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  • Programa Regional dos Açores 2021-2027

    The Azores Regional Programme 2021-2027 outlines four strategic objectives aimed at fostering social cohesion, digital and ecological advancement, transparent governance, and global recognition of the Azores. These objectives align with the overarching goals of the European Union, promoting integrated social, economic, and environmental development, particularly in areas with low population density. The Programme emphasises the importance of inclusivity and sustainability, ensuring that investments contribute positively to local communities and adhere to European quality standards. The Programme places significant emphasis on the protection, development, and promotion of cultural heritage and tourism.

    Programa Regional da Madeira 2021-2027

    The Madeira Regional Programme 2021-2027 aims to enhance regional development through strategic investments in infrastructure, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability. I A significant aspect of the programme is its emphasis on culture and heritage as vital components of regional identity and economic development. The initiative promotes the protection, development, and promotion of cultural assets, including museums and religious spaces with historical significance. By enhancing the conditions for physical and virtual access to cultural sites, the programme aims to increase public engagement and appreciation of the region’s rich heritage. Furthermore, the

    Programa Regional Algarve 2021-2027

    The Algarve 2030 Regional Programme aims to address post-pandemic challenges through selective prioritisation of areas and objectives. It focuses on sustainability, economic diversification, and resilience, aligning with EU cohesion policies and the UN’s Agenda 2030. The strategy emphasises innovation, climate adaptation, and social inclusion to enhance regional competitiveness and quality of life. The programme emphasises the integral role of culture and heritage in regional development, recognizing them as vital assets for economic growth and social cohesion. It aims to promote and valorise regional cultural and natural heritage through targeted marketing

    Estratégia Regional de Especialização Inteligente 2030

    The Alentejo 2030 Regional Smart Specialisation Strategy focuses on enhancing competitive advantages in renewable energy, agriculture, and cultural industries. It promotes international cooperation, innovation, and sustainable development through targeted investments and partnerships, aiming to boost regional economic growth and attract new residents while addressing mobility and logistics challenges. The Strategy emphasises the importance of culture and heritage as vital components for regional development. It aims to foster innovative initiatives that protect and valorise cultural heritage while promoting accessibility to cultural resources. By supporting artistic production, community engagement, and collaboration with

    Programa Regional Norte 2021-2027

    The Norte Regional Programme 2021-2027 aims to enhance the economic, social, and territorial development of Northern Portugal through strategic interventions and partnerships. It focuses on key priorities such as fostering competitiveness, promoting sustainability, and ensuring inclusivity. The overarching goal is to transition towards a climate-neutral economy by 2050, aligning with European Union objectives. Key components of the programme include the development of research and innovation capacities, the adoption of advanced technologies, and the strengthening of local partnerships. Furthermore, the programme focuses on enhancing creative communities and cultural industries in Northern

    Programa Regional do Centro 2021-2027

    The Centro Regional Programme 2021-2027 aims to foster integrated and inclusive social, economic, and environmental development across local communities in the Centro region of Portugal. A significant aspect of the programme is its commitment to cultural and heritage promotion. It supports initiatives that enhance the infrastructure and conservation of historical and cultural sites, ensuring their protection and modernization. By investing in museums and cultural facilities, the programme aims to create vibrant spaces that foster creativity and community engagement, ultimately contributing to the region’s cultural dynamism. Moreover, the programme emphasises the

    Loi du 25 juin 2021 portant création d’un pacte climat 2.0 avec les communes et portant modification de la loi modifiée du 15 décembre 2020 relative au climat (Act of 25 June 2021 creating a Climate Pact 2.0 with municipalities and amending the amended Climate Act of 15 December 2020)

    This legislation focuses on promoting climate engagement within municipalities and encouraging actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, adapt to climate change, and enhance resource management efficiency. It introduces the concept of a “Pacte Climat 2.0” with municipalities, outlining specific criteria for certification categories and corresponding subsidies based on the level of achievement. The document aims to incentivize local governments to implement climate action plans and achieve certification through the “European Energy Award” program. One of the key aspects of this legislation is the allocation of subsidies to municipalities based on

    Loi du 30 juillet 2021 portant création d’un pacte nature avec les communes et modifiant la loi modifiée du 31 mai 1999 portant institution d’un fonds pour la protection de l’environnement (Act of 30 July 2021 creating a nature pact with the municipalities and amending the amended Act of 31 May 1999 establishing an environmental protection fund)

    This legislation establishes a “pacte nature” with municipalities in Luxembourg to enhance nature protection efforts. It focuses on preserving and restoring protected sources, increasing communal forest areas, and conserving biotope trees. The law outlines a point-based system for evaluating environmental measures, limiting the total points to 300 across various categories. One key aspect is the allocation of subsidies for nature protection programs and the certification of municipalities under the “pacte nature.” The law emphasises the importance of sustainable management of natural resources and the promotion of biodiversity conservation. It also

    Σχεδιο Βιώσιμης Αστικής Κινητικότητας (Σ.Β.Α.Κ) Δήμου Αθηναίων (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan of the Municipality of Athens)

    The Sustainable Urban Mobility Strategy of Athens introduces strategies for improved mobility based on 10 priorities: Priority 1: Ensuring safe and comfortable walking, with a particular focus on meeting the needs of vulnerable categories of commuters and people with reduced mobility Priority 2: Improving the level of service provided by public transport Priority 3: Improving existing and increasing open and green spaces Priority 4: Improve road safety and protect commuters by any means Priority 6: Managing traffic and reducing speeds in residential areas Priority 7: Encourage the use of bicycles

    Rahoitusvälineitä elinvoimaisen kulttuuriperinnön tueksi (Financial instruments to support vibrant cultural heritage)

    The report serves as a vital resource for enhancing cultural heritage through strategic financial investments in the South Ostrobothnia region of Finland. Developed during the FINCH project, this comprehensive guide addresses the financial landscape surrounding cultural heritage, particularly in the context of tourism, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Firstly, the document discusses the significance of financial investments, emphasising the impact of investment flows on tourism and the broader cultural landscape. Secondly, it defines various financial instruments and explores their applicability within the cultural sector and the relevant regulatory frameworks. Finally,

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