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  • Programul De Activitate Al Guvernului: Moldova prosperă, sigură, europeană, aprobat prin Hotărârea Parlamentului nr. 28 din 16 februarie 2023

    The government of Moldova has recently approved a program aimed at achieving prosperity, security, and European integration for the country through a range of strategic measures. The document outlines various policies and actions, which will be implemented over the following years to promote economic growth, improve social services, strengthen democratic institutions, and ensure national security. The program is targeted at all professionals but enthusiasts in the field of heritage who want to understand how this initiative will impact their work will find this informative. Of particular interest to this target

    ÖREK-Umsetzungspakt „Raum für Baukultur – Orts- und Stadtkerne stärken sowie Raum für Baukultur eröffnen“ (ÖREK implementation pact “Space for building culture – strengthening town and city centres and opening up space for building culture”)

    The “ÖROK-Empfehlung Nr. 58: Raum für Baukultur” (Recommendation No. 58 by the Austrian Conference on Spatial Planning, ÖROK) addresses the enhancement and preservation of cultural heritage through the lens of building culture (Baukultur). It emphasises the need for cohesive policies and recommendations to enhance the societal significance of building culture and its heritage, and focuses on revitalization of urban and town centres. ÖROK is tasked with creating recommendations that increase the societal importance of building culture and its heritage. This includes strengthening the cores of towns and cities as proactive

    UPDATE Kulturstrategie Vorarlberg 2023 (Update Cultural Strategy of Vorarlberg 2023)

    The “Update Kulturstrategie Vorarlberg 2023” is a comprehensive guide outlining the cultural policy and strategic direction for Vorarlberg in the coming years. The document serves as a roadmap for cultural development, reflecting the diverse fields and action plans that shape the region’s cultural landscape. Key themes include collaboration, innovation, and transcending boundaries, with a strong focus on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the evolving socio-economic conditions of artists. This update is built upon insights from the 2022 Kulturenquete, which evaluated the existing cultural strategy and identified areas for

    Improving Energy Efficiency in Traditional Buildings: Guidance for Specifiers and Installers

    This policy explains how to improve energy efficiency in traditional buildings while preserving their character and unique history in this informative guide. Focusing on good conservation principles, it provides essential guidance for specifiers and installers who want to upgrade the energy efficiency of historic structures without compromising their special interest. A historic building is defined as a building of heritage significance, and it is the responsibility of the current generation to preserve them in good condition for future generations to enjoy. This guide outlines the importance of retaining and preserving

    Embracing Ireland’s Outdoors National Outdoor Recreation Strategy 2023-2027

    Providing a comprehensive overview of the topic, this policy is explores the many facets of Irish Heritage, identifying key themes and highlighting areas of special significance. From historic landmarks to natural landscapes, the document provides an in-depth analysis of the various elements that contribute to the richness of Irish Heritage. The resource then delves into the challenges facing Irish Heritage, with a particular focus on conservation and preservation efforts. Through the use of case studies and real-life examples, the document offers valuable insights into best practices and effective strategies for

    Wet inburgering

    While primarily focused on promoting the integration of migrants and refugees into Dutch society, this law acknowledges the role of cultural heritage in identity formation and social inclusion by promoting respect for cultural diversity, particularly in the “integration exams”. The “Wet inburgering 2021” is the Civic Integration Act of 2021 in the Netherlands. This legislation outlines the requirements and processes for newcomers to integrate into Dutch society. The law places a greater emphasis on individual responsibility and participation in integration programs. It introduces changes such as personalized integration pathways, mandatory

    Plano Estratégico Municipal Cultura Guimarães 2032

    The Guimarães Municipal Strategic Plan for Culture 2032 focuses on enhancing cultural integration and participation within the community. Through initiatives like the Annual Cultural Mediation Program, the aim is to strengthen communication between cultural agents and educational communities. This strategy also includes measures to monitor the impact of cultural and educational collaborations on the participation of school and academic communities in the cultural life of the region. Additionally, the plan emphasises the importance of democratising cultural governance by increasing transparency and citizen participation in decision-making processes. By engaging citizens in

    Motion for a Parliamentary Resolution on the financing of the preservation, rescue and restoration of the ship and boat heritage

    The Act on Cultural Heritage of Iceland outlines the financing mechanisms for the preservation, rescue, and restoration of ship and boat heritage. The main sources of funding and support are: Antiquities Fund, Building Preservation Fund, Treasury Contributions, Fee Collection, Emergency Protection​​. These mechanisms collectively ensure that there are structured and sustainable financial resources available for preserving Iceland’s ship and boat heritage, among other cultural assets.

    Masterplan Kultur Hessen

    This master plan for regional culture policy provides a comprehensive framework for enhancing the preservation, digitalisation, and participatory management of Hessian cultural heritage. It emphasises the critical need to safeguard both tangible and intangible cultural assets, including historic buildings, monuments, and traditional practices, amid the challenges posed by climate change. By advocating for sustainable conservation strategies and innovative preservation techniques, the guidelines aim to ensure that the rich historical heritage is maintained for present and future inhabitants and visitors in Hesse. The plan focuses on digitalisation as part of an

    Politique scientifique du Parc national de la Guadeloupe 2023-2038

    This scientific strategy aims to address global changes over the next 15 years and translate them into actions within the Guadeloupe National Park and the Guadeloupe Archipelago Biosphere Reserve. Located in the Lesser Antilles, the Guadeloupe archipelago is home to an extraordinary diversity of landscapes and ecosystems, areas intertwined with the cultural history of the region. The strategy recognises the complexity of these landscapes, some of which have been shaped by human activity. Cultural heritage in Guadeloupe is equally significant, shaped by three major historical periods: the pre-Columbian era, the

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