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  • Investimento RE-C04-i02: Património Cultural

    Investment RE-C04-i02 is one of two different investments of the National Resilience and Recovery Plan that focus on Culture and refers to Cultural Heritage. This investment is divided into three different measures: 1- Requalification and conservation of state museums, monuments and palaces 2- Renovation of National Theatres 3- Implementation of the Saber Fazer Programme It establishes that, under the first measure, work will be carried out on classified cultural heritage throughout the country, covering a universe of 46 museums, palaces and monuments, including emblematic monuments and museums such as the

    Investimento RE-C04-i01: Redes Culturais e Transição Digital

    Investment RE-C04-i01 is one of two different investments of the National Resilience and Recovery Plan (PRR) that focus on Culture and refers to Cultural Networks and Digital Transition. This investment has three main objectives: 1 – The modernisation of the technological infrastructure of the network of public cultural facilities 2 – The digitisation of arts and heritage 3 – The internationalisation, modernisation and digital transition of books and authors Through these measures, this investment at national level will, firstly, enable the network of cultural facilities to become technologically equipped with

    Report on Artificial intelligence in education, culture and the audiovisual sector (2020/2017(INI))

    The Report stresses the need for a human-centred and value-based development and use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education, culture and the audiovisual sector, and outlines particular considerations for cultural heritage. It calls for ethical principles to be upheld while using AI in these sectors, fully respecting fundamental rights, values, privacy, the protection of personal data, non-discrimination and freedom of expression and information, as well as cultural diversity and intellectual property rights. It stresses the supporting role that AI can play in our sector – from supporting protection and accessibility

    Règlement grand-ducal du 17 mars 2020 fixant le contenu et les modalités du contrat de coopération type visé par l’article 4 paragraphe 4 de la loi du 17 août 2018 relative à l’archivage (Grand-Ducal regulation of 17 March 2020 laying down the content and terms of the standard cooperation contract referred to in Article 4 paragraph 4 of the law of 17 August 2018 on archiving)

    This legislation outlines the commitments and responsibilities of communal archive producers in Luxembourg, emphasising the preservation and accessibility of historical, cultural, and societal documentation. It establishes the principles of inalienability and integrity for communal archives, ensuring their longevity and authenticity throughout their lifecycle. The cooperation contract between local entities and the State aims to regulate the archiving process, promoting transparency and democratic access to valuable heritage materials. The document underscores the importance of collaboration between communal archive producers and the National Archives to ensure proper management, preservation, and access to

    DECRETO-LEGGE 1 aprile 2021, n. 45 Misure urgenti in materia di trasporti e per la disciplina del traffico crocieristico e del trasporto marittimo delle merci nella laguna di Venezia (Decree-law No. 45 of 1 April 2021 Urgent measures in the field of transport and for the regulation of cruise traffic and maritime transport of goods in the Venice lagoon)

    The document “Marine Traffic in Venice: DECRETO-LEGGE 1 aprile 2021, n. 45”, transformed into law in May 2021, provides an in-depth analysis of urgent measures pertaining to maritime transport, particularly focusing on the regulation of cruise traffic and the transport of goods in the Venetian lagoon. The decree emphasises the need to balance the economic benefits of maritime activities with the protection of Venice’s unique cultural, environmental, and historical heritage. The introduction sets the stage by highlighting the constitutional and legal frameworks underpinning the decree, including references to various European

    Σχέδιο Βιώσιμης Αστικής Κινητικότητας (Σ.Β.Α.Κ) Δήμου Αθηναίων (Sustainable Urban Mobility Strategy of Athens)

    The Sustainable Urban Mobility Strategy of Athens has been verified by law 4784/2021 and introduces strategies for improved mobility based on 10 priorities: Priority 1: Ensuring safe and comfortable walking, with a particular focus on meeting the needs of vulnerable categories of commuters and people with reduced mobility Priority 2: Improving the level of service provided by public transport Priority 3: Improving existing and increasing open and green spaces Priority 4: Improve road safety and protect commuters by any means Priority 6: Managing traffic and reducing speeds in residential areas

    Νόμος 4787/2021:Τροποποίηση του Προεδρικού Διατάγματος 13/1929 & εισαγωγή της ψηφιακής ταυτότητας των κτιρίων (Law 4787/2021:Amendment of Presidential Decree 13/1929 introducing the digital identity of buildings)

    Law 4787/2021 of the Ministry of Environment introduces quick procedures for the demolition of dangerously dilapidated structures and buildings. Decisions are made by special commissions, are irrevocable, impose immediate measures to protect the public and demolitions are carried out within three days at the latest. The law establishes special committees for dangerous buildings, in districts throughout the country, consisting of seven members and composed of civil engineers and architects, civil servants and private individuals, replacing the three-member committees referred to in para. 2 of Article 7 of Presidential Decree 13.04.1929.

    Erneuerbaren-Ausbau-Gesetzespaket – EAG-Paket (733 d.B.) (Renewable Energies Expansion Act Package)

    The “Erneuerbaren-Ausbau-Gesetz (EAG)” is a comprehensive federal law designed to promote the expansion of renewable energy sources in Austria. This legislation outlines the regulatory framework for increasing the generation of electricity, gas, and hydrogen from renewable resources, aiming to meet Austria’s climate goals and align with European Union directives. The EAG emphasises key themes such as sustainability, efficiency, and market integration. It sets ambitious targets for the generation of renewable energy, with the objective of covering Austria’s entire electricity consumption with renewables by 2030. The law provides detailed guidelines for

    2030 Digital Compass: the European way for the Digital Decade

    As the world evolves, so does our heritage. With the rapid advancement in technology, it has become crucial to harmonize our cultural heritage with the digital world. This legislation is aimed at addressing the challenges and opportunities that come with digitizing cultural heritage. The document emphasizes the significance of incorporating digital technology in the preservation, accessibility, and promotion of heritage. It enumerates key areas where digital technology can be employed to enhance cultural heritage, such as through the creation of virtual tours, digitization of manuscripts, and online education resources. The

    Kulturentwicklungsplan der Landeshauptstadt Dresden (Cultural development plan of the state capital Dresden)

    At the end of 2020, City Council approved a new Cultural Development Plan (CDP) for the state capital Dresden. The result is a planning document of over a hundred pages, describing visions, goals, and specific projects for Dresden’s culture over a period of approximately ten years. The city’s memory is formed by both material and ideal cultural assets. The discursive examination of this memory is a focal point for Dresden’s urban society. Monument protection and conservation play an important role in preserving built heritage and making it usable for future

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