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  • Glasgow’s Culture Strategy 2024-2030

    This municipal strategy aims to enhance the protection and promotion of heritage assets, ensuring their preservation for future generations. It establishes a framework for sustainable management, encouraging community engagement and collaboration among stakeholders. One of the key themes is the recognition of heritage as a vital component of cultural identity and community well-being. The legislation emphasizes the importance of inclusive practices, ensuring that diverse voices are heard in heritage conservation efforts. By fostering partnerships between local authorities, heritage organizations, and community groups, it aims to create a more holistic approach

    Koncepce památkové péče v České republice na léta 2024–2028 (Concept of Monument Care in the Czech Republic for 2024–2028)

    The document is divided into three parts. The first part analyzes the achievements of the past strategic period 2017–2023. The second part of the document contains a SWOT analysis and summarizes the strong sides, weak sides, threats and opportunities that heritage conservation in the Czech Republic currently faces. The largest part of the documents concentrates on planning the development of heritage conservation in the country for the following five years. There are several, logically structured topics covered by the strategy. Firstly, it gives an overview of past legislative changes and

    Förderungsrichtlinie für die Substanzerhaltung denkmalgeschützter Objekte und für Projekte zur Bewahrung und Erschließung des kulturellen Erbes (Guidelines for the conservation of listed buildings and for projects to preserve and develop cultural heritage)

    The “Förderungsrichtlinie für die Substanzerhaltung denkmalgeschützter Objekte und für Projekte zur Bewahrung und Erschließung des kulturellen Erbes” are the guidelines adopted in Styria for the preservation of cultural heritage. The primary goals are securing, restoring, and conserving immovable as well as movable cultural heritage while promoting the dissemination of cultural heritage. In order to incentivize initiatives in the sector, the policy aims to provide financial support for the preservation of cultural heritage. A particular attention is given to the digital: the guidelines mention the significance of digital technologies in preserving

    Plano de Ação Regional para a Cultura Norte 2030

    The Action Plan for Culture NORTE 2030 aims to develop the cultural and creative sectors in the Northern region of Portugal, aligning with the European Union’s funding cycle and strategic priorities for 2021-2027. Its mission is to create a cohesive set of proposals that enhance cultural heritage and promote creativity, thereby contributing to economic growth and social inclusion. The plan is built on three transversal objectives: increasing qualifications across the population, ensuring equitable access to quality public services, and improving regional governance efficiency. The plan outlines three main programs: NORTE

    Zákon o státní památkové péči (Act on State Heritage Care)

    The Act on State Landmark Conservation is a principal law that determines the conditions and organization of heritage site conservation in Czechia. It pertains to state institutions as well as to private persons – owners of heritage sites declared as cultural landmarks. There are several other legislative documents (instruments) of different types related to this Act. All can be found on the website of the Ministry of Culture. The first part determines different types of protection, rules for the designation of different types of cultural landmarks, or their registration. The

    Piano Regionale dei Trasporti (PRT), Regione Umbria (Regional Transportation Plan)

    The “Piano Regionale dei Trasporti (PRT) 2024-2034” for the Umbria region outlines a strategic framework aimed at enhancing the regional transport system in alignment with European Union policies. The document emphasizes the integration of various transport modalities to ensure sustainable, efficient, and resilient mobility solutions. It reflects the objectives of the EU’s cohesion policy for 2021-2027, particularly focusing on improving connectivity, promoting sustainable transportation, and achieving significant reductions in transport emissions by 2050. Key goals of the plan include the development of an intermodal TEN-T network and enhancing local, regional,

    Nationell strategi för digitalt kulturarv (National Strategy for Digital Cultural Heritage)

    The National Strategy for Digital Cultural Heritage by Sweden’s National Heritage Board provides a framework to enhance the accessibility, preservation, and utility of cultural heritage through digital transformation. It aims to make heritage materials widely accessible online, linking diverse cultural data for use in education, tourism, and research. This strategy emphasizes sustainable digital preservation, ensuring materials are securely stored against potential risks like cyber threats or physical loss. Key initiatives focus on user-centered design, collaboration across sectors, and promoting digital literacy. This comprehensive approach positions digital cultural heritage as a

    Hotărâre Nr. 392 din 05-06-2024 pentru aprobarea Regulamentului cu privire la modul de calcul, repartizare, utilizare și evidență a transferurilor cu destinație specială pentru susținerea tinerilor specialiști din domeniul culturii (Decision No. 392 of 05-06-2024 for the approval of the Regulation supporting young specialists in the cultural field)

    The law described in this text aims to support young specialists in the cultural field in the Republic of Moldova. It outlines the requirements for obtaining and distributing compensation to young professionals who meet the specified criteria. The law establishes a set of documents that must be presented by the leader of the institution in which the young specialist is active. These documents include a legalised copy of the graduate diploma or supplementary studies obtained abroad, confirmation of the specialist’s bank account number for transfer of the compensation, and a

    Legge regionale 27 maggio 2024, n. 12 (BUR n. 70/2024) Disciplina regionale in materia di valutazione ambientale strategica (VAS), valutazione di impatto ambientale (VIA), valutazione d’incidenza ambientale (VINCA) e autorizzazione integrata ambientale (AIA) (Regional Law No. 12 of May 27, 2024 (BUR No. 70/2024) Regional regulations on strategic environmental assessment (SEA), environmental impact assessment (EIA), environmental impact assessment (VINCA) and integrated environmental authorization (AIA)

    The Regional Law No. 12 of May 27, 2024, establishes a comprehensive framework for the regulation of environmental evaluation and authorization procedures in Veneto. It governs four key processes: Strategic Environmental Assessment (VAS), Environmental Impact Assessment (VIA), Environmental Implications Assessment (VINCA), and Integrated Environmental Authorization (AIA). The law harmonizes regional actions with European and national legislation, aiming to safeguard the environment, promote rational resource use, and ensure public health protection. The law emphasizes transparency and public participation in environmental decision-making. It establishes clear roles and responsibilities among regional and local

    Vårt Gotland 2040 – regional utvecklingsstrategi för Gotland (Our Gotland 2040 – regional development strategy for Gotland)

    This regional development strategy aims at fostering sustainable growth and enhancing the quality of life on Gotland. The plan emphasises the island’s unique cultural and natural assets, vibrant communities, and strong entrepreneurial spirit. Key priorities include promoting health, participation, and safety; advancing cultural development and preserving cultural environments; ensuring competence; improving accessibility; leading in climate and energy transitions; securing the environment and water resources; strengthening and developing the business sector and creating conditions for housing and construction. The strategy underscores the importance of collaboration among local actors to achieve these

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