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  • Loi du 4 mars 1982

    This legislation establishes a National Cultural Fund aimed at promoting heritage preservation through philanthropic contributions. It outlines the tax benefits for donors of cultural artefacts, books, and historical items of significant value. The Fund operates under the authority of the Minister of Cultural Affairs and is managed by a committee overseeing the acceptance and allocation of donations. Furthermore, the law introduces provisions for the remission of registration, inheritance, and succession taxes for individuals donating culturally significant assets to the Fund or approved third parties. The value of donated items is

    Denkmalverzeichnis (Monuments Identification)

    The Denkmalverzeichnis of the Canton Basel-Stadt is an essential document that catalogues and protects the region’s significant cultural heritage sites and monuments. Its primary purpose is to provide a comprehensive registry of buildings, structures, and sites deemed historically and culturally valuable. This registry ensures that these monuments receive the legal protection and conservation efforts necessary to preserve their historical integrity and significance. A central theme of the Denkmalverzeichnis is the systematic documentation and evaluation of cultural assets. The document outlines criteria for inclusion in the registry, focusing on historical, architectural,

    Décret organisant le prêt des oeuvres d’art au bénéfice des communes et autres organismes publics

    This legislation enables public entities to access and borrow artworks from the state’s collection, promoting cultural exchange and enhancing public spaces. The decree outlines the process for requesting and managing art loans, emphasising the responsibility of borrowers in ensuring the safekeeping and exhibition of the borrowed pieces. Public institutions, including municipalities and public organisations, can benefit from this opportunity to enrich their environments with valuable artistic creations. The decree mandates the minister responsible for art collections to maintain a comprehensive inventory of acquired artworks, facilitating the selection and lending process.

    Décret instituant un Conseil supérieur des arts et traditions populaires et du folklore

    This legislation establishes a Council dedicated to preserving and promoting the arts, traditions, and folklore within the community. The Council plays a crucial role in recognizing and supporting authentic cultural manifestations that are deeply rooted in the heritage of the community. It provides valuable insights and recommendations to the Executive regarding the study and promotion of high-quality cultural events and folk groups. One of the key functions of the Council is to evaluate and grant recognition to cultural manifestations and folk groups that reflect the rich traditions of the community.

    Νόμος 1126/1981(32/Α/10-2-1981): Κύρωση της Ευρωπαϊκής Σύμβασης για την προστασία της Παγκόσμιας Πολιτιστικής και Φυσικής κληρονομιάς (Παρίσι, 1972)

    The International Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, commonly known as the World Heritage Convention, was adopted on November 16, 1972. The convention establishes a framework for the identification, protection, and preservation of cultural and natural heritage sites of outstanding universal value. The Convention recognizes that the duty of ensuring the identification, protection, conservation, presentation and transmission to future generations of the cultural and natural heritage situated on its territory, belongs primarily to that State. The term “World Heritage” refers to sites that have been

    Νόμος 1127/1981(32/Α/10-2-1981): Κύρωση Ευρωπαϊκής Συμβάσης για την προστασία της Αρχαιολογικής κληρονομίας (Λονδίνο, 1969).

    Τhe Convention affirms that archaeological heritage is essential to the knowledge of the history of civilizations and provides guidelines for the excavation activity and dissemination of information. According to the Convention, the first step towards protecting the archaeological heritage should be to apply the strictest scientific methods to archaeological research or discoveries, in order to preserve their full historical significance and render impossible the irremediable loss of scientific information that may result from illegal excavation. Each Contracting Party should take measures in order: (a) to delimit and protect sites and

    Loi 1127/198: Ratification de la Convention pour la protection du patrimoine archéologique (Londres 1969).

    Τhe Convention affirms that archaeological heritage is essential to the knowledge of the history of civilizations and provides guidelines for the excavation activity and dissemination of information. According to the Convention, the first step towards protecting the archaeological heritage should be to apply the strictest scientific methods to archaeological research or discoveries, in order to preserve their full historical significance and render impossible the irremediable loss of scientific information that may result from illegal excavation. Each Contracting Party should take measures in order: (a) to delimit and protect sites and

    Loi 1126/1981: Ratification de la Convention pour la protection du patrimoine mondial, culturel et naturel (Paris, 1972)

    The International Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, commonly known as the World Heritage Convention, was adopted on November 16, 1972. The convention establishes a framework for the identification, protection, and preservation of cultural and natural heritage sites of outstanding universal value. The Convention recognizes that the duty of ensuring the identification, protection, conservation, presentation and transmission to future generations of the cultural and natural heritage situated on its territory, belongs primarily to that State. The term “World Heritage” refers to sites that have been

    Convention pour la protection du patrimoine Mondial culturel et naturel (Londres, 1969)

    Law 1127/1981 ratifies the European Convention for the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage that was signed in London on 6 May 1969. Τhe Convention affirms that the archaeological heritage is essential to the knowledge of the history of civilizations and provide guidelines for the excavation activity and dissemination of information. According to the Convention, the first step towards protecting the archaeological heritage should be to apply the strictest scientific methods to archaeological research or discoveries, in order to preserve their full historical significance and render impossible the irremediable loss of

    Νόμος 1114/1981((6/Α/8-1-1981): Κύρωση της Συνθήκης περί προστασίας των πολιτιστικών αγαθών εν περιπτώσει ενόπλου συρράξεως (Χάγη, 1954)

    The 1954 Hague Convention aims to protect cultural property, such as monuments of architecture, art or history, archaeological sites, works of art, manuscripts, books and other objects of artistic, historical or archaeological interest, as well as scientific collections of all kinds, regardless of their origin or ownership. State Parties are committed to take preventive measures, such as preparing inventories, planning emergency measures to protect property from the risk of fire or building collapse, and preparing for the movement of cultural property to safe places.The Parties also need to develop strategies

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