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  • Malta Tourism Strategy 2021-2030

    The Maltese tourism strategy for 2021-2030 is a comprehensive strategy applicable in Malta and in Gozo. It largely addresses the role of cultural heritage, considering tangible as well as intangible heritage. The goal is to generate a fruitful relationship between tourism and cultural heritage, whereby tourism supports cultural preservation, instead of undermining it. This objective is possible if the strategy succeeds in creating “sustainable tourism”. To this end, the government aims at promoting a high diversity of cultural traditions and heritage, in order to diversify attractions and touristic offers and

    Σχεδιο Βιώσιμης Αστικής Κινητικότητας (Σ.Β.Α.Κ) Δήμου Αθηναίων

    The Sustainable Urban Mobility Strategy of Athens introduces strategies for improved mobility based on 10 priorities: Priority 1: Ensuring safe and comfortable walking, with a particular focus on meeting the needs of vulnerable categories of commuters and people with reduced mobility Priority 2: Improving the level of service provided by public transport Priority 3: Improving existing and increasing open and green spaces Priority 4: Improve road safety and protect commuters by any means Priority 6: Managing traffic and reducing speeds in residential areas Priority 7: Encourage the use of bicycles

    Deutsche Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie (German Sustainable Development Strategy)

    The German Sustainable Development Strategy (GSDS) 2021 is a comprehensive framework aimed at promoting sustainable development across all sectors of German society. This strategic document outlines Germany’s commitment to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, emphasising the importance of integrating sustainability into economic, environmental, and social policies. A primary theme of the GSDS 2021 is the necessity of balancing economic growth with environmental protection and social equity. The strategy sets forth specific targets and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, enhance resource efficiency, and promote renewable

    Policy Recommendations for the Integration of Cultural and Natural Heritage (CNH) within Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3/4)

    This resource explores the vital role of Cultural and Natural Heritage (CNH) in fostering sustainable development and innovation within European regions. It aims to bridge the knowledge and implementation gap regarding the potential of heritage, advocating for its integration into Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3). The text highlights the complex nature of heritage, encompassing both tangible and intangible elements, and underscores the intertwined relationship between anthropic and natural features. It stresses the importance of recognising heritage as a strategic resource that can drive growth and development, particularly

    LOI n° 2020-1673 du 24 décembre 2020 relative à la restitution de biens culturels à la République du Bénin et à la République du Sénégal

    This legislation addresses the restitution of cultural assets to the Republic of Benin and the Republic of Senegal. It allows for the transfer of specific cultural items from French national collections to the respective countries. The law focuses on the return of twenty-six artworks from Abomey to Benin and a sabre with a sheath linked to El Hadj Omar Tall to Senegal. The legislation marks a significant step towards rectifying historical injustices and promoting cultural heritage preservation. By returning these artefacts, it acknowledges the importance of cultural heritage in fostering

    Loi du 15 décembre 2020 relative au climat et modifiant la loi modifiée du 31 mai 1999 portant institution d’un fonds pour la protection de l’environnement

    This legislation outlines crucial measures aimed at addressing climate change and its impact on heritage sites. It emphasises the need for sustainable and environmentally friendly practices to protect cultural and natural heritage. The document introduces a comprehensive framework for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting climate resilience in heritage conservation efforts. One of the key themes highlighted in the legislation is the establishment of a climate governance structure to guide long-term strategies for heritage preservation. It mandates the development of adaptation strategies to mitigate the effects of climate change on

    Forvaltning av kirke, gravplass og kirkens omgivelser som kulturminne og kulturmiljø

    This legislation provides comprehensive guidelines for the preservation and management of cultural heritage sites, including churches, cemeteries, and their surroundings. The document focuses on the legal framework for heritage management and provides an overview of relevant laws, regulations, and best practices. The legislation provides guidance on how to handle restoration and conservation of heritage assets, with specific rules for churches and cemeteries. The document advises on how to categorise churches by their age and protect them appropriately. The document outlines construction guidelines, including setback distances for new buildings to minimise

    HES Unacceptable Actions Policy

    This policy outlines the actions considered unacceptable towards staff in the heritage sector, aiming to maintain a respectful and safe environment for all involved. It addresses behaviours such as verbal abuse, harassment, and unreasonable demands that hinder the organisation’s ability to provide services effectively. The document emphasises the importance of upholding the rights of both staff and individuals interacting with the heritage organisation. Key points include the identification of unacceptable actions, potential consequences for such behaviours, and the process for managing and restricting contact with individuals displaying inappropriate conduct. The

    2012. évi XXX. törvény a magyar nemzeti értékekről és a hungarikumokról

    A law on a complex system of local, regional and national values, called Hungarica. The law defines a system of local, regional and national heritage, which includes natural and cultural, tangible and intangible heritage values. Local and regional councils for the values must make lists and propose items to be regarded as a higher level values thus creating a hierarchy of Hungarian values. The national list is entitled Hungarica, the individual items called Hungaricum. Apart from the councils being responsible for the contents of the list and for the acknowledgement

    Decreto-Lei n.º 101-D/2020, de 7 de dezembro: Transposição das Diretivas (EU) relativas ao desempenho energético dos edifícios e à eficiência energética

    This decree-law defines the requirements applicable to the design and renovation of buildings in order to ensure and promote the improvement of their energy performance and regulates the Energy Certification System for Buildings (SCE), transposing EU Directive 2018/844 and partially transposing EU Directive 2019/944. The legislation focuses on regulations related to energy performance, certification, and monitoring in buildings. It establishes that buildings must maintain a minimum level of energy performance, and if they fail to do so, they are required to submit and implement an Energy Performance Improvement Plan. The

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