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  • Technical study on the possible introduction of optional building renovation passports

    This report focuses on the technical study conducted on the potential implementation of optional building renovation passports within the European Union. The document was prepared for the European Commission and highlights the recommendations of the authors on the relevance, feasibility, and possible scope of measures at EU level. The study conducted a review of existing building renovation passport schemes and initiatives, analyzing their potential impact and efficiency at an EU level. Part 1 of the report provides an overview of the building renovation passports and their implications for the EU,

    Decreto Regulamentar Regional nº 28/2020/M, de 28 de abril: Aprova a orgânica da Direção Regional da Cultura

    This Regional Decree outlines the structure and functioning of the Regional Directorate of Culture (DRC) in Madeira, detailing its internal organisation and the services it provides. The DRC’s services are to be remunerated based on criteria and tables approved by government members responsible for finance and culture. The organisation follows a hierarchical structure with core units and flexible coordination areas, as specified in regional legislative decrees. The DRC’s responsibilities include participating in defining the cultural policy of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, proposing legislative and regulatory measures for the cultural

    Decreto Regulamentar Regional n.º 27/2020/M, de 27 de abril: Aprova a orgânica da Direção Regional do Arquivo e Biblioteca da Madeira

    This legislation approves the organisational structure of the Regional Directorate of Archive and Library of Madeira (DRABM), integrating it into the Regional Secretariat of Tourism and Culture. The DRABM is responsible for managing archives, preserving documents, promoting access to cultural heritage, and supporting public libraries in Madeira. It also coordinates the Regional Public Libraries Network and collaborates with the National Library of Portugal. The document outlines the nature, mission, and functions of the DRABM, emphasising the importance of preserving archival and bibliographic heritage. It specifies the responsibilities of the DRABM,

    Loi du 3 avril 2020 portant modification de la loi modifiée du 18 avril 2001

    This legislation from Luxembourg introduces amendments to copyright laws to align with EU Directive 2017/1564, focusing on enhancing accessibility for visually impaired individuals. It allows authorised entities to create accessible format copies of protected works for the exclusive use of beneficiaries, promoting equal access to information and education. The law mandates these entities to prevent unauthorised distribution of accessible copies and maintain detailed records of their activities to ensure compliance with copyright regulations. By defining accessible format copies and outlining exceptions to copyright restrictions, the legislation aims to facilitate the

    Loi du 11 mars 2020 modifiant la loi modifiée du 10 juin 1999 relative aux établissements classés

    This legislation amendment introduces significant changes to the regulations governing classified establishments in Luxembourg. It emphasises the importance of environmental impact assessments for projects with potential environmental implications. The law now requires the transmission of project application files to affected EU member states promptly and no later than the public information stage. This ensures cross-border cooperation and consideration of environmental impacts beyond national borders. Moreover, the amendment streamlines the authorization process by allowing electronic submission of authorization requests. It specifies detailed requirements for authorization applications, including information on the establishment’s

    HES Archives: Digital Repository Management Policies

    The legislation outlined in the attached document plays a crucial role in shaping the preservation and management of heritage sites and artefacts. It establishes guidelines and standards for the acquisition, appraisal, and preservation of digital assets related to Scotland’s historic environment. By setting out clear policies and procedures, the legislation ensures that digital records contributing to Scotland’s historical narrative are safeguarded for future generations. One of the key themes addressed in the legislation is the importance of metadata and documentation in enabling the accessibility and usability of digital files. It

    A new Circular Economy Action Plan: For a cleaner and more competitive Europe

    The European Commission’s recently published Action Plan for the Circular Economy represents a significant shift towards greater sustainability policy. The Plan outlines a series of measures geared towards promoting a circular economy, in which goods and services are designed to be reused rather than discarded, resulting in a more sustainable and environmentally responsible approach to production and consumption. The Plan’s purpose is to address the issue of the EU’s unsustainable resource consumption and waste production, which are rapidly contributing to climate change, biodiversity loss, and environmental degradation. One of the

    Stratégie culture du bâti (Building culture strategy)

    The publication “Strategie Baukultur” outlines Switzerland’s strategic approach to architectural culture, emphasising the importance of quality in the built environment. The strategy aims to promote sustainable development, enhance the cultural identity of regions, and improve the quality of life through well-designed public spaces and buildings. The document focuses on several key themes, including the integration of architectural culture in education, the promotion of best practices in construction and urban planning, and the preservation of historical buildings. It highlights the role of architectural quality in fostering social cohesion and economic development.

    A European strategy for data

    The strategy acknowledges the value of the reusability of data by everyone and explicitly recognises the value of public sector data, produced with public funds, and the need for it to benefit society at large, including data from the cultural heritage sector. This can be seen as an opportunity for the cultural heritage sector: its data is part of a key strategic vision, attracting new ideas, partners, investment, infrastructure, and above all, joint efforts to have a bigger impact. The strategy seeks to create a ‘single European data space –

    Estrategia Aragón Turismo Sostenible 2030

    This report outlines the Aragón Sustainable Tourism Strategy 2030, focusing on the key themes and strategies for sustainable tourism development in the region. It provides insights into the challenges and opportunities in the tourism sector, particularly in the context of European heritage. The strategy aims to position tourism as a vital economic sector and a tool for local development, with a specific focus on addressing depopulation and retaining talent in rural areas. One of the main themes of the strategy is the emphasis on sustainable tourism practices and responsible tourism

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