Νόμος 4964/2022 (150/ 30-07-2022): Διατάξεις για την απλοποίηση της περιβαλλοντικής αδειοδότησης, θέσπιση πλαισίου για την ανάπτυξη των Υπεράκτιων Αιολικών Πάρκων, την αντιμετώπιση της ενεργειακής κρίσης, την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος και λοιπές διατάξεις (Law 4964/2022 (150/ 30-07-2022):Provisions for the simplification of environmental licensing, establishing a framework for the development of Offshore Wind Farms, addressing the energy crisis, environmental protection and other provisions)
Article 64 of law 4964/2022 defines the concept of the carrying capacity of a spatial system. Paragraph 2 of the same article provides legislative authorization to issue a Presidential Decree on the proposal of the Minister of Environment and Energy on the basis of which the methodology for the assessment of the carrying capacity will be determined. Law 4964/2022: Provisions for the simplification of environmental licensing, the establishment of a framework for the development of offshore wind farms, the addressing of the energy crisis, the protection of the environment and