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  • Decreto-Lei n.º 46/2023, de 19 de junho: Direito de autor e direitos conexos na transmissão de programas de televisão e rádio

    This Decree-law establishes regulations concerning copyright and related rights applicable to specific online transmissions of broadcasting organisations and the retransmission of television and radio programs. It introduces amendments to the Directive 93/83/EEC of the Council and the Decree-Law n.º 333/97. The decree introduces new provisions to accommodate technological advancements in the audiovisual market, such as direct injection of TV program signals. As such, it defines terms such as “direct injection,” “ancillary online service,” and “country of origin principle.” It outlines the types of programs covered and not covered by the

    Decreto-Lei n.º 47/2023, de 19 de junho: Direitos de autor e direitos conexos no mercado único digital

    The decree-law transposes Directive (EU) 2019/790 into the internal legal order and introduces amendments to existing laws concerning copyright and related rights. It addresses the reproduction of protected works, emphasising that such reproductions should not be extensive to the extent of prejudicing the interest in the original works. Additionally, it regulates the commercial exploitation and licensing by collective management entities. The decree-law also establishes the use of mediation and arbitration for resolving disputes related to copyright and related rights. It outlines the limitations on obligations for new providers of online


    This legislation, introduced by the Norwegian government, aims to increase the accessibility and diversity of literature published across the country. Its main objective is to promote a healthy reading culture in Norway, while safeguarding the interests of authors, translators, and visual artists. The legislation seeks to create an environment that facilitates the production and distribution of quality literature in the country’s various languages and dialects. The legislation strives to protect minority languages such as Kvensk, Romani, and Romanes, by ensuring their literature has equal access and visibility, which will help

    Historic Environment (Wales) Act 2023

    The historic environment is a fundamental element of Wales’ national heritage and collective identity. The Historic Environment (Wales) Act 2023 aims at preserving, protecting, and managing the country’s historic environment for future generations. The Act defines a monument as any structure, building, or work, along with their site, relating to previous human activity within Wales. It lays out a schedule of monuments of national importance that cannot be altered, disturbed or destroyed. The legislation provides for the maintenance of historic parks and gardens through registration. It also mandates the creation

    Deddf yr Amgylchedd Hanesyddol (Cymru) 2023

    The historic environment is a fundamental element of Wales’ national heritage and collective identity. The Historic Environment (Wales) Act 2023 aims at preserving, protecting, and managing the country’s historic environment for future generations. The Act defines a monument as any structure, building, or work, along with their site, relating to previous human activity within Wales. It lays out a schedule of monuments of national importance that cannot be altered, disturbed or destroyed. The legislation provides for the maintenance of historic parks and gardens through registration. It also mandates the creation

    Kulttuuriympäristöohjelma 2023–2028. Kulttuuriympäristöt helsinkiläisten voimavarana

    Cultural environments are the built environment, archaeological heritage and landscape. The Cultural Environment Programme is a common policy for the consideration of cultural environments and their management and use in Helsinki. The City Board has approved it for Helsinki for 2023-2028. It will strengthen the relevance of cultural environments, emphasise the importance of preserving and caring for them, and encourage their use by city residents and visitors. The cultural environment programme drawn up in Helsinki for the first time is the result of extensive cooperation with the city’s various operators

    Message concernant l’encouragement de la culture pour la période 2025 à 2028 (Message culture 2025-2028) Rapport explicatif pour la procédure de consultation (Dispatch on the promotion of culture from 2025 to 2028 (Culture Dispatch 2025-2028) Explanatory report for the consultation procedure)

    The document “Kulturbotschaft 2025ff,” also known as the “Cultural Message 2025 and Beyond,” outlines Switzerland’s strategic vision for cultural policy over the coming years. Its primary purpose is to establish a comprehensive framework for supporting and promoting the cultural sector, ensuring sustainable development and accessibility for all citizens. The main themes of the document include enhancing cultural participation, preserving cultural heritage, and fostering creativity and innovation. It emphasizes the importance of inclusivity, aiming to make cultural activities and resources accessible to diverse populations. This strategy also highlights the role of

    Act amending the Copyright Act

    The recent amendment to the Danish Copyright Act incorporates aspects of the EU Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. This legislation aims to modernize copyright rules to address challenges posed by digital and cross-border technologies. A significant focus of the amendment is on text and data mining, allowing individuals and institutions with legal access to works to perform text and data mining unless explicitly restricted by the rights holder. This includes provisions specifically for scientific research conducted by research organizations and cultural heritage institutions, promoting innovation while ensuring

    Loi du 8 mars 2023 relative à l’intégration d’œuvres artistiques dans les édifices publics

    This legislation focuses on the integration of artistic works into public buildings in Luxembourg, impacting the cultural heritage landscape of the country. It outlines the mandatory allocation of a percentage of construction costs for the acquisition or creation of artworks in public buildings, excluding those with industrial or commercial purposes. The law emphasises the importance of artistic enrichment in public spaces, promoting the creation of a vibrant cultural environment accessible to all. By requiring a minimum investment in art for public constructions, the legislation aims to enhance the aesthetic appeal

    Décret relatif à la conservation et à la valorisation des archives d’intérêt patrimonial

    This legislation focuses on the conservation and valorization of archives of heritage interest, emphasising the importance of preserving collective history and cultural diversity. It outlines criteria for assessing the heritage value of archive collections, considering their historical, cultural, and social significance. The document highlights the role of private archive centres in digitization, preservation, and public accessibility of physical and digital archives. Private archive centres are required to fulfil specific missions, including archival tasks and at least one valorization activity. They must employ qualified staff, develop online inventories, and collaborate with

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