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  • Commission Regulation 2019/786 of 8 May 2019 on building renovation

    This legislative document aims at increasing the energy efficiency standards of European buildings, particularly by exploring different ways to reduce energy consumption and carbon footprint. As an integral part of the European Green Deal, it is expected to pave the way for a decarbonised building stock by 2050. Adhering to the EPBD, Member States have a wide margin of discretion to design their building codes in a way that best fits their national climatic conditions and building stocks while implementing technical requirements for renovations, building certificates, and technical building systems.


    The objective of this Act is the preservation and diversity of cultural heritage, which is ensured with the following activities: preservation and protection of cultural monuments, heritage conservation areas and the environments of cultural value surrounding thereof; protection of archaeological finds and protected archaeological sites; safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage.

    Plano Estratégico Para a Cultura de Aveiro (2019-2030)

    The document outlines the strategic cultural plan for Aveiro, focusing on enhancing the city’s cultural offerings and positioning within the national and European context. The plan spans from 2019 to 2030 and aims to promote cultural consumption, attract new artistic talents, and strengthen the city’s cultural identity. It involves a comprehensive analysis involving 34 individual interviews and 45 focus group sessions with key cultural stakeholders to develop a strategic proposal for Aveiro’s cultural policies. The plan includes 12 strategic objectives aligned with the city’s vision for the cultural and creative

    Kulturpolitische Leitlinien zum Umgang mit dem Kolonialen Erbe

    This guidelines are structured around ten key points to outline a cultural policy for addressing the colonial legacy in Bremen. It focuses on cooperation, awareness, inclusion, and education to facilitate a holistic approach to dealing with the remnants of colonialism. The policy emphasises the importance of collaboration with communities from formerly colonised countries. Museums, theatres, and cultural centres are encouraged to work closely with these communities to ensure diverse perspectives and promote mutual learning. This cooperation extends to international cultural exchanges and artist-in-residence programmes. Raising awareness about everyday racism and

    Décret relatif au secteur muséal en Communauté française

    This legislation outlines crucial guidelines and regulations governing the museum sector in the Community of French-speaking Belgium. It delves into the recognition and funding criteria for museums and museum clusters, emphasising the importance of financial accountability and sustainable management practices. The document highlights the conditions and criteria that museums must meet to receive support, focusing on aspects such as non-profit status, collection significance, and personnel qualifications. Moreover, the legislation introduces measures to support museum projects that do not meet recognition standards, providing assistance for museum creation and development plans. It

    Regulation (EU) 2019/880 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 on the introduction and the import of cultural goods

    This European Heritage regulation outlines measures to prevent the unlawful import of cultural goods into the European Union. It focuses on combatting illicit trade and protecting cultural heritage from pillaging and appropriation. The regulation aims to establish uniform controls on the import of specific cultural goods, particularly those affected by armed conflict and criminal activities. It also addresses the need for personal data protection and the establishment of a centralised electronic system for the submission of import licences and importer statements. The regulation requires importers to provide evidence of the

    Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive [Directive (EU) 2019/790 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market and amending Directives 96/9/EC and 2001/29/EC (Text with EEA relevance.)]

    Copyright legislation impacts the activities of cultural heritage institutions whose collections often contain materials that are subject to copyright or neighbouring rights protection. While not all items in the collections of cultural heritage institutions are subject to copyright, some are, resulting in cultural heritage professionals having to put processes in place to manage these rights. This becomes particularly relevant when cultural heritage institutions undergo digitisation projects with the aim of making these materials widely available to the public and facilitate their reuse. The copyright in the digital single market Directive

    Decreto-Lei nº51/2019, de 17 de abril: Certificação dos itinerários do Caminho de Santiago

    This decree-law creates the certification rules for the Caminho de Santiago itineraries. It acknowledges the absence of coordination that would prevent areas of conflict with other activities and that would promote the social and economic development of the regions that make up the Camino de Santiago itineraries, through concerted actions between the various public and private sectors. As a result, the policy aims to facilitate the knowledge and the accurate delimitation of pilgrimage itineraries in the national territory with consistent and historically proven use. The new certification procedure establishes that

    Historic Environment Policy for Scotland

    This policy outlines the principles and policies for managing the historic environment, emphasising the importance of understanding, conserving, and enhancing cultural heritage in Scotland. It addresses the challenges and opportunities faced in preserving both tangible and intangible cultural elements, highlighting the need for a holistic approach to heritage management. The document stresses the significance of community participation and empowerment in decision-making processes concerning the historic environment. Key themes include the sustainable development of communities and places, informed decision-making based on inclusive understanding, and the identification of opportunities for enhancement while

    Scheduled Monument Consents Policy

    This legislation outlines the policies and procedures for the preservation and maintenance of scheduled monuments in Scotland. It emphasises the importance of safeguarding physical remnants of the past for their historical value, cultural significance, and contribution to contemporary landscapes. The document aims to ensure that scheduled monuments, recognized as nationally important, are protected and their cultural significance is respected in decision-making processes. The legislation highlights the responsibility of owners in caring for scheduled monuments, with support and guidance provided by Historic Environment Scotland. It stresses the need for thorough assessment

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