boundaries do not compromise their integrity. The legislation highlights the importance of maintaining and protecting cultural sites, encouraging cooperation between heritage and environmental authorities. It emphasises the need for a collaborative approach to nature conservation and the importance of considering varied interests. The plan acknowledges the impact on surrounding

    Kongelig resolusjon om fredning av Skudeneshavn kulturmiljø

    This legislation is aimed at preserving the cultural heritage of Skudeneshavn, a historical town in Norway. The document provides guidelines for the protection of the town’s cultural environment, which is categorised into two main zones: A and B. Zone A is limited to the period between 1800 and 1940, while zone B has been earmarked for potential commercial development. The legislation recognizes the importance of maintaining a balance between urban development and preservation, and emphasises the need for a clear and systematic approach to achieve this. It highlights several key

    Legge sugli Ecomusei della Regione Basilicata

    This Italian law outlines the recognition, promotion, and regulation of ecomuseums in the Basilicata region of Italy. Ecomuseums are viewed as a form of shared participation for local governance and sustainable development, emphasizing the involvement of local communities, cultural institutions, and schools in the preservation and promotion of the region’s cultural and environmental heritage. It also establishes the creation of a Regional Ecomuseum Consultation with responsibilities for promoting and implementing the law. The main themes revolve around the preservation and promotion of cultural and environmental heritage, with a focus on

    Kongelig resolusjon om fredning av Levanger kulturmiljø, Levanger kommune, Trøndelag

    This legislation proposes a comprehensive framework for preserving and promoting the cultural heritage of Levanger, Norway. The proposal includes a set of regulations that define the procedures to be followed for the protection, maintenance, and appropriate management of the cultural environment and of the cultural heritage site, taking into account various factors such as accessibility, aesthetics, conservation, and historical significance. One of the main objectives of this proposal is to ensure that the heritage site serves as a living and dynamic entity. It specifies the inclusion of modern elements that

    Tarix və Mədəniyyət Abidələrinin Qorunması Haqqında Qanun

    (Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments) The law outlines Azerbaijan’s commitment to safeguarding its historical and cultural heritage, stating that protection is a collective duty under the Constitution. It mandates the state’s provision of resources for preservation, research, and public access to monuments. All entities, including governmental, local, and private, must assist in safeguarding these sites, following guidelines for construction near them. During conflicts, specific authorities protect monuments in border zones and military areas. The law categorises monuments, detailing their preservation, restoration, and use, with provisions for state ownership and

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