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  • Decreto Regulamentar Regional n.º 7/2020/M, de 20 de Janeiro: Aprova a orgânica da Secretaria Regional de Turismo e Cultura

    Regional Regulatory Decree nº 7/2020/M approves the structure of the Regional Secretariat of Tourism and Culture, integrating it into the XIII Regional Government of Madeira. This integration aims to enhance the management of regional archives and public libraries, focusing on heritage valorization. The legislation creates and restructures services within the Secretariat to adapt to new responsibilities, including those previously under the Vice-Presidency of the Regional Government. Furthermore, the legislation addresses the approval of organic statutes for newly created or restructured services within 45 days of the regulation’s enforcement. It also

    HOMEE – Karta megaeventów w miastach dziedzictwa

    The Charter for Mega-Events in Heritage-Rich Cities provides principles and recommendations that can help cities take advantage of the opportunities offered by mega-events and mitigate their risks. The Charter explores issues ranging from the new uses and physical stresses that mega-events can introduce in historic areas to changes in the understanding of heritage spaces. It explores the challenges for the local governance of mega-events. Local policymakers can refer to the Charter’s recommendations from the initial bidding stages for cultural mega-events like Capital/City of Culture programmes and throughout the planning of

    Farm to Fork Strategy: For a fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food system

    The European Union’s sustainable food system framework aims to create an efficient policy that promotes sustainability in all food-related policies. The framework aims to transition all food products placed on the EU market into being increasingly sustainable. This framework will combine certification and labeling on the sustainability performance of food products and targeted incentives to promote sustainable practices and raise sustainability standards. As a result, these practices will serve as the norm for all food products in the EU market. The framework requires all actors of the food chain, such

    Cultúr 2025: Creatbheartas Náisiúnta Cultúir go dtí an bhliain 2025

    Explore the rich tapestry of Irish heritage through this comprehensive framework that delves into the cultural, historical, and architectural treasures that shape the continent. The document (Culture 2025: A National Cultural Policy Framework to 2025, in English) highlights the significance of built heritage, archaeology, and natural habitats in contributing to the economic and social vibrancy of cities, towns, and villages. It underscores the importance of preserving traditional agricultural practices and high-quality landscapes that have evolved over thousands of years. Moreover, the framework emphasises the pivotal role of cultural institutions, arts,

    Culture 2025: A National Cultural Policy Framework to 2025

    Explore the rich tapestry of Irish heritage through this comprehensive framework that delves into the cultural, historical, and architectural treasures that shape the continent. The document highlights the significance of built heritage, archaeology, and natural habitats in contributing to the economic and social vibrancy of cities, towns, and villages. It underscores the importance of preserving traditional agricultural practices and high-quality landscapes that have evolved over thousands of years. Moreover, the framework emphasises the pivotal role of cultural institutions, arts, film, music, and language in shaping the cultural landscape of Ireland.

    Wet gelijke behandeling op grond van handicap of chronische ziekte

    (Equal Treatment Act on the grounds of Disability or Chronic Illness) This law prohibits discrimination based on disability in various areas, including access to goods, services, and facilities. While not focused solely on cultural heritage, it indirectly impacts accessibility in heritage settings by promoting non-discrimination and equal access. The law implies that cultural heritage sites are obliged to act for the promotion of accessibility to those of differing abilities.

    Legjislacioni Për Teknologjinë E Informacionit Dhe Komunikimin Elektronik

    (Legislation for Information Technology and Electronic Communication) The legislation for Information Technology and Electronic Communication regulates the use and management of information technology in Albania. It encompasses plans for frequencies, protection of personal data, and promotion of cultural diversity in electronic communication services, based on general objectives of public interest. The regulatory framework for frequency allocation in Albania may impose restrictions on electronic communications services to ensure objectives like promoting cultural diversity through broadcasting. AKEP, responsible for frequency allocation, recognizes frequencies as a national asset with cultural significance. Allocation decisions

    Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture

    The Museum Act upholds the importance of community, diversity, education, and democracy in the context of culture. It seeks to promote the preservation of cultural and natural heritage, as well as art for future generations. The Museum Act imposes the following general provisions: to maintain and strengthen people’s understanding, heritage, and surroundings; to preserve museums’ exhibits; to advance research on collections and other materials; to promote the availability, accessibility, and use of artefacts and knowledge; to offer presentations and experiences of cultural and natural heritage, and art; to improve the

    Dialog 2020: Kulturpolitik für die Zukunft

    This report explores the vital role of art and culture in society, underscoring their systemic importance beyond just entertainment. It highlights how art and culture foster community, enable meaningful exchanges, and bridge gaps between different demographics. The discussion centres on creating supportive frameworks for cultural institutions in Baden-Württemberg, addressing themes such as digitalisation, new social alliances, and cultural strategies for the future. These three topics, among others, have been discussed in dedicated fora, or dialogue sessions. Key insights from the dialogue sessions reveal that digital transformation poses both challenges and

    Identité & Transitions: Schéma Régional de Développement du Tourisme et des Loisirs 2020/2025 – Bretagne

    In the face of complex regulatory frameworks and diverse local authority roles, Brittany aims to redefine its approach to tourism, ensuring both public efficiency and meaningful development. The region seeks to address these challenges by constructing a pragmatic and coherent model for tourism that aligns with its unique identity and values. The current legislative environment, characterised by fragmented responsibilities among various public and private actors, has complicated the coordination of tourism efforts. This has led to a lack of clarity and a need for a more unified strategy. To overcome

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