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  • Nόμος 4936/2022 (105/ 27-05-2022): Εθνικός Κλιματικός Νόμος (Law 4936/2022 (105/27-05-2022): National Climate Law)

    Law 4936/2022 is the National Climate Law in Greece, setting the legal framework on climate action. The document also contains emergency provisions to address the energy crisis and protect the environment. Key measures established in this law include: a) setting a net zero target for 2050, b) measures and policies to strengthen adaptation to climate change at the lowest possible cost, c) intermediate anthropogenic emission mitigation targets for the years 2030 and 2040; d) indicators for monitoring progress towards achieving the relevant objectives, e) procedures for evaluating and readjusting the

    Orientação Técnica Nº 3/C04-i02/2022: Implementação do programa Saber Fazer (Technical Guideline No. 3/C04-i02/2022: Implementation of the Saber Fazer programme)

    Component C04 – Culture of the Recovery and Resilience Plan has a total budget of around 150 million euros and includes the “RE-C04-i02 – Cultural Heritage” investment, which is divided into three measures. The investment measure “C04-i02-m03 – Implementation of the Saber Fazer Programme” (installation of the Saber Fazer Technological Centre and Saber Fazer Laboratories, with associated routes) provides funding, totalling around 2 million euros, for interventions to enhance and boost endogenous resources and traditional techniques, including the creation of a repository of information and documentation on national craft production,

    Promozione e disciplina degli Ecomusei – Regione Marche

    This law outlines the promotion and regulation of Ecomuseums in the Marche region. It aims to preserve and enhance the cultural, historical, and environmental heritage through community-driven projects. Ecomuseums serve as a bridge between the past and present, fostering a deeper connection to local heritage and promoting sustainable development. The legislation details the criteria for establishing and managing Ecomuseums, emphasising community involvement and the integration of local knowledge. It highlights the importance of preserving intangible cultural heritage, such as traditions, customs, and practices, alongside tangible assets like historical sites and

    Proposta de Plano Estratégico de Cooperação Cultural Multilateral da CPLP 2022 – 2026 (Proposed CPLP Multilateral Cultural Cooperation Strategic Plan, 2022-2026)

    This document outlines the Proposed Strategic Plan for Multilateral Cultural Cooperation within the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP) for the period 2022-2026. It emphasises the importance of cultural unity and collaboration among member states, focusing on promoting intercultural exchange, capacity building, and gender equality in the cultural sector. The plan is structured around strategic objectives, including fostering dialogue, preserving cultural heritage, and supporting creative industries. Implementation of the plan will require close coordination between the CPLP Secretariat and relevant stakeholders, with an emphasis on strategic management and monitoring to

    Proposta de Plano de Ação de Cooperação Cultural Multilateral da CPLP, 2022 – 2024 (Proposed CPLP Multilateral Cultural Cooperation Action Plan, 2022 – 2024)

    This plan of action outlines various projects and initiatives within the Cultural sector of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP). It highlights the establishment of a community system for the temporary import and export of cultural goods among CPLP countries. Additionally, it projects that support will be provided for the mobility of artists, authors, and cultural agents within the CPLP space. Furthermore, efforts will be made to enhance coordination and information sharing among entities responsible for cultural activities supervision in CPLP countries. A study will be conducted on the

    Archiefwet (Archives Act)

    The Archive Act regulates the management and preservation of public records, including those in digital format. It mandates government organizations to establish and maintain archives, ensuring the authenticity, reliability, and accessibility of digital records over time.

    Satakunnan kulttuuristrategia 2030 (Satakunta Cultural Strategy 2030)

    This strategic document envisions a culturally rich and diverse region where the arts and culture are integral to everyday life, driving prosperity, creativity, and innovation. This updated strategy, approved by the Satakunta County Council in April 2022, aims to establish clear guidelines for the development of cultural activities in this direction. The strategy emphasises the importance of cultural services being accessible to all, fostering a vibrant artistic scene that encourages entrepreneurship and innovation. It highlights the need for high-quality arts education at various levels to equip future generations with the

    Archives and Collections Policies

    The legislation outlined in the attached content library document plays a crucial role in shaping the preservation and management of heritage within the Historic Environment Scotland framework. Historic Environment Scotland (HES) Archives and Collections Policies for 2022 outline strict guidelines for the acquisition, conservation, and management of historical artefacts and materials. It encompasses a comprehensive range of laws, standards, and guidelines that govern the handling, protection, and accessibility of archives and collections. These regulations are essential for ensuring the ethical acquisition, proper documentation, and responsible disposal of heritage materials. They

    Nordrhein-westfälisches Denkmalschutzgesetz (DSchG NRW)(North Rhine-Westphalia Monument Protection Act)

    The Nordrhein-westfälisches Denkmalschutzgesetz (North Rhine-Westphalia Monument Protection Act) serves as a comprehensive framework for the preservation and protection of cultural heritage in the region. This legislation aims to safeguard historical buildings, sites, and objects by outlining strict guidelines and procedures for their maintenance, alteration, and restoration. A key feature of the Act is the establishment of the Landesdenkmalrat (State Monument Council), which advises the highest monument authority on matters concerning cultural heritage. The council comprises representatives from various sectors, including religious institutions, scientific and cultural organisations, and state ministries, ensuring

    Loi du 1er avril 2022 portant modification de la loi modifiée du 18 avril 2001 sur les droits d’auteur, les droits voisins et les bases de données en vue de la transposition de la directive 2019/789 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 17 avril 2019 (Act of 1 April 2022 amending the amended Act of 18 April 2001 on copyright, related rights and databases with a view to transposing Directive 2019/789 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019)

    This legislation focuses on the modification of copyright laws in Luxembourg to align with the EU Directive 2019/789, specifically addressing rights related to online broadcasting, satellite communication, cable retransmission, and public communication. The amendments introduce new sections and articles to regulate the interaction between broadcasters and signal distributors, emphasising the need for authorization from rights holders for transmission activities. The document clarifies the conditions under which retransmission via internet services can take place, ensuring compliance with EU regulations. The law aims to establish clear guidelines for the exercise of copyright

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