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  • Tourism Recovery Plan 2020 – 2023

    This policy report outlines the Recovery Plan for the tourism industry in Ireland, following the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The report was prepared by the Tourism Recovery Taskforce and contains an executive summary, ten chapters, and five appendices. The executive summary provides an overview of the key findings and recommendations, which are aimed at supporting the tourism sector’s survival and recovery phases. The report highlights the importance of the tourism industry to the Irish economy, and the devastating impact of the pandemic on the industry. The report covers ten

    Νόμος 4727/2020 (184 / 23-09-2020): Ψηφιακή Διακυβέρνηση – Ηλεκτρονικές Επικοινωνίες και άλλες διατάξεις (Law 4727/2020 (184 / 23-09-2020): digital governance – electronic communications and other provisions)

    The law incorporates the EU Directives for Digital Governance (2016/2102 & 2019/1024) and Electronic Communications (directive 2018/1972) into Greek Law. It contains the general principles of digital governance, e.g. it defines the right of access to information of public sector bodies, the electronic circulation of public documents within the same body, between public bodies and natural or legal persons or legal entities, the requirements for the accessibility of websites and mobile applications etc. Article 76, which defines the scope of digital transparency as well as the data to be posted

    Joint Cross-Border Development Strategy

    This Strategy represents the fulfilment of the commitment of the Government of the Kingdom of Spain and the Government of the Portuguese Republic, set out in the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2018 at the XXX Luso-Spanish Summit, to define a Common Cross-Border Development Strategy. The entities responsible and the working group have geared their actions towards achieving the objective defined in the Memorandum, which is to guarantee the future sustainability of the territories, making them more attractive places to live, work and invest. The Strategy is a flexible tool

    Digital Switzerland Strategy

    The “Digital Switzerland Strategy 2020” document outlines Switzerland’s plan to drive digital transformation across the nation. The strategy aims to enhance digital infrastructure, boost innovation, and ensure Switzerland remains competitive globally. The main themes include the promotion of digital skills, cybersecurity, and the integration of digital technologies in public services. The strategy emphasises collaboration between government, businesses, and educational institutions to build a resilient digital ecosystem. Key points highlight initiatives supporting digital entrepreneurship and enhancing data protection. It also addresses measures to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) transition digitally,

    Estratégia Comum de Desenvolvimento Transfronteiriço (Common Cross-Border Development Strategy)

    This Strategy represents the fulfilment of the commitment of the Government of the Kingdom of Spain and the Government of the Portuguese Republic, set out in the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2018 at the XXX Luso-Spanish Summit, to define a Common Cross-Border Development Strategy. The entities responsible and the working group have geared their actions towards achieving the objective defined in the Memorandum, which is to guarantee the future sustainability of the territories, making them more attractive places to live, work and invest. The Strategy is a flexible tool

    Estrategia Común de Desarrollo Transfronterizo (Common Strategy for Cross-Border Development)

    This Strategy represents the fulfilment of the commitment of the Government of the Kingdom of Spain and the Government of the Portuguese Republic, set out in the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2018 at the XXX Luso-Spanish Summit, to define a Common Cross-Border Development Strategy. The entities responsible and the working group have geared their actions towards achieving the objective defined in the Memorandum, which is to guarantee the future sustainability of the territories, making them more attractive places to live, work and invest. The Strategy is a flexible tool

    Stratégie Commune de Développement Transfrontalier (Joint Cross-Border Development Strategy)

    This Strategy represents the fulfilment of the commitment of the Government of the Kingdom of Spain and the Government of the Portuguese Republic, set out in the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2018 at the XXX Luso-Spanish Summit, to define a Common Cross-Border Development Strategy. The entities responsible and the working group have geared their actions towards achieving the objective defined in the Memorandum, which is to guarantee the future sustainability of the territories, making them more attractive places to live, work and invest. The Strategy is a flexible tool

    Estratégia Regional Alentejo 2030

    The Alentejo 2030 Regional Strategy aims to foster sustainable regional development by enhancing housing policies, promoting socio-economic innovation, and improving infrastructure. It focuses on cooperation among stakeholders, addressing societal challenges, and ensuring access to essential services, while prioritising environmental sustainability and the effective use of strategic resources for future growth. The Strategy emphasises the significance of culture and heritage as vital components of regional identity and economic development. It recognises the potential of cultural and creative industries to enhance tourism and promote local heritage, thereby enriching the region’s unique identity.

    Estratégia Regional de Cultura 2030: Cultura, Criatividade e Resiliência dos Territórios (Regional Culture Strategy 2030: Culture, Creativity and Territorial Resilience)

    The Regional Cultural Strategy 2030 aims to align with the “Strategic Vision for the Centro Region 2030” and its intervention instruments within the new programming cycle. The strategy focuses on three key pillars: Culture, Creativity, and Resources, emphasising the role of culture in community development and capacity building. Analysing the proposed strategy in conjunction with various documents and the results of the “Culture in Post-Centro 2020” study, the document seeks to bridge conceptual perspectives with the ambitions of the Centro region. It identifies the need to enhance cultural resources and

    Estratégia Cultural de Braga, 2020-2030 (Braga’s Cultural Strategy, 2020-2030)

    This document outlines the cultural strategy for Braga from 2020 to 2030, emphasising the city’s commitment to cultural development as a pillar of sustainable growth. It highlights the importance of community engagement, economic stimulation, and knowledge dissemination within the cultural and creative sectors. The strategy is not only a response to the city’s bid for European Capital of Culture in 2027 but also a guiding compass for the future, reflecting the aspirations and concerns of Braga’s residents and stakeholders. The Strategy involves a series of four Implementation Plans spanning the

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