LOI n° 2020-1673 du 24 décembre 2020 relative à la restitution de biens culturels à la République du Bénin et à la République du Sénégal (LAW No. 2020-1673 of 24 December 2020 on the restitution of cultural property to the Republic of Benin and the Republic of Senegal)
This legislation addresses the restitution of cultural assets to the Republic of Benin and the Republic of Senegal. It allows for the transfer of specific cultural items from French national collections to the respective countries. The law focuses on the return of twenty-six artworks from Abomey to Benin and a sabre with a sheath linked to El Hadj Omar Tall to Senegal. The legislation marks a significant step towards rectifying historical injustices and promoting cultural heritage preservation. By returning these artefacts, it acknowledges the importance of cultural heritage in fostering