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  • Plano Estratégico Municipal da Cultura para o Concelho de Leiria (2020-2030): Volume I • Diagnóstico do Sistema Cultural e Criativo (SCC) de Leiria

    The Municipal Strategic Plan for Culture for the Municipality of Leiria covers the decade between 2020 and 2030 and is the result of a multi-stage process involving the participation of citizens. The plan is structured around five axes of strategic intervention: one community, multiple heritages; artistic and creative Leiria; Leiria, a laboratory of citizenship; openness and global dialogue; and diverse and collaborative territories. This first volume of the strategic Plan presents a diagnosis of the cultural and creative system of Leiria, which was based on documentary and statistical analyses and

    Plano Estratégico Municipal da Cultura para o Concelho de Leiria (2020-2030): Volume II · Estratégia Cultural e Plano de Ação 2021-30

    The Municipal Strategic Plan for Culture for the Municipality of Leiria covers the decade between 2020 and 2030 and is the result of a multi-stage process involving the participation of citizens. The plan is structured around five axes of strategic intervention: one community, multiple heritages; artistic and creative Leiria; Leiria, a laboratory of citizenship; openness and global dialogue; and diverse and collaborative territories. Following a phase of diagnosis and data collection, the second volume of the plan focuses on drawing up the vision and strategic objectives for culture in Leiria,

    Regierol afgestemd depotbeleid (Directing role aligned depot policy)

    (Coordinated Deposit Policy for Cultural and Immovable Heritage) The Flemish government actively directs the deposit system by emphasising key areas. This involves fostering a cohesive vision that aligns both cultural and immovable heritage. The government remains vigilant in identifying challenges, ensuring continuous monitoring of these challenges. Policy and its instruments are subject to thorough evaluation and refinement. Collaboration and networking are not only encouraged but also closely monitored. The government takes a coordinating role in providing advice on the sustainable preservation of heritage. Additionally, efforts are dedicated to raising awareness

    Loi du 3 mars 2022 portant modification de la loi du 18 juillet 2018 concernant la protection de la nature et des ressources naturelles

    This legislation focuses on the protection of natural habitats and resources in Luxembourg, emphasising the preservation of biodiversity and ecosystems. It outlines strict regulations to prevent unauthorised construction or activities in green zones, aiming to safeguard the natural environment and maintain the balance of ecosystems. The document highlights the importance of conserving habitats of community interest and the need for scientific criteria in designating Natura 2000 zones. Furthermore, the legislation addresses the conservation of animal species and their habitats, emphasising the significance of maintaining the ecological balance and protecting vulnerable

    Décret portant protection du patrimoine culturel mobilier

    This legislation focuses on the protection of movable cultural heritage within the French Community, aiming to safeguard valuable cultural assets from unauthorised movement, alteration, or destruction. It defines and classifies movable cultural property, emphasising items of exceptional artistic, historical, or scientific significance. The decree establishes a framework for the government to classify and protect these treasures, ensuring their preservation for future generations. One key aspect of the legislation is the creation of an inventory of classified treasures and culturally significant items, enabling effective monitoring and conservation efforts. It outlines measures

    Règlement grand-ducal du 9 mars 2022 relatif aux informations contenues dans l’inventaire du patrimoine architectural et aux pièces à joindre aux demandes d’autorisation des travaux pour un bien immeuble faisant partie d’un secteur protégé d’intérêt national et d’autorisation de travaux sur un bien immeuble classé comme patrimoine culturel national

    This legislation sets out detailed requirements for obtaining authorization for works on architectural heritage sites and national interest protected areas in Luxembourg. It aims to ensure the preservation and protection of cultural heritage by establishing specific guidelines for submitting requests for authorization. The document emphasises the importance of providing comprehensive information, including location details, historical data, and descriptions of proposed works. One key aspect highlighted in the legislation is the need for detailed documentation, such as general views and photos of architectural elements, to support requests for authorization. It also

    Règlement grand-ducal du 9 mars 2022 fixant le programme, la durée et les modalités de contrôle des connaissances de la formation professionnelle spéciale portant sur la recherche et la constatation des infractions à la loi du 25 février 2022 relative au patrimoine culturel

    This legislation establishes a specialised training program focused on detecting and addressing offences related to cultural heritage. The program covers various aspects such as judicial organisation, police responsibilities, evidence handling, and specific cultural heritage laws. It aims to equip agents with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively identify and address violations of cultural heritage regulations. By providing a structured curriculum and assessment process, the program ensures that participants are well-prepared to fulfil their roles in safeguarding cultural heritage. The training program includes examinations on the relevant laws, regulations, and

    Règlement grand-ducal du 9 mars 2022 fixant la composition et le fonctionnement de la commission de circulation des biens culturels

    This legislation establishes the composition and functioning of the Cultural Goods Circulation Commission in Luxembourg, aiming to safeguard the country’s cultural heritage. The commission, consisting of eleven members with expertise in cultural heritage, is appointed by the Minister of Culture for renewable three-year terms. The President, Vice-President, and Secretary of the commission are designated by the Minister, with a focus on maintaining confidentiality and integrity in handling cultural heritage matters. The commission convenes to deliberate on cultural heritage issues, with decisions requiring a simple majority vote of the present members.

    Règlement grand-ducal du 9 mars 2022 déterminant les modalités de saisine et les documents à joindre à la demande de protection d’un bien immeuble comme patrimoine culturel national

    This legislation sets out the procedures for individuals or entities seeking to designate a property as national cultural heritage in Luxembourg. It establishes a framework for the protection and preservation of significant architectural assets with cultural value. Applicants are required to provide detailed information, including personal/company details, property location, photographs, a descriptive text justifying the architectural significance, and any additional supporting documentation to the Minister of Culture. The regulation emphasises the importance of safeguarding historical and culturally significant buildings by allowing for their formal recognition and protection. By outlining a

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