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  • Freedom to Live – Malta’s 2021-2030 National Strategy on the Rights of Disabled Persons

    The Freedom to Live publication is a comprehensive strategy to foster inclusivity for disabled people, adopted based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, published and entered into force in Malta on August 17, 2021. In the national strategy, cultural heritage is extensively addressed. Objective 5, “Participation in Culture, Leisure, Recreation, and Sports”, aims at making venues accessible to everyone, so as to ensure that cultural products, outdoor public spaces, and events are inclusive. The wording “cultural venues” is considered to involve: cinemas, museums,

    Decreto Legislativo Regional n.º 23/2021/M, de 30 de agosto: Adaptação do Decreto -Lei n.º 101 -D/2020 à Região Autónoma da Madeira

    The Regional Legislative Decree No. 23/2021/M adapts the energy performance regulations for buildings in the Madeira Autonomous Region. It aligns with the EU Directive 2010/31/UE on energy performance certification systems, emphasising the importance of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources for sustainable development. The decree establishes competencies for entities involved in enforcing energy efficiency regulations and outlines the distribution of funds from energy certification registrations. Furthermore, it revokes a previous regional legislative decree and introduces protocols for managing the energy certification system. The document highlights the transposition of EU Directive

    Edital n.º 975/2021, de 27 de agosto: Regulamento Municipal de Atribuição da Distinção «Lugares com História»

    The regulation presented in this document outlines the rules for the application and awarding of the distinction “Lugares com História” (Places with History) by the Guimarães Municipal Council. It aims to recognize establishments and entities of historical, cultural, or local social interest that stand out for their unique characteristics. The criteria for evaluation include factors such as geographical continuity, originality of activities, and contribution to the local community’s identity. The regulation empowers the Municipal Council to resolve any doubts or omissions that may arise. Furthermore, the regulation emphasises the importance

    Raumordnungsplan für die deutsche ausschließliche Wirtschaftszone in der Nordsee und in der Ostsee (Anlage zur Verordnung über die Raumordnung in der deutschen ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszone in der Nordsee und in der Ostsee) vom 19. August 2021 (BGBl. I S. 3886 ) – Spatial Development Plan for the German Exclusive Economic Zone in the North Sea and in the Baltic Sea (Annex to the Ordinance on Spatial Planning in the German Exclusive Economic Zone in the North Sea and in the Baltic Sea)

    The AWZROVAnl, or Ordinance on the Application of the Federal Spatial Planning Act to the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), is a legislative framework in Germany designed to regulate spatial planning within the country’s EEZ. This ordinance aims to ensure sustainable development and utilisation of maritime space, balancing economic, ecological, and social interests. The primary purpose of the AWZROVAnl is to establish a structured approach to spatial planning in the EEZ, considering various maritime activities such as shipping, fishing, energy production, and environmental protection. By providing clear guidelines and criteria, the

    Barcelona Interculturality Plan 2021-2030

    Barcelona City Council has developed this Interculturality Plan for 2021-2030 to promote intercultural perspective in all municipal policies. The plan focuses on creating spaces for cooperation, addressing discrimination, and promoting intercultural dialogue and active citizenship. Challenges include acknowledging diversity as a structural element, combating discrimination, and advancing respect for diversity. Strategies include improving municipal services, education, and community empowerment to foster positive interaction. The plan aims to strengthen intercultural dialogue, participation, and representation in decision-making processes to create a fairer and more inclusive city. It explores the diverse cultural landscapes

    Real Decreto 691/2021, de 3 de agosto, subvenciones para actuaciones de rehabilitación energética en edificios existentes

    The Energy Rehabilitation Programme for existing buildings in municipalities and towns with less than 5,000 inhabitants (PREE 5000) is a significant initiative aimed at enhancing energy efficiency and promoting renewable energy adoption in residential and non-residential buildings. This programme, a part of the National Strategy for the Demographic Challenge, seeks to address energy rehabilitation through a combination of efficiency improvements and renewable energy integration, aligning with broader sustainability objectives. The document in no particular way addresses the particularities of the buildings listed as cultural heritage sights and only points out

    Cultural Heritage Act (ACT No. XLI of 2021 – Chapter 445)

    The 2021 Cultural Heritage Act builds on Act VI 2002 and establishes a comprehensive framework for the legal protection of cultural heritage in Malta and the Islands. It provides the definitions for technical terms, i.e. “cultural heritage” and “cultural property”, and it defines the scope of application of the act: namely, movable and immovable objects of artistic, historical, archaeological, ethnographic, palaeontological and geological importance. The Act establishes the competent bodies, defines specific roles and distributes powers among relevant authorities, mainly the National Council for Cultural Heritage, the Superintendence of Cultural

    Décret modifiant le décret du 10 novembre 2011 relatif au soutien au cinéma et à la création audiovisuelle

    This legislation amends existing regulations related to support for cinema and audiovisual creation, introducing new provisions for granting success bonuses to individuals involved in audiovisual works. The decree outlines specific eligibility criteria for receiving these bonuses, including requirements related to the type and cultural significance of the audiovisual work. It also details the process for applying for and receiving these bonuses, emphasising the importance of meeting certain artistic and technical standards set by the government. One key aspect of the legislation is the emphasis on promoting and supporting the production


    (Copyright Act of The Netherlands) This legislation promotes the re-use of public sector information, including digital cultural heritage held by government institutions. It establishes rules for accessing and using government-held information, facilitating its availability for cultural, educational, and commercial purposes.

    Décret organisant une coordination et un renforcement des actions de la Communauté française en faveur d’une transition écologique

    In response to the growing imperative for ecological sustainability, the legislation outlined in the attached text focuses on orchestrating a comprehensive strategy for the French Community’s transition towards a more environmentally conscious future. It establishes a framework for coordinating and enhancing actions that promote ecological transition within the Community. The decree underscores the integration of ecological considerations across various competences and the implementation of specific measures to drive sustainable practices. One of the key components of the legislation is the creation of a Coordination and Monitoring Committee dedicated to overseeing

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