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  • კანონი სახელმწიფო ეკოლოგიური ექსპერტიზის შესახებ # 426

    The purpose of the Law on State Ecological Expertise is to ensure control over the preservation of the ecological balance of the environment based on the consideration of environmental protection requirements, rational use of nature and the principles of sustainable development. It sets the main principles of state ecological expertise which are: 1. Risk assessment of potential environmental hazards of the activity; 2. The complexity of the assessment of its possible impact on the environment before the start of the activity; 3. Consideration of environmental requirements and environmental protection norms;

    Laki kulttuuriaineistojen tallettamisesta ja säilyttämisestä

    In an effort to preserve Finland’s national culture for future generations, the Finnish government has passed a law on the deposit and preservation of cultural materials. The law applies to printed materials and recordings produced in Finland, as well as those produced abroad but intended for distribution within Finnish territories. The law also covers films and their related materials, as well as certain digital content made available in the country. The law mandates that the National Library of Finland be responsible for preserving and providing access to deposited cultural materials,

    Ley 42/2007, de 13 de diciembre, del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad

    This legislative document establishes a comprehensive framework for the preservation, sustainable use, promotion, and restoration of natural heritage and biodiversity. Aligned with constitutional obligations, it aims to ensure an environment conducive to individual development while conserving and enjoying natural resources. The law’s guiding principles include preserving vital ecological processes, conserving biodiversity, and engaging local communities in conservation efforts within protected areas. Key aspects of the law emphasise the integration of conservation and sustainability requirements into sectoral policies. It advocates for the inclusion of environmental considerations in political, economic, and social

    კანონი კულტურული მემკვიდრეობის შესახებ #4708

    The Georgian Law on Cultural Heritage is an informative source about Georgia’s cultural properties, this document covers the legal requirements and recommendations for protecting and maintaining these properties. The cultural properties’ visual and physical security perimeter is a significant point in the documentation, from determining the appropriate radius for cultural properties to identifying what activities are permitted within these perimeters. Moreover, the Law expands on various regulations and exemptions surrounding small-scale architectural structures and minor modifications to existing buildings that do not pose a threat to the cultural property’s structure

    Law of Georgian on Cultural Heritage #4708

    The Georgian Law on Cultural Heritage is an informative source about Georgia’s cultural properties, this document covers the legal requirements and recommendations for protecting and maintaining these properties. The cultural properties’ visual and physical security perimeter is a significant point in the documentation, from determining the appropriate radius for cultural properties to identifying what activities are permitted within these perimeters. Moreover, the Law expands on various regulations and exemptions surrounding small-scale architectural structures and minor modifications to existing buildings that do not pose a threat to the cultural property’s structure

    Eesti Kultuurkapitali seadus

    The legal act establishes the Cultural Endowment of Estonia as a legal person in public law, the objective of the activities of which is to support the arts, folk culture, physical fitness and sport and the construction and renovation of cultural buildings by the purposeful accumulation of funds and distribution thereof for specific purposes. Grants of the Cultural Endowment for individuals are equivalent to state grants. The specific functions of the Cultural Endowment are to: support projects which promote, introduce and popularise the arts and sport, artistic associations, research related

    Decreto-Lei nº 94/2007, de 29 de março: Orgânica da Cinemateca Portuguesa – Museu do Cinema, I. P.

    This decree-law approves the organisational structure of the Cinemateca Portuguesa-Museu do Cinema, an entity that, since its creation by Decree-Law no. 59/80, had experienced a situation of great statutory imprecision. This legislation establishes the nature and operating regime of the Cinemateca Portuguesa-Museu do Cinema, whose duties include, within the scope of protecting and preserving the heritage related to moving images, not only cinema, but also any and all audiovisual documents, regardless of their medium (including, therefore, video-graphic and digital media). This policy was amended by Decree-Law no. 59/2010, which created


    The Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions was adopted on 20 October 2005 in Paris, France. It entered into force on 18 March 2007 and currently has 156 parties. The Convention is deposited with UNESCO and was registered at the UN on 5 June 2007, with registration number 43977. It focuses on culture and is a type of international instrument known as a convention. The Convention underscores the importance of cultural diversity as a defining characteristic of humanity and a common heritage that must

    Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions. Paris, 20 October 2005

    The Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions was adopted on 20 October 2005 in Paris, France. It entered into force on 18 March 2007 and currently has 156 parties. The Convention is deposited with UNESCO and was registered at the UN on 5 June 2007, with registration number 43977. It focuses on culture and is a type of international instrument known as a convention. The Convention underscores the importance of cultural diversity as a defining characteristic of humanity and a common heritage that must

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