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  • ՀՀ ՕՐԵՆՔԸ Կինեմատոգրաֆիայի մասին (Cinematography Law of Armenia)

    The Cinematography Law of Armenia outlines the state policy and regulatory framework for the country’s film industry. It establishes the goals, principles, and forms of state support for cinematographic activities, detailing the powers and responsibilities of state and other bodies involved. The law governs the legal, organizational, and financial aspects of filmmaking, ensuring that relations in the field of cinematography are aligned with the Constitution, international agreements, and other national laws. Key concepts defined in the law include the criteria for national films, the role of supporters, classification based on

    Regulation (EU) 2021/1056 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 June 2021 establishing the Just Transition Fund

    This legislation establishes the Just Transition Fund which aims to address the socio-economic and environmental costs of achieving a climate-neutral and circular economy. In the pursuit of limiting temperature increase to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels, the Union will concentrate its funding on green objectives. The transition to a climate-neutral and circular economy is a priority for the European Union, and this legislation is part of the Sustainable Europe Investment Plan that dedicates financing to the Just Transition Mechanism. The Just Transition Fund recognizes that not all regions and Member

    Forskrift om Van Mijenfjorden nasjonalpark på Svalbard (Regulations on Van Mijenfjorden National Park in Svalbard)

    This legislation addresses the protection and management of heritage sites, emphasising the importance of preserving cultural and natural heritage for future generations. It highlights the need for sustainable practices to safeguard these sites from potential threats and degradation. The document outlines specific regulations and guidelines to ensure the conservation of heritage properties, promoting responsible stewardship and community engagement. Furthermore, the legislation underscores the significance of heritage preservation in fostering a sense of identity, pride, and connection to the past. It emphasises the role of heritage sites in promoting tourism, education,

    Wet hergebruik van overheidsinformatie (Re-use of Public Sector Information Act)

    The Re-use of Public Sector Information Act) is law which extends copyright protection to certain neighboring rights holders, including producers of digital sound recordings and audiovisual materials. It applies to digital cultural heritage materials such as recordings of performances, broadcasts, and other related content.

    Wet op de naburige rechten (Neighbouring rights act)

    The Neighbouring Rights Act is a law that extends copyright protection to certain neighbouring rights holders, including producers of digital sound recordings and audiovisual materials. It applies to digital cultural heritage materials such as recordings of performances, broadcasts, and other related content. This law is applicable to digital cultural heritage materials such as recordings of performances, broadcasts, and other related content.

    LOI n° 2021-710 du 4 juin 2021 visant à moderniser les outils et la gouvernance de la Fondation du patrimoine (LAW No. 2021-710 of 4 June 2021 on modernising the tools and governance of the Heritage Foundation)

    This legislation, enacted to modernise the tools and governance of the Fondation du patrimoine, introduces significant changes to the management and protection of heritage sites. The law focuses on amending codes related to heritage, including adjustments to the representation and administration of the Fondation du patrimoine. It emphasises the importance of annual reporting and strategic planning to relevant cultural bodies, ensuring transparency and accountability in heritage preservation efforts. One key aspect of the legislation is the restructuring of the Fondation du patrimoine’s council, now composed of diverse representatives, including founders,

    Plano Estratégico Municipal Para a Cultura 2030, 2021-2031 (Municipal Strategic Plan for Culture 2030, 2021-2031)

    The Funchal Municipal Strategic Plan for Culture 2030 (2021-2031) outlines the cultural vision for the city of Funchal in 2031, focusing on strategic planning for the next decade. It aims to establish a multidisciplinary action plan with specific objectives to foster the structured cultural development of the municipality. Collaboration with cultural agents, associations, and entities is emphasised to ensure continuous project development based on research-action principles. The plan serves as a planning tool for cultural policies, emphasising collaboration and consultation processes to shape the city’s cultural landscape. The strategic plan

    Lov om kollektiv forvaltning av opphavsrett mv. (The Act on Collective Management of Copyright, etc.)

    This legislation aims to ensure responsible, efficient, and transparent collective management of rights related to intellectual property and neighbouring rights. The law is designed to benefit both rights-holders and users, while preserving the former’s freedom of choice in matters of collective rights management. The law seeks to achieve an effective and trustworthy management of intellectual property and neighbouring rights through the establishment of rules designed to avoid excessive or unethical practices that may undermine access to information and cultural heritage. One of the key contributions of this legislation to the

    Regulation on amending the Union Civil Protection Mechanism

    This law outlines decisions made in the European Union (EU) with regards to the Union Mechanism to deal with natural and man-made disasters. The focus of these decisions is to ensure protection and promote solidarity between Member States through practical cooperation and coordination. While individual Member States maintain the primary responsibility for protecting people, the environment, property, and cultural heritage against disasters, the Union Mechanism will provide support and cover a wide range of disasters. This includes environmental disasters, radiological disasters, marine pollution, hydrogeological instability, acute health emergencies, and the

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