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  • Förderrichtlinie zur Digitalisierung von Objekten des kulturellen Erbes

    The Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion outlines a funding programme aimed at the digitisation of Berlin’s cultural heritage. This initiative focuses on enhancing public access to cultural assets across various institutions such as archives, libraries, museums, and memorials. By supporting digitisation projects, the programme aims to ensure that Berlin’s rich cultural heritage is available to a wider audience, including through platforms like the German Digital Library. Eligible cultural institutions are encouraged to present coherent digitisation projects that align with the programme’s goals. These projects should detail the digitisation

    Acuerdo entre el Ministerio de Economía y Transformación Transformación Digital, el Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte y la Empresa Nacional de Innovación, S.M.E., SA (ENISA) – ENISA Audiovisual y Línea de Industrias Culturales y Creativas

    The Government’s objective, as outlined in this agreement, is to bolster the cultural and creative industries as drivers of the Spanish economy and agents of social and territorial cohesion, aligning with the European Commission’s policies. The New European Agenda for Culture 2019-2022 aims to harness the full potential of culture to foster innovation, creativity, employment, and growth. It prioritises supporting and strengthening cultural and creative industries, facilitating their transition to the digital market, ensuring their sustainability in the territory, and enhancing their competitiveness internationally. To support this vision and stimulate

    National Policy on Architecture Resources

    Our architectural heritage speaks to the value of design, quality materials, and practical skills that have been passed down through generations. As we navigate the challenges of climate change and ecological pressures, it is essential that we think innovatively about the ways in which we engage with, reuse, and develop our surroundings. Against this backdrop, the National Policy on Architecture for Ireland has been developed, outlining how the government will coordinate built and natural environment action while delivering on the objectives outlined in Housing for All, the National Development Plan,

    DECRETO LEGISLATIVO 31 marzo 2023, n. 36 Codice dei contratti pubblici in attuazione dell’articolo 1 della legge 21 giugno 2022, n. 78, recante delega al Governo in materia di contratti pubblici (Legislative decree No. 36 of 31 March 2023 Public Contracts Code in implementation of Article 1 of Law No. 78 of 21 June 2022, delegating the Government in the field of public contracts)

    The legislative document provides comprehensive guidelines and regulations concerning public contracts and their impact on cultural heritage. The primary purpose is to ensure that public procurement processes are transparent, efficient, and protective of Italy’s rich cultural heritage. The legislation outlines specific requirements for the planning, execution, and monitoring of public works, with a strong emphasis on preserving and enhancing cultural assets. A key theme of the document is the integration of heritage preservation into the public contracting process. This includes the preliminary maintenance plans for works, geotechnical and structural monitoring,

    Νόμος 5037/2023 περί διατάξεων για τις ανανεώσιμες πηγές ενέργειες και την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος

    Law 5037/2023 provides provisions for the Waste, Energy and Water Regulatory Authority, for the use and production of energy from renewable energy sources, provisions for renewable energy sources and environmental protection and incorporates EU Directives 2018/2001 and 2019/944. In particular, the provisions of the first Section (Part A) regulate the issues of the renaming of the Energy Regulatory Authority (ERA) to Waste, Energy and Water Regulatory Authority (WERRA), as well as issues of organisation and operation of the Authority. Additional provisions for strengthening water policy are set out (Part B

    Décret modifiant le décret du 10 novembre 2011 relatif au soutien au cinéma et à la création audiovisuelle

    This legislation introduces significant changes to the support framework for cinema and audiovisual creation within the French Community. The amendments focus on enhancing the criteria for granting aid, particularly in the development of films and documentaries. These modifications aim to align the support provided with cultural, artistic, and technical standards set by the government. Additionally, the decree outlines specific guidelines for the allocation of aid towards training programs, emphasising the importance of quality training materials and instructors. One key aspect of the legislation is the transitional provisions, allowing previously supported

    Türk Arkeoloji ve Kültürel Miras Vakfi Kanunu

    (Turkish Archeology and Cultural Heritage Foundation Law) The purpose of this law is to establish the Turkish Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Foundation, focusing on scientific research in Turkish and Islamic archaeology and related fields worldwide. It aims to promote research, publication, and archiving, facilitate international collaborations, and conduct archaeological activities abroad. The foundation encourages inclusive scientific studies in various cultural and art fields, fosters international cooperation, and provides support and scholarships to researchers. Additionally, it emphasises the importance of standardizing documentation methods, promoting preventive archaeology, and providing technical and scientific

    Declaració de Barcelona sobre la preservació i la promoció dels establiments comercials emblemàtics

    The Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of Emblematic Commercial Establishments in Europe, signed in Barcelona on March 7, 2023, highlights the collaborative efforts of cities to preserve and enhance iconic commercial sites. It emphasizes the need for a common roadmap supported by European and international institutions to address challenges and promote sustainability. The declaration urges advancing its objectives through an annual action plan to evaluate achievements in various measures. Recognizing the significance of UNESCO conventions and the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, the declaration aligns with sustainable development goals, emphasizing

    Hotărâre Nr. 83 din 22-02-2023 cu privire la aprobarea Regulamentului de organizare și funcționare a casei de cultură

    This regulation outlines the objectives, powers, and responsibilities of cultural centres in Moldova. These centres are established for the preservation, conservation, and promotion of cultural activities, traditions, and values within the local communities. The document lays out general objectives for these cultural centres in the country, which includes organising and facilitating cultural, educational, and tourist activities and services, conserving and promoting cultural heritage, encouraging creative talent, promoting artistic values, and promoting contemporary art and interpretation across all disciplines. As a result, these objectives help to foster a sense of community,

    Ley 1/2023, de 20 de febrero, de Cooperación para el Desarrollo Sostenible y la Solidaridad Global

    This legislation outlines Spain’s foreign policy concerning sustainable development and global solidarity, with a focus on promoting awareness, critical knowledge, and understanding of global dimensions of sustainable development and solidarity within Spanish society. It delineates the roles and responsibilities of the public administration in addressing these issues, including procedures, financing mechanisms, and outcome evaluations. Additionally, the law aims to foster transformative engagement, social participation, and volunteering for global sustainable development through collaboration with social organisations and non-governmental development organisations (NGDOs). A key feature of the law is the establishment of

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