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  • Memorandum of Understanding for co-operation in the field of Cultural Heritage between Malta and the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

    The MoU published by the Ministry For Foreign And European Affairs And Trade establishes a cooperation between Heritage Malta, the national government entity entrusted with the care, management and conservation of Cultural Heritage, now under the Ministry for the National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government, and the Antiquities Authority of the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. Although on the national level there have been institutional reforms, the MoU is still in force. The objective of the MoU is to foster and develop the relationship between the two authorities

    Loi du 14 janvier 2000

    Exploring the intersection of intellectual property rights and heritage preservation, this legislation delves into the protection of authors’ works and related rights. It emphasises the need for international cooperation to establish uniform rules for safeguarding literary and artistic creations effectively. The document outlines key provisions regarding the rights of performers and producers, highlighting exclusive rights and obligations in the realm of copyright. Furthermore, the legislation addresses the significance of international agreements in clarifying and adapting copyright laws to evolving economic landscapes. It underscores the importance of upholding the rights of

    Règlement grand-ducal du 8 janvier 2007 relatif à la rémunération équitable pour prêt public

    This legislation addresses various aspects of heritage preservation and management, impacting the cultural landscape significantly. It delves into regulations concerning fair remuneration for public lending, aiming to support artists and creators. Additionally, the document discusses the technical and operational conditions of Luxembourg’s airport, emphasising safety and efficiency in aviation operations. Furthermore, the legislation touches upon the management of household waste, reflecting a commitment to environmental sustainability and community well-being. It highlights the importance of proper waste disposal practices for a cleaner and healthier living environment. Moreover, the document outlines the

    Loi 3520/2006: Ratification de la Convention sur la protection et la promotion de la diversité des expressions culturelles.

    The Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions underscores the importance of cultural diversity in the global context and seeks to create a framework for the protection and promotion of cultural expressions at both the national and international levels. It highlights the connection between culture, development, and human rights. The convention defines cultural expressions as those that result from the creativity of individuals, groups, and societies, and that have cultural content. This includes various forms such as language, literature, music, dance, theater, rituals, customs, and

    Νόμος 3520/2006 (274/Α/22-12-2006): Σύμβαση για την προστασία και την προώθηση της πολυμορφίας των πολιτιστικών εκφράσεων.

    The Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions underscores the importance of cultural diversity in the global context and seeks to create a framework for the protection and promotion of cultural expressions at both the national and international levels. It highlights the connection between culture, development, and human rights. The convention defines cultural expressions as those that result from the creativity of individuals, groups, and societies, and that have cultural content. This includes various forms such as language, literature, music, dance, theater, rituals, customs, and

    Loi 3521/2006: Ratification de la Convention pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel.

    The Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage recognizes the importance of preserving living cultural traditions and practices, giving them the same level of attention as tangible cultural heritage. It emphasizes a community-centered and participatory approach to ensure the continuity and vitality of intangible cultural heritage. Communities are considered key stakeholders and are expected to actively participate in decision-making processes. The convention defines intangible cultural heritage as the practices, representations, expressions, knowledge, skills, and the associated instruments, objects, artifacts, and cultural spaces that communities, groups, and, in some

    Νόμος 3521/2006 (275/Α/22-12-2006): Κύρωση της Σύμβασης για την Προστασία της Άυλης Πολιτιστικής Κληρονομιάς.

    The Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage recognizes the importance of preserving living cultural traditions and practices, giving them the same level of attention as tangible cultural heritage. It emphasizes a community-centered and participatory approach to ensure the continuity and vitality of intangible cultural heritage. Communities are considered key stakeholders and are expected to actively participate in decision-making processes. The convention defines intangible cultural heritage as the practices, representations, expressions, knowledge, skills, and the associated instruments, objects, artifacts, and cultural spaces that communities, groups, and, in some

    Loi du 13 décembre 2006 portant approbation de la Convention de l’UNESCO sur la protection et la promotion de la diversité des expressions culturelles, faite à Paris, le 9 décembre 2005

    This legislation focuses on the protection and promotion of cultural diversity, particularly in the realm of expressions of cultural heritage. It emphasises the importance of safeguarding various forms of cultural expressions within and between societies. Urgent measures can be implemented to preserve and enhance cultural diversity, with Parties required to report on their actions to address cultural expression needs. The Convention highlights the significance of sharing information, transparency, and international cooperation to support cultural diversity. One of the key aspects of the legislation is the emphasis on education and public

    Schéma régional du patrimoine naturel et de la biodiversité en Bretagne

    This report outlines a strategic framework designed to preserve and enhance the natural heritage and biodiversity of Brittany, recognising the region’s unique environmental and cultural identity. With its extensive coastline, diverse landscapes, and rich ecosystems, Brittany faces pressures from human activities such as agriculture, tourism, and marine exploitation. These activities have increasingly threatened the region’s ecological balance, prompting a need for coordinated preservation efforts. The framework underscores Brittany’s commitment to aligning with national and international biodiversity conservation goals. It emphasises the importance of sustainable management practices that not only protect

    Règlement grand-ducal du 25 août 2006 relatif au droit de suite

    This legislation addresses crucial aspects of heritage preservation and management, impacting various cultural and historical sites. It focuses on regulating the resale rights of original artworks and the licensing of specific artistic creations. Additionally, the document outlines temporary traffic regulations on designated road sections to protect heritage sites from potential damage caused by excessive traffic. Furthermore, the legislation introduces social assistance criteria tailored to the needs and compositions of households, aiming to support individuals seeking protection internationally. It also includes tax adjustments in specific municipalities to ensure sustainable urban development

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