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  • Gesetz über die Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 18. März 2021 (BGBl. I S. 540), das zuletzt durch Artikel 13 des Gesetzes vom 8. Mai 2024 (BGBl. 2024 I Nr. 151) geändert worden ist (Environmental Impact Assessment Act)

    The Environmental Impact Assessment Act (UVPG) was adopted for the first time in 1990 and most recently amended in 2024. This law ensures that environmental considerations are integrated into the decision-making process, promoting sustainable development and protecting natural and cultural heritage. The main purpose of the UVPG is to provide a systematic process for assessing the potential environmental impacts of proposed projects. This includes not only direct effects on the natural environment but also indirect effects on human health, biodiversity, cultural heritage, and socio-economic conditions. By requiring thorough environmental assessments,

    Loi du 11 janvier 1990 autorisant le Gouvernement à procéder à la transformation de l’Hospice St. Jean en Musée d’Histoire Naturelle

    The legislation discussed in the document focuses on the transformation of an old hospice into a Museum of Natural History in Luxembourg-Grund. This initiative includes the reconfiguration of the building, the installation of specific scientific equipment, and the provision of furniture to support educational purposes. The allocated budget for this project is set at a maximum of 491,000,000 francs, with provisions for potential price increases during the construction period. The authorization granted by the government underscores the importance of preserving heritage through the adaptive reuse of historical buildings for educational

    Pliktavleveringslova – avlvl.

    This legislation aims to ensure the preservation and accessibility of documents that contain information about Norwegian culture and society, for research and documentation purposes. This law stipulates that public institutions, such as libraries, archives, and museums, must offer their archives to the national collections. The main objective of this legislation is to help future generations understand Norwegian heritage, culture, and societal development, by preserving these documents as a record for those periods of time. This law focuses on ensuring that publicly available documents, such as books, newspapers, magazines, and digital

    Nye forskrifter til kulturminneloven om faglig ansvarsområde mv. delegasjon

    This legislation outlines new regulations pertaining to Norway’s Cultural Heritage Act. Its purpose is to delegate responsibility for preserving cultural heritage sites to local authorities and streamline decision-making processes to ensure timely protection. The legislation establishes a comprehensive list of criteria to determine which historic sites should be preserved, including their scientific and cultural significance and any ties to local history. It also mandates that any decisions made about a site’s protection must be publicly registered and announced in local newspapers. Heritage professionals and enthusiasts will find the legislation’s focus

    Laki Suomenlinnan hoitokunnasta

    This legislation establishes the management framework for the Suomenlinna fortress in Helsinki, which is a recognized UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Suomenlinna fortress served as an important military base for centuries, and now it is a popular tourist destination. The law grants the Ministry of Education the mandate to oversee the Suomenlinna’s management through the Suomenlinna Governing Body. The Body is responsible for the preservation, administration, maintenance, and restoration of the buildings and areas within the fortress complex. The law outlines the roles and responsibilities of the Suomenlinna Governing Body

    Arrêté de l’Exécutif de la Communauté française fixant la procédure de reconnaissance des armoiries, sceaux et drapeaux des villes et communes

    This legislation outlines the formal process for the recognition of coats of arms, seals, and flags of cities and municipalities within the French Community of Belgium. It establishes a structured procedure that municipalities must follow when seeking official recognition of their heraldic symbols. The document emphasises the importance of historical continuity and the preservation of cultural heritage through the maintenance and recognition of these symbolic representations. One key aspect highlighted in the legislation is the requirement for municipalities to submit detailed projects and sketches to the Council of Heraldry and


    This legislation ensures the fair compensation of authors for the use of their works in libraries and archives, while also supporting the preservation of heritage for public access and education. The law was established by the Norwegian government to acknowledge the importance of authors’ contributions and to support cultural institutions that maintain national heritage. The legislation requires that authors receive annual compensation for the use of their works in public libraries, archives, and museums. The law ensures that authors receive fair compensation through budgetary appropriations, offering support to the authors

    Film- og videogramlova – filml.

    This legislation pertains to the regulation of film and videogram presentation and distribution in Norway. Its aim is to ensure compliance with national standards of decency, safety, and artistic integrity in the public screening and commercial distribution of audiovisual content. A key feature of this regulation is the classification of films and videograms according to age ranges and content advisories. This system is enforced by local authorities who have the power to prohibit, postpone, or restrict public screenings that do not meet the established criteria. Similarly, commercial distributors are required

    Règlement ministériel du 29 mai 1986 portant réorganisation du Conseil National de la Culture

    This legislation addresses the reorganisation of the National Cultural Council, emphasising its role in advising on cultural policies and issues in Luxembourg. The document outlines the composition of the Council, including representatives from various cultural sectors such as music, dance, literature, and visual arts. It highlights the Council’s mission to study and promote cultural development, democratisation, and creativity within the Grand Duchy. Furthermore, the legislation details the Council’s responsibilities, which involve providing recommendations to the Minister of Cultural Affairs, offering insights on cultural matters, and fostering cultural expression and innovation.

    Loi du 28 mars 1986 autorisant le Gouvernement à procéder au réaménagement de l’ancien hospice St Jean à Luxembourg-Grund pour les besoins du musée d’histoire naturelle

    This legislation focuses on the renovation and repurposing of the former St Jean hospice in Luxembourg-Grund to establish a museum of natural history. The law authorises the government to proceed with the transformation of the hospice, including the necessary infrastructure and equipment for the museum. It outlines specific budgetary constraints and funding mechanisms to ensure the project’s financial sustainability. The document emphasises the importance of preserving cultural heritage through the adaptive reuse of historical buildings for educational and public benefit. By repurposing the hospice into a museum, the legislation aims

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