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  • Bundesgesetz über den Natur- und Heimatschutz (Federal Act on the Protection of Nature and Cultural Heritage)

    The “Bundesgesetz über den Natur- und Heimatschutz” (NHG) is a federal law dedicated to the preservation of Switzerland’s natural and cultural heritage. Its primary aim is to protect landscapes, historical sites, and natural monuments, ensuring these treasures are conserved for future generations. This law provides a comprehensive framework for identifying, documenting, and managing protected areas, emphasising sustainable development and ecological balance. The NHG outlines the roles and responsibilities of federal, cantonal, and municipal authorities in safeguarding natural and cultural assets. It mandates cooperation between these authorities to effectively implement conservation

    Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964

    Discover the legislation that shapes the preservation and accessibility of cultural heritage in public spaces. This legislation establishes guidelines for the management of public libraries and museums, emphasising the importance of providing diverse and quality resources to the community. This Act outlines the responsibilities of library authorities in ensuring adequate stocks of materials and encouraging public engagement with library services. One key aspect highlighted is the ability of local authorities to charge for admission to museums and galleries under their maintenance, balancing the need for financial sustainability with the goal


    This legislation aims to safeguard Finland’s ancient heritage by protecting and preserving ancient monuments and artefacts. It establishes strict regulations prohibiting any unauthorised excavation, alteration, or damage to these historical sites without the necessary permits. The law places the responsibility on permit holders to notify the relevant authorities of any changes made to the protected areas. Furthermore, the legislation outlines the process for obtaining permits for activities that may impact ancient monuments, ensuring that proper assessments are conducted to minimise harm to these valuable cultural assets. It also addresses the

    Loi du 13 juillet 1961 portant approbation de la Convention pour la protection des biens culturels en cas de conflit armé, signée à La Haye, le 14 mai 1954

    This legislation aims to protect cultural heritage during armed conflicts by defining cultural property and outlining measures for its safeguarding. It establishes the criteria for identifying cultural assets, including monuments, artworks, manuscripts, and collections, regardless of ownership. The document emphasises the importance of preparing for the protection of cultural property in times of peace to mitigate potential damage during wartime. Furthermore, the legislation highlights the need for special protection for cultural property through international registration. It addresses the procedures for requesting the removal of cultural assets from the protection list

    Arrêté ministériel du 31 mars 1960 portant création d’un prix de théâtre en langue luxembourgeoise

    This legislation introduces significant measures aimed at promoting and preserving Luxembourg’s cultural heritage. It includes provisions for the establishment of a theatre prize specifically for plays written in Luxembourgish, highlighting the importance of nurturing and celebrating the local theatrical arts. Additionally, the document extends the trout fishing season for the year 1960, demonstrating a commitment to sustainable fishing practices and the conservation of natural resources. Furthermore, the legislation outlines the creation of apprenticeship indemnities, setting hourly rates for apprentices in various trades. This initiative not only supports skill development and

    Gesetz über den Schutz der Kulturdenkmäler (Law on the protection of cultural monuments)

    The “Gesetz über den Schutz der Kulturdenkmäler” (Law on the Protection of Cultural Monuments) from the Canton of Lucerne establishes the framework for the preservation and protection of cultural heritage sites. This legislation aims to ensure that cultural monuments, including buildings, structures, and sites of historical, artistic, or scientific significance, are preserved for future generations. The law mandates that any changes to protected monuments require prior approval. It outlines the responsibilities of property owners to maintain and protect these sites according to specified standards. Additionally, the law empowers authorities to

    Gesetz über die Landbeschaffung für Aufgaben der Verteidigung (Landbeschaffungsgesetz) (Act on Land Procurement for Defence Purposes)

    The “Gesetz über die Landbeschaffung für Aufgaben der Verteidigung” (LBG), or the Land Procurement Act for Defense Purposes, is a legislative framework designed to regulate the acquisition of land by the federal government for defence-related activities. Enacted in 1957 and most recently amended in 2020, this law outlines the procedures and principles for acquiring land to meet the needs of national defence, including the fulfilment of international agreements regarding the stationing and legal status of foreign military forces in Germany. The primary objective of the LBG is to ensure the

    Loi du 16 juin 1956 portant approbation de la Convention culturelle européenne, signée à Paris, le 19 décembre 1954

    This legislation aims to protect and promote European cultural heritage by fostering a closer union among Council of Europe members. It emphasises the importance of safeguarding and developing the shared cultural heritage of Europe through language, history, and civilization studies. The Convention encourages member states to take measures to preserve their cultural contributions and facilitate access to cultural objects of European significance under their control. One key aspect of the legislation is the establishment of a framework for regular meetings of cultural experts to discuss the implementation and interpretation of

    La Costituzione (Italian Constitution)

    The Italian constitution is the fundamental law of the Italian parliamentary republic. The first 12 articles constitute the fundamental principles. Among them, article 9 is dedicated to culture and cultural heritage. Article 9, together with articles 33 and 34 constitute the Cultural Constitution. Art. 9 The Republic promotes the development of culture and of scientific and technical research. It safeguards the natural landscape and the historical and artistic heritage of the Nation. It protects the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems, also in the interests of future generations. State law regulates the

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