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  • Policy Recommendations by Horizon2020 Sustainable Cultural Tourism Projects

    This comprehensive analysis explores the intersection of cultural tourism, European identity, and sustainable practices, highlighting the importance of heritage preservation in fostering local and regional development. It aims to provide actionable insights for policymakers, cultural institutions, and stakeholders involved in the cultural heritage sector. The report delves into the concept of Europeanization, emphasising how cultural tourism can enhance social cohesion and a sense of belonging among diverse communities. It discusses the role of cultural routes and heritage labels in promoting shared values while respecting local identities. By showcasing the rich

    Schéma régional de développement du tourisme et des loisirs 2023 – 2028 ~ Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (Regional Tourism and Leisure Development Plan 2023 – 2028 ~ Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region)

    Delve into a comprehensive regional tourism development plan for Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur from 2023 to 2028. This detailed document outlines strategic initiatives and partnerships aimed at fostering sustainable tourism practices and preserving the region’s natural and cultural heritage. It advocates for the transition to an environmentally responsible tourism industry and presents a roadmap for achieving this transformation. This report encompasses a wide array of themes, including the optimization of economic opportunities associated with major sporting events such as the Rugby World Cup and the Olympic Games. It also emphasizes the importance

    Stratégie « Territoires de culture durable » ~ Île-de-France (“Territories of sustainable culture” strategy ~ Île-de-France)

    In the face of pressing climate, ecological, and energy challenges, this strategic initiative outlines a comprehensive approach to integrating sustainability within the cultural sector in Île-de-France. It aims to ensure the long-term viability of cultural facilities while fostering a collaborative environment among stakeholders. The initiative is structured around five key axes, focusing on the transition of cultural practices, the sustainable use of heritage resources, and the promotion of “Territories of culture durable.” By leveraging existing cultural assets, the strategy seeks to create innovative partnerships that enhance community engagement and support

    Wet inburgering (Integration Act)

    While primarily focused on promoting the integration of migrants and refugees into Dutch society, this law acknowledges the role of cultural heritage in identity formation and social inclusion by promoting respect for cultural diversity, particularly in the “integration exams”. The “Wet inburgering 2021” is the Civic Integration Act of 2021 in the Netherlands. This legislation outlines the requirements and processes for newcomers to integrate into Dutch society. The law places a greater emphasis on individual responsibility and participation in integration programs. It introduces changes such as personalized integration pathways, mandatory

    Tillaga til þingsályktunar um fjármögnun varðveislu, björgunar og endurgerðar skipa- og bátaarfsins (Motion for a Parliamentary Resolution on the financing of the preservation, rescue and restoration of the ship and boat heritage)

    The Act on Cultural Heritage of Iceland outlines the financing mechanisms for the preservation, rescue, and restoration of ship and boat heritage. The main sources of funding and support are: Antiquities Fund, Building Preservation Fund, Treasury Contributions, Fee Collection, Emergency Protection​​. These mechanisms collectively ensure that there are structured and sustainable financial resources available for preserving Iceland’s ship and boat heritage, among other cultural assets.

    Kulturmiljö är demokrati (Cultural Heritage is Democracy)

    The publication “Kulturmiljö är demokrati” (“Cultural Heritage is Democracy”) is a collaborative effort by Sweden’s 21 county administrative boards, emphasising the democratic importance of cultural heritage work. It illustrates how cultural environments and heritage sites are actively preserved, used, and developed through community involvement and collaborative initiatives, positioning cultural heritage as a public asset that upholds democratic values and civic engagement. This document presents case studies from across Sweden that highlight public participation in cultural heritage projects, such as the school programs in the UNESCO World Heritage Site of southern

    Plano Estratégico Municipal Cultura Guimarães 2032 (Guimarães Municipal Strategic Plan for Culture 2032)

    The Guimarães Municipal Strategic Plan for Culture 2032 focuses on enhancing cultural integration and participation within the community. Through initiatives like the Annual Cultural Mediation Program, the aim is to strengthen communication between cultural agents and educational communities. This strategy also includes measures to monitor the impact of cultural and educational collaborations on the participation of school and academic communities in the cultural life of the region. Additionally, the plan emphasises the importance of democratising cultural governance by increasing transparency and citizen participation in decision-making processes. By engaging citizens in

    Schéma directeur départemental de la culture 2023-2028 – Calvados en Normandie (Departmental Master Plan for Culture 2023-2028 – Calvados in Normandy)

    In the context of evolving regional governance and cultural policies, a new strategic plan has been established to guide cultural development and cooperation over the next several years. This initiative seeks to ensure that culture remains a vibrant part of local communities, despite the challenges posed by larger intercommunal and regional frameworks. The strategic plan focuses on enhancing the role of the Department as a key partner in cultural cooperation, promoting culture as a central element in local policy-making. By leveraging multi-year agreements, the aim is to foster partnerships and

    Masterplan Kultur Hessen (Master Plan Culture Hessen)

    This master plan for regional culture policy provides a comprehensive framework for enhancing the preservation, digitalisation, and participatory management of Hessian cultural heritage. It emphasises the critical need to safeguard both tangible and intangible cultural assets, including historic buildings, monuments, and traditional practices, amid the challenges posed by climate change. By advocating for sustainable conservation strategies and innovative preservation techniques, the guidelines aim to ensure that the rich historical heritage is maintained for present and future inhabitants and visitors in Hesse. The plan focuses on digitalisation as part of an

    Politique scientifique du Parc national de la Guadeloupe 2023-2038 (Scientific policy of the Guadeloupe National Park 2023-2038)

    This scientific strategy aims to address global changes over the next 15 years and translate them into actions within the Guadeloupe National Park and the Guadeloupe Archipelago Biosphere Reserve. Located in the Lesser Antilles, the Guadeloupe archipelago is home to an extraordinary diversity of landscapes and ecosystems, areas intertwined with the cultural history of the region. The strategy recognises the complexity of these landscapes, some of which have been shaped by human activity. Cultural heritage in Guadeloupe is equally significant, shaped by three major historical periods: the pre-Columbian era, the

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