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  • Loi du 11 mars 2020 modifiant la loi modifiée du 10 juin 1999 relative aux établissements classés (Act of 11 March 2020 amending the amended Act of 10 June 1999 on classified establishments)

    This legislation amendment introduces significant changes to the regulations governing classified establishments in Luxembourg. It emphasises the importance of environmental impact assessments for projects with potential environmental implications. The law now requires the transmission of project application files to affected EU member states promptly and no later than the public information stage. This ensures cross-border cooperation and consideration of environmental impacts beyond national borders. Moreover, the amendment streamlines the authorization process by allowing electronic submission of authorization requests. It specifies detailed requirements for authorization applications, including information on the establishment’s

    HES Archives: Digital Repository Management Policies

    The legislation outlined in the attached document plays a crucial role in shaping the preservation and management of heritage sites and artefacts. It establishes guidelines and standards for the acquisition, appraisal, and preservation of digital assets related to Scotland’s historic environment. By setting out clear policies and procedures, the legislation ensures that digital records contributing to Scotland’s historical narrative are safeguarded for future generations. One of the key themes addressed in the legislation is the importance of metadata and documentation in enabling the accessibility and usability of digital files. It

    A new Circular Economy Action Plan: For a cleaner and more competitive Europe

    The European Commission’s recently published Action Plan for the Circular Economy represents a significant shift towards greater sustainability policy. The Plan outlines a series of measures geared towards promoting a circular economy, in which goods and services are designed to be reused rather than discarded, resulting in a more sustainable and environmentally responsible approach to production and consumption. The Plan’s purpose is to address the issue of the EU’s unsustainable resource consumption and waste production, which are rapidly contributing to climate change, biodiversity loss, and environmental degradation. One of the

    Stratégie culture du bâti (Building culture strategy)

    The publication “Strategie Baukultur” outlines Switzerland’s strategic approach to architectural culture, emphasising the importance of quality in the built environment. The strategy aims to promote sustainable development, enhance the cultural identity of regions, and improve the quality of life through well-designed public spaces and buildings. The document focuses on several key themes, including the integration of architectural culture in education, the promotion of best practices in construction and urban planning, and the preservation of historical buildings. It highlights the role of architectural quality in fostering social cohesion and economic development.

    Strategi för fördelning av kulturmiljöstöd i Norrbottens län (Strategy for Distribution of Cultural Heritage Grants in Norrbotten)

    The document outlines Norrbotten’s approach to distributing government funds aimed at preserving valuable cultural environments. It provides a structured framework for supporting conservation, public accessibility, and knowledge-building within the region’s unique cultural landscapes. Established as a response to national guidelines, this strategy ensures effective management of grants, prioritizing areas that align with cultural heritage objectives set by Sweden’s National Heritage Board. Key focuses of the strategy include preserving significant heritage sites, fostering sustainable practices, and enhancing public engagement. The plan also emphasizes supporting the Sami cultural heritage, maintaining agricultural and

    A European strategy for data

    The strategy acknowledges the value of the reusability of data by everyone and explicitly recognises the value of public sector data, produced with public funds, and the need for it to benefit society at large, including data from the cultural heritage sector. This can be seen as an opportunity for the cultural heritage sector: its data is part of a key strategic vision, attracting new ideas, partners, investment, infrastructure, and above all, joint efforts to have a bigger impact. The strategy seeks to create a ‘single European data space –

    Estratégia de Desenvolvimento do Norte para Período de Programação 2021-27 das Políticas da União Europeia

    The Northern Development Strategy for the period 2021-27, approved by the Regional Council, aims to create a robust framework for sustainable growth in the Northern region of Portugal. Culture and heritage play a pivotal role in the strategy, contributing to sustainable territorial organisation and urban quality. The strategy highlights the importance of preserving and enhancing both tangible and intangible cultural heritage, which includes classified cultural sites and local traditions. By investing in cultural infrastructure and public spaces, the strategy aims to foster a vibrant cultural landscape that supports community engagement

    Estrategia Aragón Turismo Sostenible 2030 (Aragon Sustainable Tourism Strategy 2030)

    This report outlines the Aragón Sustainable Tourism Strategy 2030, focusing on the key themes and strategies for sustainable tourism development in the region. It provides insights into the challenges and opportunities in the tourism sector, particularly in the context of European heritage. The strategy aims to position tourism as a vital economic sector and a tool for local development, with a specific focus on addressing depopulation and retaining talent in rural areas. One of the main themes of the strategy is the emphasis on sustainable tourism practices and responsible tourism

    Decreto Regulamentar Regional n.º 7/2020/M, de 20 de Janeiro: Aprova a orgânica da Secretaria Regional de Turismo e Cultura (Regional Regulatory Decree no. 7/2020/M, of January 20: Approves the organizational structure of the Regional Secretariat for Tourism and Culture)

    Regional Regulatory Decree nº 7/2020/M approves the structure of the Regional Secretariat of Tourism and Culture, integrating it into the XIII Regional Government of Madeira. This integration aims to enhance the management of regional archives and public libraries, focusing on heritage valorization. The legislation creates and restructures services within the Secretariat to adapt to new responsibilities, including those previously under the Vice-Presidency of the Regional Government. Furthermore, the legislation addresses the approval of organic statutes for newly created or restructured services within 45 days of the regulation’s enforcement. It also

    The art of Living: Culture changes everything

    Saimaa is a place where creativity thrives in both beauty and adversity. Here, culture and nature unite, inspiring a unique way of life presented in this text. The document describes how the Saimaa region in eastern Finland has developed a culture deeply connected to its natural surroundings. As the region looks to the future, it aims to use arts and culture as a catalyst for transformation, inviting Europe to experience the distinctive way of life that has flourished on the shores of Saimaa. Read on to discover the region’s response

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