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  • Décret sur la nouvelle gouvernance culturelle

    This legislation outlines the governance structure and responsibilities of various cultural chambers within the French Community, focusing on heritage preservation and promotion. The policy delves into the specific missions and functions of chambers dedicated to different aspects of cultural heritage, such as the Arts, Patrimony, and Literature. These chambers play a crucial role in formulating recommendations and policies related to cultural heritage, including museums, archives, ethnology, and tangible cultural assets. One key aspect highlighted in the legislation is the composition of expert panels within these chambers, ensuring a diverse range

    Verneplan for skog – vern av 18 skogområder

    This legislation outlines the protective measures for 18 identified forest areas in Norway and their associated wildlife. The legislation is formulated to achieve national and international goals for nature conservation. It lays out the rationale for each proposal and includes assessments of the social benefits and potential consequences of the protected areas. The document emphasises the importance of maintaining a long-term perspective in the design of protected areas, as well as in the management thereof. Furthermore, it includes provisions for decision-making processes that involve individuals, companies, and governmental units to

    Law on the cultural activities of the municipalities

    This legislation provides guidance and expectations for the organisation of cultural activities in municipalities, including the promotion of art and cultural education and the allocation of government funding for cultural developments. The legislation emphasises the role of municipalities in generating information and evaluating cultural activities, particularly in collaboration with other stakeholders such as wellness authorities and cultural actors. The law aims to support creativity and artistic expression, develop local and regional economic vitality, and establish an egalitarian approach to participation in cultural activities. Moreover, the law seeks to enhance the

    Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 35/2019, de 18 de fevereiro: Criação do grupo de projeto para os «Museus no Futuro»

    This Resolution identifies the need to conceive strategies of anticipation and adaptation of museums to the current and future transformations at the social, economical and technological level and creates the «Museus no Futuro» [Museums in the Future] project group. The group’s mission is to identify, conceive and propose measures that contribute to the sustainability, accessibility, innovation and relevance of museums under the Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage (DGPC) and the Regional Directorates for Culture. This policy focuses on the central role of museums in preserving and transmitting national cultural heritage. It

    Gesetz über die Denkmalpflege und Archäologie (Denkmalschutzgesetz, DSG) (Law on the preservation of monuments and archaeology)

    The “Gesetz über die Denkmalpflege und Archäologie” (Denkmalschutzgesetz, DSG) of the Canton of Schwyz outlines the regulations and measures for the preservation of historical monuments and archaeological sites. This legislation aims to protect and conserve the region’s cultural heritage, ensuring that valuable historical assets are preserved for future generations. The law mandates that any alterations, renovations, or demolitions of protected monuments require prior authorization. It establishes the responsibilities of property owners to maintain and protect their properties in a way that respects their historical value. The authorities are empowered to

    Decreto-Lei nº 22/2019, de 30 de janeiro: Transferência de Competências para os Municípios no domínio da Cultura

    This Decree-law outlines the transfer of competencies to municipal bodies in the field of culture, in line with the principles of subsidiarity, administrative decentralisation, and local power autonomy. It aims to leverage the extensive municipal experience in local cultural programming, management, and valorization. The document emphasises the harmonisation of procedures for territories spanning multiple municipalities, promoting the use of electronic processing methods. It also revises the regime for the operation of artistic performances and the installation and supervision of fixed venues, with a focus on simplification, integration, and dematerialization of

    Built & Archaeological Heritage: Climate Change Sectoral Adaptation Plan

    This policy delves into the impact of climate change on Ireland’s heritage, focusing on the potential risks and necessary actions for preservation. It addresses the challenges posed by extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and changing climate patterns to historic buildings and archaeological sites. The document outlines a comprehensive adaptation plan with specific goals, objectives, and actions to mitigate the effects of climate change on heritage resources. It emphasizes the need to exploit opportunities for built and archaeological heritage to demonstrate value and secure resources, highlighting the importance of integrating

    From social inclusion to social cohesion: the role of culture policy

    The report addresses the EU’s increasing social and cultural diversity, a positive fact in itself, providing guidelines for policymakers and cultural institutions to implement Article 3 of the Treaty on European Union. This Article states: “The EU shall respect its rich cultural and linguistic diversity.” While the EU is committed to combating discrimination and promoting economic and social cohesion, diversity also poses challenges to social unity. Migration, both within and outside the EU, contributes to our cultural diversity, while inequalities, particularly where the benefits of globalisation are unequally distributed, exacerbate

    European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage

    The European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage is a comprehensive policy document that seeks to set forward an embracing strategy for diverse cultural themes, such as heritage preservation, conservation, and promotion, across the European Union. At its core, the framework recognizes that cultural heritage is a critical resource for the future that must be protected and enhanced for the coming generations. To achieve this goal, the framework proposes a series of actions under three clusters: capitalizing on technological tools for innovation, fostering social innovation, and strengthening skills in the

    Resilient Tbilisi. A Strategy for 2030

    A comprehensive strategy for the preservation and valorisation of cultural and natural heritage in Georgia, Tbilisi, with a focus on fostering socioeconomic development. It outlines the goals and actions to be taken to contribute to the targets set by the EU-Georgia Association Agenda. The strategy aims to enhance Tbilisi’s attractiveness as a tourism destination while ensuring benefits for all residents and preserving the city’s unique built heritage. It also promotes the implementation of the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions. The document

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