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  • Atomrechtliche Verfahrensverordnung in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 3. Februar 1995 (BGBl. I S. 180), die zuletzt durch Artikel 2 Absatz 5 des Gesetzes vom 4. Dezember 2023 (BGBl. 2023 I Nr. 344) geändert worden ist (Nuclear Energy Procedural Ordinance)

    The Administrative Procedure Ordinance (AtVfV) provides a comprehensive framework for administrative procedures in Germany, ensuring transparency, fairness, and efficiency in public administration. Its primary purpose is to regulate the processes by which administrative decisions are made, enhancing accountability and consistency across various levels of government. This ordinance sets out clear guidelines for the conduct of administrative procedures, including the initiation, investigation, and resolution of administrative matters. It emphasises the importance of due process, requiring that all parties involved in an administrative procedure are given a fair opportunity to present their

    Décret relatif à la réimpression d’œuvres littéraires d’auteurs belges d’expression française.

    This legislation focuses on the preservation and promotion of French-language literary works by Belgian authors within the cultural heritage landscape. It mandates the annual reprinting of at least two significant works that are no longer in circulation, ensuring their continued accessibility to the public. The document outlines a structured process involving a commission and the Council of the French Cultural Community to select and prioritise eight works for potential reprinting, emphasising the importance of maintaining and celebrating Belgian literary heritage. Furthermore, the legislation highlights the role of the Minister in

    Décret instituant un prix littéraire du Conseil culturel de la Communauté culturelle française.

    This legislation establishes a prestigious literary prize awarded by the Parliament of the French Community, recognizing outstanding works by French-speaking authors that embody the cultural essence of the Belgian French Community. The prize, valued at 5,000 euros, celebrates literary creations that resonate with the unique sensitivity and heritage of the community, whether unpublished or published within specified timelines. The document outlines the meticulous selection process overseen by a jury chaired by the Commission President responsible for arts and letters. Decisions are made by majority vote, with provisions for awarding the

    Loi du 19 novembre 1974 portant approbation de l’Acte de Paris du 24 juillet 1971 de la Convention de Berne pour la protection des oeuvres littéraires et artistiques

    This legislation focuses on the protection of literary and artistic works within the Union, emphasising the importance of safeguarding cultural heritage. It outlines measures that member countries must adopt to ensure the application of the Convention, highlighting the need for compliance with internal legislation to uphold copyright protections. The document stresses the significance of granting authors exclusive rights over their works and the responsibility of countries to facilitate the protection of intellectual property. Furthermore, the legislation establishes the role of the Bureau international in providing information and services to support

    Grundsteuergesetz vom 7. August 1973 (BGBl. I S. 965), das zuletzt durch Artikel 21 des Gesetzes vom 16. Dezember 2022 (BGBl. I S. 2294) geändert worden ist (Property Tax Act)

    The Ground Rent Tax Act (GrStG) of 1973, amended most recently in 2022, regulates the taxation of property in Germany. This legislation aims to establish a fair and consistent framework for property tax assessment and collection, ensuring that property owners contribute to local public services based on the value of their real estate holdings. By defining the procedures for property valuation, tax rates, and exemptions, the Act provides a structured approach to property taxation that supports municipal funding and public infrastructure. The primary purpose of the Ground Rent Tax Act

    Protection of Wrecks Act 1973

    Discover the legislation aimed at safeguarding wrecks in territorial waters and their historical significance. This Act establishes measures to protect wreck sites from unauthorised activities, ensuring the preservation of maritime heritage. It empowers the Secretary of State to designate restricted areas around wreck sites, preventing interference that could damage or disturb these valuable historical locations. The Protection of Wrecks Act 1973 prohibits unauthorised tampering, salvage operations, or depositing of objects that could harm wreck sites. Offenders face penalties for actions that threaten the integrity of these maritime archaeological sites. The

    Gesetz zum Schutz und zur Pflege der Denkmäler (Bayerisches Denkmalschutzgesetz – BayDSchG) – Law on the protection and care of monuments (Bavarian Monument Protection Act – BayDSchG)

    The Bavarian Monument Protection Act (BayDSchG) establishes comprehensive measures for the preservation and maintenance of monuments in Bavaria. The BayDSchG was adopted in 1973 and amended several times, with the last being in June 2023. The legislation outlines definitions, responsibilities, and procedures to ensure the protection of historical and cultural heritage, emphasising its importance for public interest. The BayDSchG defines monuments as man-made objects or parts thereof from the past, whose preservation is of public interest due to their historical, artistic, urban, scientific, or folkloric significance. This includes buildings, ensembles

    Loi du 30 novembre 1971 portant approbation de la Convention Européenne pour la protection du patrimoine archéologique, signée à Londres le 6 mai 1969

    This legislation focuses on the protection of archaeological heritage within the European context. It emphasises the importance of safeguarding archaeological sites, artefacts, and historical knowledge for future generations. The document highlights the responsibilities of member states in preventing illicit excavations, promoting cooperation, and facilitating the exchange of archaeological information. One key aspect addressed in the legislation is the establishment of measures to delineate and protect archaeological sites, ensuring their scientific significance is preserved. It also emphasises the need to combat clandestine excavations and take proactive steps to safeguard archaeological treasures.

    Gesetz über den Natur- und Heimatschutz (Act on the Protection of Nature and Cultural Heritage)

    The “Gesetz über den Natur- und Heimatschutz” is dedicated to the conservation of natural landscapes and cultural heritage in the canton of Glarus. This law exemplifies the region’s commitment to protecting its unique environmental and cultural assets. It provides a structured framework for safeguarding natural habitats, scenic landscapes, and historical sites, thereby ensuring their preservation for future generations. The law outlines specific guidelines for the protection of natural areas, including forests, water bodies, and wildlife habitats. It mandates careful management practices to prevent environmental degradation and promote biodiversity. Additionally, the

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