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  • RA Law “On the Fundamentals of Cultural Legislation”

    The “On the Fundamentals of Cultural Legislation” law of the Republic of Armenia, accepted on November 20, 2002, outlines the foundational principles and structures guiding the nation’s cultural policy. The law’s primary objectives are to ensure and protect the constitutional rights of Armenian citizens to freedom of speech, creativity, and participation in cultural life. It aims to regulate the relationships between participants in cultural activities, define the principles of state cultural policy, and provide legal bases for state support to culture while ensuring non-interference in the creative process. The state

    Décret relatif à l’octroi de subventions aux collectivités locales pour les projets d’infrastructures culturelles

    This legislation focuses on providing subsidies to local communities for cultural infrastructure projects, aiming to enhance heritage preservation and promote cultural development. It outlines criteria for granting subsidies based on the project’s alignment with cultural policies, architectural quality, and community engagement. The document categorises infrastructure investments into small and large projects, each with specific cost thresholds and subsidy considerations. One key aspect highlighted is the requirement for local communities receiving subsidies to maintain the designated use of the funded infrastructure for at least fifteen years. This ensures the long-term preservation

    Décret relatif aux biens culturels mobiliers et au patrimoine immatériel de la Communauté française

    This legislation focuses on the protection and promotion of cultural heritage within the French Community. It outlines criteria for designating living cultural treasures and intangible heritage masterpieces, aiming to safeguard unique skills and knowledge at risk of disappearing. The document also addresses the allocation of subsidies to support events preserving cultural manifestations, emphasising the importance of recording these expressions for future generations. Furthermore, the legislation specifies categories of cultural goods, including archaeological objects and elements from historical monuments, subject to preservation regulations. It highlights the significance of objects with over

    Loi n° 2002-5 du 4 janvier 2002 relative aux musées de France

    The legislation establishes a comprehensive framework for museums in France, enhancing their role in cultural preservation and public education. It underscores the importance of safeguarding cultural heritage and promoting public access to museum collections. Key themes include the classification of museums as “Musées de France,” which mandates adherence to national standards for collection management, conservation, and public service. The law emphasises the responsibility of museums to ensure the preservation, research, and enhancement of their collections. The legislation also introduces measures to improve the governance of museums, including the creation of

    Νόμος 3028/2002 (A 153/28-06-2002) Για την προστασία των Αρχαιοτήτων και εν γένει της Πολιτιστικής Κληρονομιάς

    The law presents a comprehensive and detailed system of protection of movable and immovable monuments, artifacts, intangible heritage, state ownership of monuments pre-dating 1453 and classification of more recent monuments/artifacts. The concept of cultural heritage is broadened to include all cultural property located in Greece, including immovable monuments and sites, movable cultural objects and intangible heritage. Also, the concept of protection is broadened to cover, in particular, the identification, research, documentation, access and social, aesthetic and educational use of cultural heritage, in addition to its physical conservation and preservation. Different

    Law 3028/2002: On the Protection of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage in general.

    The law presents a comprehensive and detailed system of protection of movable and immovable monuments, artifacts, intangible heritage, state ownership of monuments pre-dating 1453 and classification of more recent monuments/artifacts. The concept of cultural heritage is broadened to include all cultural property located in Greece, including immovable monuments and sites, movable cultural objects and intangible heritage. Also, the concept of protection is broadened to cover, in particular, the identification, research, documentation, access and social, aesthetic and educational use of cultural heritage, in addition to its physical conservation and preservation. Different

    Loi n° 2002-6 du 4 janvier 2002 relative à la création d’établissements publics de coopération culturelle

    The legislation establishes a framework for creating public cultural cooperation establishments in France, aiming to enhance the management and preservation of cultural heritage. It sets the foundation for fostering collaboration between various public and private entities involved in cultural activities. Key themes include the definition and purpose of these establishments, emphasising their role in promoting and managing cultural heritage. The legislation outlines the criteria for establishing these entities, ensuring they meet specific standards and contribute to the cultural landscape. The law also details the governance structure of these establishments, highlighting

    Закон України No. 1805-III. Про охорону культурної спадщини

    The law, comprising ten chapters and forty-nine articles, sets forth comprehensive regulations regarding cultural heritage preservation in Ukraine. In its first article, crucial terms such as cultural heritage, monument, and protection protocols are defined, with reference to international UNESCO and UN recommendations spanning archaeological excavation, museum accessibility, and prevention of illegal cultural value transfer. The second article introduces a classification system for cultural heritage objects based on form and type, encompassing buildings, complexes, attractions, and various categories like archaeological, historical, and monumental art. The second chapter of the law designates

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