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  • Règlement grand-ducal du 9 mars 2022 relatif aux informations contenues dans l’inventaire du patrimoine architectural et aux pièces à joindre aux demandes d’autorisation des travaux pour un bien immeuble faisant partie d’un secteur protégé d’intérêt national et d’autorisation de travaux sur un bien immeuble classé comme patrimoine culturel national

    This legislation sets out detailed requirements for obtaining authorization for works on architectural heritage sites and national interest protected areas in Luxembourg. It aims to ensure the preservation and protection of cultural heritage by establishing specific guidelines for submitting requests for authorization. The document emphasises the importance of providing comprehensive information, including location details, historical data, and descriptions of proposed works. One key aspect highlighted in the legislation is the need for detailed documentation, such as general views and photos of architectural elements, to support requests for authorization. It also

    Mekânsal Planlar Yapım Yönetmeliği

    The Spatial Planning Construction Regulation aims to preserve and enhance physical, natural, historical, and cultural values, ensuring a balance between conservation and use. It establishes principles for creating and implementing spatial plans, guiding decisions on land use and development for sustainable development at national, regional, and city levels. The regulation covers all types and scales of spatial plans, including revisions and additions. It is based on the 1985 Zoning Law and the Presidential Decree on Presidential Organisation. It pertains to Pillar 1 (inclusive cultural heritage: ensuring participation and access for

    European Parliament resolution on the role of culture, education, media and sport in the fight against racism

    Culture, education, media, and sport are crucial in fighting systemic racism and promote a more inclusive society in Europe. The European Parliament resolution of 8 March 2022 (2021/2057(INI)) highlights that European societies are home to increasing cultural diversity and a growing share of foreign-born populations and their descendants, however on the other hand racism systematically exists in all areas of our daily life and can take many forms. The text calls on the Commission and the Member States and offers recommendations to recognize and counteract the systemic racism, such as:

    Piano per la transizione ecologica (Plan for Ecological Transition)

    The “Piano per la Transizione Ecologica” (PTE) document outlines Italy’s strategic framework for transitioning to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly economy by 2050. The plan is aligned with the European Green Deal and aims to achieve significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, promote sustainable mobility, enhance air quality, and protect biodiversity. The PTE is structured to address various critical areas essential for ecological transition. It starts by acknowledging the global and European context, emphasising the urgency of addressing climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss. The plan highlights the importance

    Loi du 25 février 2022 relative au patrimoine culturel

    This legislation aims to safeguard and promote Luxembourg’s cultural heritage by emphasising its significance in sustainable development, cultural diversity, and contemporary creation. It defines cultural heritage broadly, encompassing tangible and intangible elements that reflect evolving values, beliefs, and traditions. The law underscores the importance of identifying, studying, interpreting, preserving, and protecting cultural heritage to enhance social cohesion and shared responsibility towards communal spaces. One key aspect of the legislation is the classification of cultural properties as national heritage, ensuring their preservation and public interest recognition. It establishes stringent regulations governing

    Proposal for a Parliamentary Resolution to promote the Danish maritime cultural heritage

    This legislative proposal aims to safeguard Denmark’s maritime heritage by establishing 10% untouched marine areas. The document underscores the urgent need to protect and restore marine biodiversity to preserve Denmark’s cultural and natural maritime legacy. Decades of exploitation have pushed Denmark’s marine ecosystems to the brink, with significant declines in species like eels and local fish stocks. The proposal highlights that without immediate action, more species and critical marine habitats will be lost, jeopardizing the foundation of Denmark’s maritime culture. The establishment of untouched marine zones is presented as essential

    LOI n° 2022-218 du 21 février 2022 relative à la restitution ou la remise de certains biens culturels aux ayants droit de leurs propriétaires victimes de persécutions antisémites

    This legislation addresses the sensitive issue of cultural heritage and the rightful ownership of certain cultural objects. It aims to restore justice to the families of Jewish victims of the Holocaust who were robbed and deprived of their personal property, including artworks, during World War II. The law provides for the return of such cultural objects to their rightful owners or their descendants. The law overrides the common principle of inalienability of works of art held in French public collections. Two key provisions of the law address this principle, one

    Town Centre First: a policy approach for Irish towns

    This policy document outlines the Town Centre First policy, a collaborative framework developed by the Irish government to build sustainable and vibrant town centers in support of national economic, cultural, and environmental development. The policy recognizes the importance of town centers as valuable economic, social, and cultural hubs, and highlights a set of characteristics that successful town centers should possess, including attractive public spaces, a range of services and shops, cultural and community spaces, well-maintained building stock, and diverse housing options. The policy also emphasizes the need for sustainable transportation

    Commission Study on Opportunities and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence Technologies for the Cultural and Creative Sectors

    This study identifies opportunities and challenges posed by artificial intelligence (AI) for the Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS), including museums and cultural heritage. It also suggests actions for stakeholders and policymakers. Regarding museums and cultural heritage, the study identifies at least three opportunities brought by AI: 1) Enhancing archival, cataloguing, and information management applications; 2) Enhancing audience engagement activities; and 3) Managing visitor experiences. Among the challenges facing our sector, the study identifies several key issues: a lack of skills and knowledge necessary to adopt these technologies, internal biases within

    European Declaration on Digital Rights and Principles for the Digital Decade

    Heritage professionals and enthusiasts should take note of this significant development in digital transformation. The EU ‘Lisbon Declaration – Digital Democracy with a Purpose’ sets out a trajectory for the digital transformation of society, economy, and even the environment. It focuses on putting people at the center and empowering individuals while advancing innovative businesses. One of the interesting aspects of this declaration is the emphasis on utilizing technology to address climate change concerns and protect the environment. However, the document is not limited to environmental concerns as it also highlights

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