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  • Safeguarding the unique Danish building heritage

    The proposal aims to protect Denmark’s building heritage by implementing measures that ensure historic buildings reflect the country’s cultural heritage. Key actions include updating planning laws, allocating funds for preservation, and establishing a working group to assess the value and conservation possibilities of protected and preservation-worthy buildings. The legislation highlights the historical significance of Denmark’s architectural heritage, noting that both protected and preservation-worthy buildings collectively represent the country’s cultural legacy. Despite existing laws, many valuable buildings are at risk due to inadequate state funding and local administrative challenges. The document

    Zweite Windenergie-auf-See-Verordnung vom 18. Januar 2022 (BGBl. I S. 58)(Second Offshore Wind Energy Ordinance)

    The Second Offshore Wind Energy Ordinance (2. WindSeeV) establishes the regulatory framework for the development and management of offshore wind energy projects in Germany. This legislation aims to promote renewable energy production while ensuring environmental protection and sustainable use of maritime space. By setting clear guidelines and standards, the ordinance facilitates the efficient and coordinated development of offshore wind farms. The primary purpose of the 2. WindSeeV is to streamline the planning, approval, and operational processes for offshore wind projects. It outlines the requirements for site designation, project approval, and

    Orientação Técnica nº 1/C04-i02/2022: Requalificação e conservação dos museus, monumentos e palácios públicos

    Component C04 – Culture of the Recovery and Resilience Plan includes the “RE-C04-i02 – Cultural Heritage” investment, which is divided into three measures. Under Measure C04-i02-m01, “Requalification and conservation of museums, monuments and public palaces”, work will be carried out on classified cultural heritage, covering 46 national museums, monuments and palaces. The aim is to requalify, preserve and adapt to the heritage constraints of each building, also focusing on meeting energy efficiency and water efficiency requirements. This Technical Guidance is released by the Cultural Heritage Safeguard Fund (FSPC) and relates

    Food Vision 2030 A World Leader in Sustainable Food Systems

    As the global community increasingly prioritizes sustainable agriculture, it is crucial that agri-food sectors adopt environmentally responsible practices. The attached policy paper outlines a Strategic Vision for the agri-food sector in Ireland, providing a comprehensive approach to tackling environmental challenges while supporting economic and social sustainability. The policy paper emphasizes the importance of balancing economic growth, environmental protection, and social justice, aiming to create a Climate Smart, Environmentally Sustainable Agri-Food Sector. It envisions a future where primary producers have enhanced well-being, with a viable and resilient food sector that produces

    Strategia “Cahul –capitala cultural-creativă a Republicii Moldova, 2022-2030”

    This comprehensive report provides a detailed overview of the cultural development strategy for the city of Cahul in Moldova, offering valuable insights into the city’s initiatives and plans for enhancing its cultural landscape. It outlines a strategic vision for modernizing cultural infrastructure, fostering international cultural relations, and promoting creative entrepreneurship. It delves into the city’s efforts to ensure access to cultural activities for all citizens and highlights the significance of international cultural events hosted by Cahul, such as the “Nufărul Alb” Festival and the “Faces of Friends” music festival. Moreover,

    An Plean Gníomhaíochta Closamhairc – Colún 4 den Chlár Éire Ildánach

    Discover a comprehensive analysis of the Irish audio visual sector, exploring key themes and findings. The report delves into the economic and cultural significance of European heritage, highlighting its impact on society and the economy. It presents a detailed overview of the challenges and opportunities within the European Heritage landscape, offering valuable insights for professionals and enthusiasts in the field. The document outlines the critical role of Irish heritage in shaping cultural identity and fostering social cohesion. It emphasizes the need for strategic investment and regulatory reform to support the

    Audiovisual Action Plan – Creative Ireland

    Discover a comprehensive analysis of the Irish audio visual sector, exploring key themes and findings. The report delves into the economic and cultural significance of European heritage, highlighting its impact on society and the economy. It presents a detailed overview of the challenges and opportunities within the European Heritage landscape, offering valuable insights for professionals and enthusiasts in the field. The document outlines the critical role of Irish heritage in shaping cultural identity and fostering social cohesion. It emphasizes the need for strategic investment and regulatory reform to support the

    Strengthening cultural heritage resilience for climate change

    This report addresses the intersection of European heritage and climate change, presenting key findings and recommendations for policymakers, heritage managers, and society as a whole. It emphasises the European Green Deal’s goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 and the need to integrate cultural heritage into climate change initiatives. The document highlights the vulnerability of cultural heritage to climate change and the potential of heritage preservation as a sustainable solution to the climate crisis. One of the main themes explored is the impact of climate change on European cultural heritage.

    Landeskulturbericht Nordrhein-Westfalen 2022

    This report provides a comprehensive overview of the significant cultural advancements and initiatives undertaken in North Rhine-Westphalia. It highlights the region’s commitment to strengthening the cultural sector by increasing financial support and implementing innovative policies. The report showcases the development of a robust framework for cultural activities, focusing on diversity, digitalisation, and accessibility across urban and rural areas. Key initiatives include the Cultural Strengthening Initiative, which saw the state’s cultural budget grow by 50% in five years, stabilising existing structures while creating new opportunities for artistic expression. The introduction of

    Orden ICT/1528/2021, de 30 de diciembre, concesión de ayudas para la transformación digital y modernización de las entidades locales que forman parte del Camino de Santiago

    Explore the Order regulating subsidies for projects focused on conserving and intervening in cultural heritage along the Saint James’ Way, nestled within the framework of the Spanish Recovery and Resilience Plan. This directive underscores the pivotal role of digitalisation and environmental sustainability in heritage preservation efforts. Projects eligible for subsidies are tasked with implementing a range of initiatives aimed at enhancing the cultural and touristic experience along the historic pilgrimage route. From preventive conservation measures to real-time energy efficiency monitoring and the implementation of cutting-edge security systems, the focus is

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