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  • Fastsettelse av forskrift om fredning av Henningsvær kulturmiljø, Vågan kommune, Nordland fylke

    This legislation sets out the preservation measures for the Henningsvær cultural environment in Vågan municipality, Norway. Its purpose is to safeguard the historical identity of the area, which represents the significant periods of development in the town. The legislation permits development that complies with the area’s current regulations and provides an option for obtaining a waiver for different measures. The preservation regulations are interpreted with respect to the responsibility to allow for development in the region. The rule will enable a longer-term sustainable framework for conservation and progress. Four landowners

    Décret visant à soutenir l’engagement de jeunes travailleurs dans le cadre des politiques culturelles

    This legislation aims to support the engagement of young workers in cultural policies within the community. It defines criteria for cultural operators eligible for subsidies, focusing on those involved in artistic creation, execution, or interpretation, with specific limitations on organisation size and subsidy amounts. The legislation emphasises the importance of supporting workers under 36 years old in various cultural roles, such as artistic creation, technical arts, and cultural mediation. To qualify for subsidies, organisations must meet specific conditions, including financial stability and recognition under relevant legislation. Subsidies are granted per

    Loi fédérale sur les objectifs en matière de protection du climat, sur l’innovation et sur le renforcement de la sécurité énergétique (Federal law on climate protection targets, innovation and enhanced energy security)

    The Swiss Federal Act on Climate Protection Targets, Innovation, and Enhanced Energy Security is designed to set clear climate goals, promote innovation in energy technologies, and enhance Switzerland’s energy security. This legislation is a crucial step in Switzerland’s commitment to sustainable development and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The primary themes of the act include the establishment of binding climate protection targets, the promotion of innovative solutions for energy efficiency, and the enhancement of energy security through diversified and sustainable energy sources. It mandates federal and cantonal authorities to

    Lege Nr. 285 din 06-10-2022 pentru modificarea Legii nr. 280/2011 privind protejarea patrimoniului cultural național mobil

    In Moldova, cultural heritage is protected by law. The Cultural Heritage Law is designed to safeguard the country’s movable and immovable cultural heritage. The purpose of this law is to provide proper management, protection, and conservation methods for national heritage. The law defines the legal framework for the safeguarding of different categories of cultural heritage, including historical sites, architectural landmarks, and other significant cultural artefacts. The law includes several revisions, with the latest one being passed in 2018. The revisions introduce more detailed procedures for the classification, inventorying, and cataloguing

    Implementation of the European agenda for culture and of the EU strategy for international cultural relations

    This publication serves as a comprehensive assessment of the implementation of the European agenda for culture and the EU strategy for international cultural relations. It meticulously evaluates the achievements and shortcomings of EU cultural policies, providing invaluable insights to inform and guide policymakers. Through case studies and practical insights, readers are offered a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities in sustaining and safeguarding Europe’s rich tangible and intangible heritage for generations to come. With a forward-looking perspective, the document not only scrutinises the current landscape but also lays out

    Schilder- und Lichtreklameherstellermeisterverordnung vom 22. August 2022 (BGBl. I S. 1439) (Ordinance on the Master Craftsman Examination in Parts I and II in the Sign and Illuminated Advertising Manufacturers Trade)

    The Schiffsicherheitsbeleuchtungsmeisterverordnung (SchiLichtMstrV) is a specialised regulation in Germany governing the qualifications and responsibilities of ship lighting safety masters. This legislation aims to enhance maritime safety by ensuring that personnel responsible for ship lighting systems are adequately trained and certified. The primary objective of the SchiLichtMstrV is to establish a standardised framework for the certification of ship lighting safety masters. These professionals play a crucial role in maintaining and operating the lighting systems on ships, which are essential for safe navigation and the prevention of accidents at sea. By setting

    Règlement grand-ducal du 4 août 2022 portant sur les modalités d’attribution d’un prix national de la langue luxembourgeoise

    This legislation establishes a national prize aimed at promoting the Luxembourgish language and its cultural heritage. The prize, awarded annually, recognizes individuals or organisations for their contributions to the language’s promotion. With a monetary value of €5,000, the prize serves as an incentive to support and preserve the linguistic heritage of Luxembourg. The document outlines the criteria for awarding the prize, emphasising the importance of promoting and preserving the Luxembourgish language. A jury, composed of language officials and educators, is responsible for selecting the recipient based on their significant contributions

    Νόμος 4964/2022 (150/ 30-07-2022): Διατάξεις για την απλοποίηση της περιβαλλοντικής αδειοδότησης, θέσπιση πλαισίου για την ανάπτυξη των Υπεράκτιων Αιολικών Πάρκων, την αντιμετώπιση της ενεργειακής κρίσης, την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος και λοιπές διατάξεις.

    Article 64 of law 4964/2022 defines the concept of the carrying capacity of a spatial system. Paragraph 2 of the same article provides legislative authorization to issue a Presidential Decree on the proposal of the Minister of Environment and Energy on the basis of which the methodology for the assessment of the carrying capacity will be determined. Law 4964/2022: Provisions for the simplification of environmental licensing, the establishment of a framework for the development of offshore wind farms, the addressing of the energy crisis, the protection of the environment and


    This program outlines the annual operational program for cultural policies in the Basilicata region, providing valuable insights into the initiatives and strategies aimed at preserving and promoting cultural heritage. It encompasses a wide array of themes, including the valorisation of historical, artistic, anthropological, and archaeological heritage, as well as the promotion of cultural knowledge and awareness. Itdelves into the support for digital productions, training in the performing arts, and the organization of cultural activities by local authorities, offering a holistic view of the region’s cultural landscape. The program emphasizes the

    Proposition 2021/22:278 Copyright in the Digital Single Market

    The proposals implement the EU Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market. Among other things, the Government proposes new restrictions on copyright to facilitate teaching and research and to ensure that cultural heritage can be preserved. New provisions are also proposed to improve the conditions for being able to reproduce older works of art freely.

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