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  • 214/2002 Sb. Zákon o vývozu některých kulturních statků z celního území Evropské unie

    The Act No 214/2002 Coll., on the Export of Certain Cultural Goods from the Customs Territory of the European Communities draws on the Council Regulation (EC) No 116/2009 of 18 December 2008 on the export of cultural goods published by the Council of the European Union. The law establishes the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Interior in case of archival materials as responsible for granting export permits. The Act explains the timeframe and conditions of their issue. According to this Act, the Customs Office is responsible for deciding

    DECRETO LEGISLATIVO 22 gennaio 2004, n. 42. Codice dei beni culturali e del paesaggio, ai sensi dell’articolo 10 della legge 6 luglio 2002, n. 137 (Legislative decree of January 22, 2004. Cultural Heritage and Landscape Code, pursuant to Article 10 of Law 137 of 6 July 2002)

    The “Decreto Legislativo 22 gennaio 2004, n. 42” (Legislative Decree of January 22, 2004, No. 42) establishes the Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape in Italy. This decree serves to safeguard, preserve, and enhance Italy’s rich cultural heritage and landscapes, recognizing their fundamental role in national identity and societal well-being. The decree covers a comprehensive framework for the identification, protection, conservation, and valorization of cultural properties. It defines cultural heritage as including immovable and movable items of artistic, historical, archaeological, ethno-anthropological, archival, and bibliographical interest, as well as other assets

    Europeisk kulturhovedstad

    The legislation in question focuses on European Capitals of Culture. This annual initiative is a chance to bring European citizens together, celebrating the diversity of European cultures. The programme was established by the European Union to promote a greater understanding of the peoples and cultures that make up the continent. Each year, one or two cities are selected as European Capitals of Culture, giving them the opportunity to showcase their cultural heritage to the rest of Europe. This document lays out the procedure for selecting cities to be European Capitals

    Gjennomføring av opphavsrettsdirektivet

    The legislation discussed in this text aims to implement the EU’s directive on copyright law within the Norwegian Copyright Act. The directive, issued as part of the EU’s efforts to protect the interests of copyright owners while also promoting the use of copyrighted works by others, looks to maintain balance between these two groups. The proposed legislation, therefore, also seeks to achieve similar balance between these interests in Norway. The legislation is of particular importance to the heritage sector, as it seeks to address copyright issues that often arise in

    Закон України. Про охорону археологічної спадщини

    The law is designed to regulate relations concerning the preservation of Ukraine’s archaeological heritage, recognized as an essential part of global cultural heritage and an irreplaceable source of historical knowledge. It outlines the rights and responsibilities of researchers involved in archaeological heritage studies. With 8 chapters and 298 articles, the law covers a wide range of aspects related to archaeological heritage management. Chapter I establishes fundamental concepts, lists relevant Ukrainian laws, and outlines the primary objectives of Ukrainian legislation regarding archaeological heritage protection. Chapter II focuses on state administration of

    Code du patrimoine

    This French legislation governing the protection and management of cultural heritage aims to safeguard the nation’s rich historical, artistic, and architectural assets. It establishes guidelines for the preservation, enhancement, and promotion of heritage sites, ensuring their integrity for future generations. This legal framework addresses various aspects of heritage conservation, including the identification and classification of historical monuments, sites, and objects. It mandates thorough documentation and research to maintain accurate records of the nation’s cultural wealth. The legislation also outlines procedures for restoration and maintenance, emphasising the importance of using appropriate

    Gesetz über den Natur- und Landschaftsschutz, Naturschutzgesetz, NSchG (Law on the Protection of Nature and Landscape)

    The “Gesetz über den Natur- und Landschaftsschutz” aims at protecting and preserving the natural environment and landscapes in the canton of Nidwalden. This law emphasises the importance of maintaining ecological balance and the scenic beauty of the region, recognizing their significance for both environmental health and the well-being of the community. It provides a structured framework for the conservation and sustainable management of natural habitats, landscapes, and biodiversity. The law outlines specific measures for the protection of various natural elements, including forests, water bodies, and wildlife habitats. It mandates comprehensive

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