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  • Loi du 25 juillet 1947 ayant pour objet l’approbation de la Convention créant une organisation des Nations Unies pour l’Education, la Science et la Culture

    This legislation focuses on the approval of the Convention establishing an organisation for Education, Science, and Culture within the United Nations framework. It highlights the importance of safeguarding and promoting cultural heritage, emphasising the need for international cooperation in preserving historical and scientific artefacts. The document underscores the role of education, science, and culture in fostering peace and understanding among nations, recognizing the pivotal role of intellectual exchange and knowledge dissemination in global progress. One key aspect addressed in the legislation is the conservation and protection of universal heritage, including

    Arrêté ministériel du 5 juin 1946 portant fixation d’un système officiel d’orthographe luxembourgeoise

    This legislation introduces an official orthography for the Luxembourgish language, aiming to provide clear and precise rules for writing words in the language. It addresses the need for a uniform orthography to support Luxembourgish as a subject of education. The document emphasises the importance of establishing consistent spelling guidelines to facilitate language learning and usage. The orthography guidelines outlined in the legislation are crucial for standardising the written form of the Luxembourgish language. By setting clear rules for spelling, the document ensures that students have a structured framework for writing

    Verordnung betreffend den Schutz der Kulturdenkmäler (Ordinance on the protection of cultural monuments)

    The Verordnung betreffend den Schutz der Kulturdenkmäler (Ordinance on the Protection of Cultural Monuments) of the Canton of Schaffhausen provides a detailed regulatory framework for the protection and preservation of cultural monuments. This ordinance aims to ensure that historical and cultural landmarks within the canton are properly maintained and protected from any activities that could compromise their integrity. The main themes of the ordinance include the identification and documentation of cultural monuments, stipulating the criteria and processes for designating such sites. It outlines the responsibilities of property owners and public

    Προεδρικό Διάταγμα 13/22-4-1929 περί επικίνδυνων οικοδομών

    The Presidential Decree 13/1929 defines the procedures for demolishing “dangerous buildings”. Four cases of dangerous buildings are distinguished, dangerous from a structural and structural point of view, from a sanitary point of view, from a fire safety point of view, and from the point of view of public circulation inside assembly areas. Listed buildings and monuments are exempted from this provision. However, buildings that are not officially protected e.g. vernacular buildings with architectural and historic interest are not exempted from demolition. The Decree is amended by law 4787/2021. Other relevant

    Laki valtion taiteilija-apurahoista

    This legislation outlines the framework for artist grants, emphasising support for cultural heritage preservation through funding artistic endeavours. It addresses the criteria for postponing, suspending, and continuing grants, ensuring flexibility for recipients facing specific life circumstances. The law aims to nurture emerging talents and sustain the artistic community by providing financial assistance for up to ten years. Furthermore, the legislation highlights the importance of accommodating artists’ needs, such as health issues, childcare responsibilities, and military service, in the grant allocation process. By offering grants that align with the evolving needs

    Valtioneuvoston asetus valtion taiteilija-apurahoista

    This legislation outlines the procedures for applying for state artist pensions and grants, emphasising the importance of timely notifications to the State Treasury regarding any changes that may affect pension eligibility. It also addresses the redistribution of unused grant portions by relevant art committees, ensuring efficient allocation of resources within the heritage sector. The document highlights the role of the Arts Promotion Centre in making decisions on grant durations, aiming to support and promote artistic endeavours. Furthermore, the legislation sets guidelines for the application process for state artist pensions, mirroring

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